•••9. Thê Fâmîlîârîty•••

Isleen stirred and opened her eyes in an unfamiliarly familiar room. She sat up quickly and felt the room spin. She clutched her head and tried to let her eyes adjust to the bright rays of the sun. She had remained awake for a long time at night yesterday, eating skewers and drinking ale with the kind, mysterious stableman. She's sure that she is not experiencing hangover because she drank ale but it was due to she was drunk in admiration for the stable man.

But as far as she remembers, she didn't fall asleep in this room. When the stableman had went to put away the dishes, her eyes seemed too heavy to keep it open and she felt very drowsy. Then she doesn't remember anything. Who escorted her to this room and tucked her in...she does not have any idea. She broke away from her thoughts when someone knocked at the door. Upon receiving her permission to enter, Isleen encountered the same maid from yesterday.