WebNovelVamp Wine76.47%


Noire is waiting for Kallen outside of her school

Noire: Rita do I look good?

Rita: yes, you are very good looking today as well Master

Noire: thanks

Noire is wearing a simple peach-colored dress and her blonde hair is flowing freely in the wind

with her get up, she looked like an innocent girl that can't hurt a fly

Kallen: Noire!

Kallen arrived wearing a jacket, simple shorts, and a t-shirt

Noire: you look great

Kallen: thanks, you look like a princess Noire

Noire: it's because I am your princess...

Kallen is stunned after hearing that and smiled

Kallen: well as my princess won't you kiss this Prince?

Because Kallen leans toward Noire she took the opportunity to kiss Kallen

making the surrounding passerby almost trip and some of them collided with something

Kallen: then my fair princess where do you want to go?

Noire: well...


Noire is happily eating ice cream while Kallen is admiring the cheerful girl

Kallen: (still... why do I dream that nightmare?)

Kallen: (Noire's figure is overlapping with the girl that is at the center of a giant cross...)

Kallen: (dreams aren't real anyway... I should have fun with Noire for today)

Noire: can we buy more sweets?

Kallen: of course


In a dilapidated room, Kallen can be seen on the ground starting to wake up

Kallen: again?

Kallen: why do my dreams are like this?

Kallen stands up and dusts off her clothes

Kallen: I wish I could get the answer I need this time

Kallen opens the door, behind the door is a spacious space that looks like the inside of the church

but instead of benches hundreds of weapons that glow in black and white can be seen and a giant golden chains from the walls connecting to the giant cross in the middle

Kallen: why does the cross be lower than before? I'm sure the cross is on mid-air last time that I saw

Kallen walks towards the cross and corpses started to appear on the weapons

Kallen gags seeing the different body parts scattered inside the room

Kallen's tried her hardest to ignore it

Kallen: this is just a dream...

Kallen's breath started to stabilize

Kallen continues walking and the scene changes once more making the body parts more vivid and blood is starting to stain the floor

Kallen arrived near the altar and the girl on the cross has pale blond hair and wearing a gothic black dress near her was a broken rapier that had lost its glow, and a broken sphere

Kallen: Noire? no... she isn't... it can't be...

Kallen runs closer and the surroundings briefly become distorted

the girl is being shackled by the chains coming from the cross and a flaming sword is pierced through her heart blood can be seen seeping from the wound

Kallen is afraid of lifting the girl's face

Kallen: this is just a dream... nothing here will happen in reality...

Kallen lift the girl's face and what greeted her is a very familiar face that she had always seen but her bright blue eyes have been turned dull

Kallen woke up panting and her heart beating loudly that it made her feel suffocating

Noire: what's wrong?

Kallen looks at the awakened Noire whose bright blue eyes full of worry

she calms down and relaxed her tense nerves

Kallen: nothing at all

she proceeded to hug Noire

Noire: I see...

Kallen: sorry I woke you up, let's go back to sleep

Noire: un...


Kallen is sitting in her classroom and the scene in her dream is still vivid in her mind

Yae: what's wrong?

Kallen: Yae...

Yae sits near Kallen

Yae: you looked troubled

Kallen: it's nothing I just lack sleep that's all

Yae: yesterday is a rest day though...

Kallen: I play a game overnight and sleep when it's 2 in the morning

Yae: Is that so?

Kallen: yes

The school bell ring indicating that the class will start


Kallen enters her room a bit absentmindedly, she lay down on her bed looking at the ceiling

Kallen: why do I feel that it will happen... it keeps repeating in my head...

Kallen: I need to get stronger... fake or not it's better to be safe than sorry

Kallen: But how? I'm still at school and Noire has a job so she can't train me that much...

Kallen: maybe Neko has a way...

[( ̄▽ ̄) what are you murmuring about?]

Kallen: Neko, I'm thinking about how to train without disrupting my studies and my time towards Noire

[(≧▽≦) I know! its the simulation world or Virtual world where time is slower than the real world]

[(*¯︶¯*)You can ask Noire to create you one because she is working in the RnD division]

Kallen: That's easy?

[(⌒▽⌒)☆ Of course not! I will help you tweak it so you can safely use it without consequences]

Kallen: I'll take your word for it, by the way, what are you doing?

[(* ̄▽ ̄)b I'm monitoring if the investment that I made is successful and I'm watching the idol group called vocaloids]

Kallen: Vocaloid?

[(✧ω✧) it's a group of idols who performed inside of the virtual space instead of the physical world]

Kallen: That's interesting...

[(╯✧▽✧)╯Of course, They are interesting! let me tell you a rundown about the history of Vocaloid and why Miku is the most popular one]


Noire is creating her FK 2.0 and she is still in the design phase

Noire: I could make it a sword that can emit large volumes of electricity when you hit it with something... though it is surely an anti mech weapon

Noire: I should proceed with the original intention to create a sword that can shoot without using energies that can kill a giant super beast and can melt anything it cut

Noire: after completing that I will make sure to create different variants

the phone vibrates catching Noire's attention

Noire reads the message

Noire: I could do that in less than an hour I just need the permission to get the materials from the depot

Noire: I should just need to talk to Closure or maybe Dr. Tsuyumi

Noire: wait I still need the blueprints

|Noire: Neko do you still have the blueprints of the virtual dive?|

|Neko: I have! what do you need?|

|Noire: the newest one|

|Neko: OK! though I edit some things because it's inefficient|

|Noire: thank you|

|Neko: instead of thanking me, how about you give me a body?|

|Noire: fine... let's talk when I arrived there|

|Neko: (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) thank you!!!!|

Noire: Seriously... when did I become soft

{Since you've been together with Kallen}

Noire: I didn't think I'd changed so much

{You can't feel you've changed because, in the end, it's just you}

Noire: I guess...