WebNovelVamp Wine25.49%


Kallen and Noire entered a futuristic store that has some drones flying and lots of gadgets and auxiliary on display that can be used for everyday life

they have approached a young-looking man that has a Blue visor and wears a neat black uniform that has LEDs on the seams

Kallen: Excuse me, did you accept device repairs?

Technician: Yes we are, may I know what type the device that needs repairs

Noire approaches the man and reaches out to meow

the Technician inspects Meow

Technician: Is this kind of projector drone?

Noire: close... It's a multi-purpose drone that can do what a cellphone does, can project things, can shoot lasers, and has an advanced A. I that can act as a companion

Technician: That's... certainly interesting, also the material to make this is cheap do you know who made this?

Noire: (She is in front of you mortal! bow and praised me like there's no tomorrow hahahahahaha!)

Noire: unfortunately I forgot because it's been a long time

Technician: I see... what a shame

Technician: I will scan this to see what parts need to replace

Kallen: please

The Technician left and goes to some sort of machine in the store

Kallen: aren't you curious about how much you earned from the cores?

Noire: Nope... I'll just ask you to give me some money from time to time if my device didn't get repaired

Kallen: I'm pretty sure it will be repaired

Noire: (The outer materials just look cheap but in Actuality, they are made of platinum-gold which is very much resilient)

Noire: I will hate it if they put the cheapest part they had on meow

Kallen wants to speak but she got cut off by Noire

Noire: I don't want to hear that 'anything is okay as long it runs' type of sentence, I have my pride as an inventor and to put something that isn't aligned with my standards is akin to insulting me and slapping me on the face in an Oscar award

Kallen: I just want to say that we will rent a room in a hotel and plan for our next destination

Noire: okay... my bad (That's awkward)

the Technician comes back and dispersed the awkward air

Technician: please don't be shocked or anything... but not only the main screen is broken it seemed the memory bank and the trace lines are broken as well

Noire: wait... you said the memory bank is broken? are you sure?!

Noire seemed shaken and is trying hard to not tear up

Technician: Yes... I'm sorry

Noire just grabs meow and runs away without looking back

she runs and runs until tears are dropping onto the ground not minding the people she bumped into

she hid in the dark alleyway and tries to shrink herself into the tightly enclosed space

Noire: I'm... all alone... nothing left... why to continue...?

Noire conjures a knife using her blood

the knife gleams on its white sheen that radiates holy energy that can easily purify the wicked

Noire: This is the first time I saw a weapon made of my blood

Noire: Why I am here again? strange... I can't remember

Noire: maybe it's nothing important if I forgot about it...

Noire: ehh? why do I have tears? strange

Noire walks out from the dark corner into the light

Noire: I should find... who should I find?

Noire: ehhh?!! wait... I'm pretty sure I have a good memory yet I don't know who should I find?

Noire: this weird Orb in my hand since when did I have it?

Noire: don't tell me I forgot my name hahahaha... what is my name again?

Noire: what...? ehh...?

Kallen: Noire there you are!!!

Noire: (such a pretty individual) hey miss what is your name?

Kallen: Noire doesn't joke around...

Noire: who is Noire?

Kallen looked at Noire who is happily smiling like a child that fits on its current body

Kallen: my name is Kallen Kaslana

Noire: Kallen? that's a nice name!

Kallen grabs Noire's hands and drags her

Noire: Huh? stop! unhand me!

Kallen: we are just going to the Hospital

Noire: why? don't tell me you want to sell my organs?!

Noire: you are a bad person let me go!!

Kallen: please cooperate I just want to see what's wrong with you suddenly

Noire: Huh? there's nothing wrong with me! I'm perfectly sane!

Kallen: Please

A single word that is filled with grief and resolution

Noire stops struggling after hearing that... and looked at Kallen's eyes

Noire: why do you look at me like that? I didn't do anything wrong... I just want to have someone to lean to yet all of them slipped away in my hands

Noire: am I evil?, am I not worthy to live?, why do I feel this way?, why do I think unnecessary things?

Noire: many questions have come into my mind and I'm sick of it... that's why I don't care anymore and live what I want

Noire: But I don't know why I lost my memories...

Kallen: then how about I'll be part of your life until you can solve those questions?

Noire: you? Will you not leave me?

Kallen: I won't

Noire: then prove it!

Kallen raised her pinky finger

Noire: such childishness! but I will agree to it

Noire locks her pinky finger into Kallen

Kallen: then let's go

Kallen holds Noire's hands and walks side by side


Doctor: I'm afraid it's a Dissociative Amnesia

Kallen: I see... but this is so sudden, she is okay yesterday

Doctor: that... I'm afraid I can't answer that but she is probably have experienced a trauma

the doctor looked at Noire

Doctor: what is the thing you are afraid of?

Noire: being alone! I hate being alone! I don't want to be alone!

Doctor: it seemed she lost someone important to her that her brain simply locked that person away including her own identity

Kallen: Noire, do you know what is your job?

Noire: Of course! Chemist, inventor, mechanic, gunsmith, bladesmith, and instructor

Doctor: it seemed the amnesia only locks the people, I'm not sure how long it will take to come back but it's not permanently removed so please reassured

Kallen: thank you

Kallen grabs Noire's hand and goes outside

Kallen: we should register you because you don't have an ID yet

Noire: really?!

Kallen: yes (I shouldn't mention that her device is destroyed because maybe that's the trigger)
