Musician's Nightmare

In the streets of Paris, a Musician was playing his violin. He tried to perform a song but everyone was just ignoring him. It's been a rough day for him, wondering when can he be good like his Idols.

He tried different songs but couldn't seem to attract attention. The looks he received we're just people weirded out. It seem like he couldn't grasp the concepts of a good performance.

He went back to his home with a disappointment look. He was angry at himself, wondering how can he improve his skills. Multiple video, sources and tips but not a single performance gave a sense of emotion.

He looked at his violin for a minute, reflecting himself on why become a musician. He was confident but his skills are lacking.

A sudden call he received from his friend. "Hey Raulf! I'm almost in Paris, the trip is very long but im almost there!"

"Sure Hugon, I'll wait for you here. Im just laying in my bed. Today's performance wasn't great either." As he spoke with a sadden expression.

"Just try again next time! I recommended you to sing while playing your violin. Your voice is really good and that should compliment what you're lacking!" Giggles from the phone as Raulf lit up with joy knowing his friend would be visiting.

"Call me again once you're here!" Happily replying "Sure!" A small conversation placed a smile onto his face for a couple of minutes. Hanging on the phone after saying their goodbyes.

Good byes... Two words that could mean... A lot for others.

"How to Capture an Audience" A video from a popular video platform that has millions of views came into his recommend. He was about to click it but clicked the search tab instead. "Decent Jobs" He typed and clicked enter, trying to find the perfect work that could give him money by his current state.

A sudden emergency alert signal started playing. "!A sudden Calamity? Why now?!" The beeping caused everyone to leave their homes and lock everything.

Raulf quickly texted Hugon. "Meet me at the evacuation center near the restaurant we hang alot. There is one there!"

Hoping he would reply any second, he was waiting but didn't receive a message. He turned off his phone and headed down stairs where he kept his bike. Trying to escape to the evacuation center.

'Please be safe! please be safe!' Whilst biking as fast as he could trying to reach building.

The world today isn't normal, as there are times where countries faces new "Calamities".

It started years ago, having the first incident in china. When two kids were playing in the streets and a sudden dragon came from nowhere eating the child whole while his friend watched in horror.

The city was wiped out and it flew above the skies waiting for something to eat.

While there has been creatures roaming, there are people who kill these intruders. They are called "Players", the word being popularized by fantasy stories and the feeling of being someone strong. They are the hope of humanity by clearing the path, Hoping they would never face another disaster again.

But who would have thought, Each month a new calamity is bestowed on a country, and it became more frequent. These calamities started hitting different countries at once, giving the Players troubles. And such, the countries gave rewards to the players, making them richer and making the job the most payed job by far.

But, he had no talent in becoming a player and tried being a musician that ultimately failed. He successfully reached a nearby evacuation center where multiple people resides. "Stop pushing!" as they all got clumped up together. But from looking around he still hasn't found Hugon.

He found a place to rest while waiting for his friend but after a single second after closing his eyes, he wakes up hearing bangs from the roof but the room he is in made him feel safe inside. But he was curious on what was happening outside and how the players do, but he cannot simply leave.

A few hours in, Raulf was getting worried. "Hey, It's you... Raulf..." Hugon approached him from a distance. Looking pale and dry looking at him.

'...Huh?' He looked as seeing his friend barely able to survive from the onslaught the calamity bought. "Hugon? Don't tell me! you have been exposed to the rifts?" He ran towards him looking at his state as more people but in even worse condition.

Those who are exposed to the rifts have their life span reduced each minute. Scientists cannot find out what are causing such phenomenon but they advice all of the people to evacuate as soon as possible behind cover so that they dont get exposed by the rifts.

"No no no! You need to get treated! Ill take you there!" As he touched him feeling the bones of his friend. He sudden fell on Raulf's arms, looking like he ran out of breath.

"No.. No! MEDIC!!" He shouted from a distance. A sudden amount of people started approaching him tending to his friend while he hold his skinny and boney hand.

"A walking corpse is here!" A medic shouted as Raulf's his eyes widened in shock after what he just heard.

Those who have been exposed from the rifts too long, can no longer be capable of surviving. Those victims are called "Walking corpse".

Raulf looked at his friend's state, while Hugon was smiling. "Don't worry about me.. I am here.. But you know... I saw you outside.. fighting those.. those..."

His pupils faded, feeling his pulse no longer beating. "Hugon... HUGON!!" Medics came with a stretcher looking at his state. They placed him in a stretcher, while Raulf was crying. His tears was over flowing while another man came forward looking at him as he waited for Raulf to calm down.

"When we found him he was still alive. He insisted to be carried to see his friend, he has this for you."

A small box wrapped around was given by the man. Raulf looked at him wondering what it could be as he took it.

He opened the box to find a pair of clothes and a new violin. But at this point he looked like he had no time to express his feelings. At that moment, he was an empty shell, having his soul wander off.

He closed the box to look around him. He saw more people around him with their love ones die Infront of them after being rescued. But being exposed for too long is a certain death.

'Me fight those monsters?' He looked above, touching and caring the box his friend gave him.