
Raulf was currently trying to comprehend what is happening. What he currently understands is that he isn't in the after life but in a place where a person decides their faith? He shook his head as he looks at the pages.

Each page has a color, from Red all the way to Black. He looked at them each closely, as he was about to pick, but asked the man before choosing.

"I'm a little bit confused here, Who are you and why am I here?" He asked him while the man continued sipping his coffee. He placed his cup on the table looking at Raulf with a poker face as he placed his face on his hand looking at him.

"You aren't ready to know yet. But the reason why you are here? It's because you died."

Raulf was looking at him wondering who could he be but he couldn't guess. He looked at the pages and seeing the colors line. He touched the blue page in the middle and the page lit as the other pages went back to the book. The man looked at him, raised an eyebrow and placed the three weapons infront of him. The Gun, The Spear and The Knife.

"Choose" as he awaits for his choice. He looked at each, thinking what the color earlier mean and the weapon's value.

By analyzing the situation Raulf took the Knife. The gun is great but there is only one magazine of ammo and he cant do anything when the ammo runs out. He looked at Spear wondering what it's worth but seeing its already worn out and have gone rusty with the blade dulled, he knew that the knife would be the better choice.

"Interesting, Well then." The man raised his finger, about to do a cutting motion while Raulf stopped him.

"Wait! I wont ask who you are but what is this trial you're talking about?"

The man stood up as he walked around him.

He whispered in his ear. "It's a game" while giggling.

The world started to distort, the room split apart and Raulf found himself in the building where he died. He looked around seeing the place spotless as he opened the doors and went out. The doors slammed shut behind, surprising him.

He ran around with the knife in his pockets and going door to door as he started knocking on them but no one was answering. He looked above as his eyes widened in shock.

"What.. The.. Fuck..?"

A sudden dimensional crack opened slowly showing a wave of people with spears. He looked at them as they charged towards him, while another crack summoned archers. Raulf was running as fast as he could so he can create a plan.

While he was trying to escape the people he noticed that something was different with himself. His 5 senses has gone sharper and he could hear the bows being charged even when he doesn't see them.

Arrows started raining from the sky as Raulf climbed a building, reaching the balcony and hiding underneath it. Even after running that much he wasn't exhausted. He felt like he was back in his prime but better. He noticed on the window seeing his reflection, touching his face feeling his smooth skin.

His hairstyle was the same spiky hair style he had and his body was in a perfect condition.

But he doesn't have the time on admiring himself. He needs to know what to do with the task at hand. He remembered his training from the sniper courses.

Even though this isn't some forest where he could take some vegetation and place it on his suit. He was in the open field with buildings that serves as his only advantage.

All he needed was to kill one of them and obtain their suit. But it wouldn't be so easy when all of them are clumped up together. He couldn't easily kill one and just escape.

He looked closely at the spears seeing that it was the same spear the masked man had. He wondered, what purpose does that spear had? He waited until night whilst doing so he took out the knife he got. He wondered as he looked at it. "How did that guy change it's model easily?"

He watched at the knife hoping it would turn into a butterfly knife he could play with but he watched in disappointment seeing it stay in it's combat knife form. Touching the tip with his finger gently, and some how got cut on how sharp it is. He looked at the potted plant as he swings the knife onto it's thick trunk, cutting it like it was butter.

He laughed, "Why am I so scared? They didn't call me The Black Ghost for no reason." He jumped from building to building while being seen by the archers. They charged their bows towards him and tried shooting him. Raulf slid down the roof, descending and looking at the archers.

The spearmen saw him and proceed to charge once again but he was already at the back of the archers slashing them through their bones like he was cutting through air. In order to survive he had to kill. He looked at them confident at his fighting skills as he dodged the spears like it was nothing.

And at that moment, He realized at that what he was lacking isn't trust because he slowly trusted those around him. Thought out his career those around him were kind. And finally realizing after seeing how worried the eyes of his squad when he died. But what he was lacking was confidence.

He had confidence when working alone but he also had doubts with himself. What is the use of a man when he is to nervous and scared to work on something he is supposedly proficient at? He had time laughing with his partner and his partner did no harm to him. All he was lacking was confidence within himself and the people around him.

He had skills but slowly he was being degraded. If he was in his prime he could have saved those 30 children. If he had the confidence on trying to learn how to defuse a bomb he could have saved every one. But his forte was fighting, killing, and intel. He doesn't work with groups, he works by himself.

He smiled as he was thrilling. He continued slashing as blood spilled around him seeing another crack open. He smiled once again, he didnt run this time. He rushed forward slashing those in his way with his knife. Hundreds of armies with thousands on men being defeated by one man alone.

Not a minute he became hungry, not a single second he became sleepy. All he was experiencing was thrill after the battles. "This is it!" As another crack opened in front of him. His eyes widened once more as the enemies this time had guns. "COME" He shouted.