•••8. Thê Fîrst Ôffêr•••

Rhysand sighed.

For few days, he has been overhearing servants' gossiping about Daniel's fiancée who is from an influential noble family and she'll be arriving today. To avoid extra work that'll be burdened on him specifically by the Countess due to the arrival of the guest, such as to clean the latter's carriage; he had quietly slipped away from the stable on the excuse of gathering good fodder grass for the horses. He made sure to travel so far that he won't be able to return before night.

His mission was partially achieved as he couldn't get any good fodder grass for the horses but he was able to come back late at night. When he was walking back to the stable, he saw a silhouette peeping inside it. He mentally cursed upon assuming that silhouette to be a horse thief and increased his walking speed and when he reached, he was much more surprised when he found that the assumed thief is a woman who was dressed in a nightgown.