Part 7 An unexpected turn

Mount Korba third person view.

2 days after Garp's return




Massive tremors and the fall of 100 year old trees were heard on Korba Mountain.


And also cries of despair and hopelessness.

Garp - "Come on!" Garp said as he threw one of the trees at Ace, causing him to narrowly dodge.

Garp - "And in the chest!" - After saying that, Garp sent Luffy flying through 100 meters of forest with a punch of his hand.

Garp - "Not yet" - after which he made him roll on the ground like a living top.

Sabo - "THIS OLD MAN IS A MONSTER!" thought Sabo and fell off the cliff.

Even after 1 hour of such "training".

Garp - "Today we'll continue tomorrow if you survive of course HAHA!" - Garp said while three "corpses" were lying behind him.

Home of the Mountain Bandits of the Dadan Family.

Garp - "Hrrrr Ha hrrr" - At the moment, Garp was sleeping, like all the bandits in this house, while the three brothers were making plans for how to survive.

Ace - "It can't go on like this anymore, if we don't do something, we'll definitely die."

Sabo - "That's right."

Luffy - "I don't want to die!"

Ace - Then it's decided we'll leave this house!

Morning House of the Mountain Bandits of the Dadan Family

Dadan from sleep interrupted the kick from the sleeping Garp and she opened her eyes and yawned, after which she looked at the clock above which hung a message from three small monsters.

"Now we live separately A S L."

Dadan did not pay attention to this and went, but after a minute it dawned on her.

Dadan - "EEEE!!!"

After a tantrum and searching for the three brothers around the house, the bandits woke up Garp.

Garp - "Ha clever! I bet Ace came up with this adventure."

Dadan - "It's very dangerous Garp-san, if they really intend to live alone, then we won't be able to provide them with protection, and they are known almost throughout the Kingdom," Dadan said worriedly.

Garp - "Hah, that's not my problem! Okay, my vacation is over, I'm off," said Garp and began to leave along the path into the forest.

Garp - "Grow out of these three true Marines."

Dadan - "How can bandits raise sentinels," Dadan angrily replied to Garp's back.

Garp – "huh?" – Garp turned around threateningly, but saw Dadan with a handkerchief and a smile seeing him off.

Dadan - "Goodbye!"

Garp left and disappeared from sight, after which Dadan threw out her handkerchief and in anger, he stopped.

Dadan - "That cretin! How am I supposed to raise these three Marines! Okay Luffy but Ace and Sabo are just unbearable."

Magra - "Calm down boss, there's nothing to be ashamed of that you're so worried about these three."

Then he received a blow from the reddened Dadan.

At the same time, the forest between the gray terminal and Mount Korba

Right now, the three brothers were running through the Forest smelling of freedom. Maybe before that they did what they wanted, but now for real.

Ace, Luffy, and Sabo built their headquarters in the tallest tree. In this forest, the three of them continued to hunt and live as if they had no worries, but sooner or later this ends.

After that, 2 months passed and autumn came

Not a day went by that Dadan didn't worry about the three brothers after they left, and it's not from Garp, but from the fact that she herself does not want to admit that she was worried about these little monsters.

But the anxiety went away when Magra and Dogra told her that they had found three brothers and said that they did not need anything after that, she decided to check it herself and make sure these three were safe.

Her anxiety subsided when she saw that the three brothers no longer needed her help and they did not need anything after that, she left with a smile on her face.

a week later gray terminal

Ace - "Okay, we need 30 boards 60 nails and a rope 7 meters long

Right now, the three brothers were looking for repair tools from the headquarters after the hurricane hit it."

Sabo - "Chur rope."

Ace - "Stay away from the boards."

Luffy - "Eh... ah... eh... okay I've got nails on" - Luffy got the most steamy job.

Sabo was walking through the mountains of garbage with a rope in his hands and suddenly stepped on a telescope, which he immediately picked up.

Sabo - "Luffy's spyglass will be happy" - he said and began to notice that Bluejim's pirates were gathering around him and immediately prepared his steel pipe.



From the group of pirates, Bluejim himself came out and stood 6 meters from Sabo.

Bluejim - "You're Sabo, I've heard a lot about you from my guys."

Sabo - "It seems you haven't heard everything about me otherwise you wouldn't come to me."

Bluejim - "Haha you're the most talkative of the three monsters aren't you."

Just then, a barrel flew from the upper mountain of debris, from which Ace and Luffy escaped.

Ace - "Don't touch Sabo!" Ace yelled and knocked out one of the pirates.

Luffy - "Rubber Pistol!" Luffy yelled and knocked out one of the pirates.

Bluejim - "So he's a fruit guy," thought Bluejim and took out a gun.


The gunshot made everyone stop and turn their attention to Bluejam.

Bluejim - "I won't repeat Sabo you will come with me otherwise your brothers will die" - Said Bluejim as he pulled the trigger of his gun towards Luffy.

Luffy - "You chose the wrong target" - Luffy said and began to prepare an attack, and Ace and Sabo knew that the gun did not work on Luffy because it was rubber.

Bluejim - "You think so!"


Another shot and everyone noticed that Bluejim was still alive for some reason, because the bullet was supposed to fly into Bluejim.



Ace and Sabo looked at Luffy in shock and saw that he had a wound in his chest area that was bleeding.

Luffy - "What a KHAA!" Luffy spat out blood and fell on his stomach out of extreme weakness.

Ace and Sabo - "Luffy!!!"

Both brothers rushed to the younger, but they were knocked face down on the floor.

??? "Seastone bullets are much more effective than I thought I spent a fortune on them."

Sabo recognized the voice and saw a new face, it was his father Outlook III.

At that moment, Luffy lost consciousness.