WebNovelVamp Wine23.53%


Noire opens the hood of the car and checks it if there's a problem

Her eyes glow making her blue eyes more obvious while donning a serious expression

Kallen amused by that scene

meanwhile, their surroundings are full of mutant corpses that have gone white and a glowing red sword due to their initial cleanup...

Noire's eyes dim and look at Kallen

Noire: We just need a core to run this car

Kallen: I have a mid-rank core

Kallen tosses the core towards Noire

Noire catches it and put the core in the energy conversion centre of the engine

Noire closes the hood and goes to the driver's seat door

Kallen: do you have a key?

Noire: no, but I have the key to solve it

Noire grabs the sword and takes some blood inside of it

her eyes glows blue again and looked intently into the keyhole

the blood looks to become more like a key and it hardens into a reddish metal

Noire insert it into the keyhole and turns it making it click, she opens the door to remove the stale air inside of it and uses the buttons on the door to open the windows

Noire goes inside and unlocks the passenger seat

Noire inserts the key on the steering wheel and starts the engine of the car

the car dashboard lights up and it shows the energy meter of the car is 99% full

Noire: There are no moulds that can be seen so it's fine I guess...

Kallen enters she closed the door and straps her seat belts

Noire locked the doors with the control panel and started to rev up the engine making the car shake for a while and calm down

Noire: then let's go

Noire tried to reach the accelerator

the scene made Kallen giggle

Noire looks at Kallen

Noire: can you drive?

Kallen: yes

They changed positions and Kallen is on the wheel

[Noire is 130 cm or 4'3 while Kallen is 170 cm or 5'7]

Noire: it's unfair... being tall

Noire seemed upset that she isn't tall as her previous body

Kallen just laughs it off and drives the car


in the middle of the hazy road, a black car that has Blue lines flowing on its body can be seen fastly driving

Kallen: Can you tell me what is the next training regime?

Noire: let me think... You have finished Manipulating the External energy in just a week, It's supposed to be Internal Manipulation, and Augmentation is the last

Noire: I won't say anything more than that... so continue to drive

Kallen: Okay~


They arrived in the city while there was a military that stops them from entering and knocks on the window making Kallen opens it

Militant: Can you please give your ID

Kallen: sure!

Kallen grabs her phone and the militant gets a device connected some wire to the phone and it glows green

the militant looked at Noire

Noire: (What should I do?!!! an alibi of some sort)

the militant ignored Noire and grabs another device and scan Kallen

militant: No infection

he scanned Noire

militant: No infection, you can pass

he signalled another guard to open the roadblock and Kallen drives towards the inside of the city and closes the window

Noire: (What the fuck? am I a child in their eyes?!!! I mean it's convenient but... my adult pride...)

Kallen: I didn't think the military didn't check your ID

Noire: well... I'm well known after all...

Kallen drives while looking at the ominous sword that is between Noire's legs

Kallen: Arc city this should be easy to navigate...

Noire: (So this is Arc city?!!! never heard of it....)

Noire: we should exchange our cores first and leave some for the car

Kallen: Okay how many cores do you have?

Noire: twenty, my bag can't handle many cores at once

Kallen: do you have no inventory?

Noire: (I'm going to act like I know that and spout nonsense)

Noire: my device is broken so I can't access mine right now

Kallen: ehh?! then that means your ID, and Balance is locked out too

Noire: yes... (wait so they use pure digital currency right now? and IDs and somehow the device can hold your stuff?!!!)

Kallen: after we completely exchange our cores we could head to the repair shop

Noire: (I can fix my creation... but it's not bad to see if they have the ability to fix it)

Noire: okay...

Kallen parked the car in the parking lot easily and turns off the car

They both get out of the vehicle and walks to the building that looks like a giant hotel

Noire: (By the looks of it and from what we talked about earlier this is the exchange centre but also the trade, auction, and have leisure facilities inside of this giant building)

Kallen walks towards the inside of it and Noire moves with her

Noire: (As expected of my student she caught the people's attention)

Due to the sword on Noire's back, some people that want to approach Kallen seem repelled

Noire: (This is the exchange area)

It seemed to look like a pharmacy based on what it designed

Kallen seemed to talk amiably to the woman at the counter

Noire: (Due to the fewer non-humans I found, I guess this is a human city)

Kallen: Noire can you give me the cores that are inside of your bag

Noire nods and turns back at Kallen to show the zipper of her bag

Kallen unzips the bag and gets the high-rank core and several mid-rank ones

Kallen: Hmm... a giant metallic sphere?

Noire: That's my device

Kallen: no wonder you can't get a new one, this looks very expensive

Noire: yeah... it's been with me for several years already (I should probably build a body for Meow after I got more materials or funds)

Kallen: wait for me I'll process this real quick

Noire: of course (Not like I can ditch you, to be honest)

Noire: Let's see what I can see here...

Noire: to be honest it looks more like a funhouse than a government-owned one

Noire: (With everyone's get up you think they are just normal citizens but in Actuality, they have lowkey weapons unlike mine that radiates attention)

Noire: even some weapons that look like a gun but it's so inconspicuous even you held on to it

Noire: (that person seems to have an ulterior motive)

it's a person that has a bulky body and is approaching Kallen

Noire: (I saw this scene so many times, they will accidentally brush their hands Into a girl's peach and say sorry they didn't look what they are going)

Noire: (some of them just fake trip just to touch a girl's body)

Noire: ( human and Horni seem flourishing)

the guy is almost near Kallen when an officer who has a hat that has the letters F.B.I appears in the corner looking at the man in the eyes deadlocked

Making the man flinch and strut away

Noire: (Didn't think they protect underage girls I thought its an Internet meme)

Kallen finished her transactions and goes toward Noire

Kallen: Let's go

Noire nodded and they started walking back to the car
