The main character got into Luffy's body
The main character got into the body of the Monkey D Luffy along with the system, but the system is not OP, but ordinary, and now the main character has to decide who he wants to be: A Pirate, a Mariner, a Revolutionary or something much bigger?
First off, the grammar are horrible, sometimes different characters names getting mixed up and sometimes you can’t understand what the author is writing. Then there is the system, it got introduced in the earlier chapter but somehow author decide to scrap it off horribly by making Luffy ‘dead’. After that author decide to kill off ’Monkey D Luffy’ and make him an entirely new person. The most stupid and atrocious is Author decidee that telling Ace our Mc is a reincarnator is also a good thing. I don’t under why is this novel getting so high in rating. It’s a completely waste of time and somehow our Mc decide to become an Admiral when just few episode back a Nobel Dragon ‘tenryubito’ kill off and burn off everyone in the scrap yard and our mc despise it. This story is all over place. It’s bad enough when you know Mc of One Piece trying to be Marine and still want to roam the sea free. Bruh.
Brooo wth did I just read 😣. This fic is a mistake embodiment in itself. The grammar's not readable, the vocabulary's full of mistakes. Normally I don't like discouraging author's, but trust me this fic needs some serious makeover. The greatest thing that made me crack is that somehow Luffy(author) decided to make MC(Luffy) a marine admiral instead of a pirate. Bruh the very definition of one piece is Luffy being a pirate and seeking one piece. Why the heck would 'MUGIWARA' bury his dream and be a freaking 'good for nothing' marine. His hat, his promise to shanks, his dream to be FREE that's what made the story. This story has NO planned route, it's runs on authors whim. So please either decide how you want the story to proceed or restart it from the beginning.
its your story. but to me personally it felt nauseating. no modern person acts like that. and the reasoning behind delaying training from manual and just randomly using his rubber fruit. I lost all interest at this point. even if this story has a comedy genre its too bad. but maybe I have read too many and am considered to be a veteran reader so I cant stand this low level work.
Reveal Spoiler
Типо не знаю что и сказать но буду краток Мне просто стало скучно и подумал Хм а если в теле Луффи поселиться другая душа с уже имеющим за своей спиной опыт в прочтении манги Ван Пис Вот так в принципе и родился этот фанфик Особых амбиций у меня нет Так что просто скажите и оцените эту идею по своему усмотрению
The good news is that the good news is that the good news is that the good news is that the good news is that the good news is that the only way we live 😂😂 the good news is that it will take a few days
For the good news is that the good news is that the good news is that the good news is that the good news is that the you tube video is not available on this device 😭
So Good 😊 I’m going back home 🏠 Orient to one piece piece and one of my friends and family from the city and I cannot is a one of my good friends good night to my good friends and good luck with the new year
Чё за херня (Сказал я про себя когда первый раз прочитал) Но потом подумал хммммм да он же мой земляк и будет как-то не культурно если я залью его говном Короче вроде ни чё так читать можно
Бля тут притензия только к переводу а так всё остальное мне нравится 😻 Найди себе переводчика и ещё бету чтоб было можно нормально подать данное производство ну или фанфик
Перевод полное 💩 Но тут есть много плюсов которые могут затмить этот минус Сама идея кажется довольно интересной И развитее Которе происходят в медленно темпе