"hahahaha, you humans are truly interesting." the goblin mayor spoke
"despite the large difference in numbers you decided to attack me regardless and look where it got, most of you dead and only a handfull remaining." it spoke more as it scanned the remaining people left
John was shocked as he saw the goblin mayor speak. Everyone in his party had varying reactions.
Terry stood there ready to fight at a moments notice. Josh and David stood next to each other in pure confusion still trying to work out how the goblin was speaking to them as all those before spoke in some sort of grunts and growls. Jack and katlyn were sat down in exhaustion as they had unknowing constantly used skills during the entire battle nearly using all their magic but they still understood that the goblin speaking was by no means a good thing. Jake and ole were on the verge of tears, they were only around 14-15 years old and they had already seen many people die yet somehow the others didn't seem as bothered by this which shocked these two more then they would like to admit.
The remaining people were to tired to focus properly but all decided to huddle together in order to defend themselves against a highly possible attack from the boss monster. James, John's best friend, stood there with his bow in his hand looking towards his friend who had helped everyone to survive this long yet nearly everyone was dead.
'I wonder how he must feel about that.' James thought to himself as he joined up with the other survivors
John immediately tried to figure out how to get out of this predicament but he couldn't think properly, with all the stress of everyone dying and him still trying to think why the goblin was suddenly speaking the human tounge John could barely stand straight with all the weight on his shoulders.
"I've decided if you can survive my attacks then I'll let you go if not then... Well you wouldn't of survived would you?" the goblin spoke with a large smile on its face
With the bombardment from the shamans the number of people dwindled even further. Now there were only 17 people left, 8 of whome belonged in John's party, this of course included John himself.
'we have 42 skill stones that's 34 stones for everyone to have 2 each and an additional 8 for those in my party to have 3 each instead.' John thought as he quickly grabbed a bunch from his inventory and threw them to the group behind him
"everyone gets two each, break them to gain a skill. You guys have three each." John spoke and added to the end whilst gesturing to his party as he threw the stones to them
The sound of stones breaking could be heard as everyone used the skill stones and had the skills etched into their souls
[skill (scared shout) gained]
[skill (goblin skin) gained]
[skill (heightened senses) gained]
(scared shout) was the same as I'm the dungeon decreasing any enemy's stats.
(goblin skin) was practically the same it increased DEF by two STR and AGI by one HP by three.
(heightened senses) just increased all his natural senses by a small margin allowing him to see everything in more detail and further, to hear better, to smell everything and distinguish the smells better, he could feel the wind on his skin better the clothes as they moved with him and rubbed against his body, unfortunately this didn't increase his (magic tracking) but he didn't expect it to.
The goblin mayor looked at everyone as they used the skill stones and grew angry.
"you humans dare to use my bretherins souls infront of me!" it shouted as it charged forward
[skill (morale boost) activated]
[skill (war shout) activated]
[skill (scared shout) activated]
John activated every skill that he had available in order to weaken the goblin mayor and to strengthen himself and everyone left alive he also used his last stat point from a level up he gained from killing the goblin shamans and added it to DEF.
The goblin mayor ran forward at incredible speed. Everyone got their swords or bows ready as they prepared to attack at the last moment. A few arrows were fired in quick succession with only a few managing to dig into its skin with the rest bouncing of harmlessly. As the goblin mayor grew near John readied with the close combatants but before they had the chance to attack the goblin mayor jumped over the top of them. They all grew surprised as they hadn't expected this.
The goblin mayor landed at the long ranged group and attacked as quickly as it could. Three people died before the close combatants could catch up. Attacking as much as they could before it could react they managed to cause a few large cuts but it immediately scrunched up into a ball before standing straight up with its arms spread wide. Everyone was flung back by an invisible force as they bounced across the singed grass. John and Terry both recovered quickly and raced back to the goblin as it seemed to be frozen for a second.
They managed to attack once each before it recovered and sent a fist to each of them, utilising their high agility they managed to dodge the attacks although barely. Whilst dodging the fists and attacking themselves John and Terry began to burn through their stamina rather quickly. One lapse in concentration and Terry was sent flying across the grass again but this time into a part that was still slightly on fire. John grew angry and just then josh and David arrived attacking at the back of its ankles attempting to incapacity it.
The attacks were successful and the goblin fell to Its knees in pain.
"you damn pests dare to fight back!? Face death peacefully and accept it!" it screamed as it used its hands to launch itself at josh.
Josh jumped to the side but his left ankle was caught by the goblins mouth and was nearly torn off. John grew more angry as it saw another party member get injured. The anger built up as he continued attacking with no regard for his own safety along with David who was joshes best friend.
"ill kill you!" David screamed as he sent an attack for the goblins neck only for it to move slightly causing the sword to get stuck in its shoulder.
David attampted to pull it out but had to abandon it as a hand reached out to his face trying to crush it like a grape. He landed a few metres back with no weapon other than the spear attached to his back which John said would increase their strength as long as they held onto it. David was about to use it as a weapon but John quickly ran to him and handed him a new sword from his inventory.
David was about to say thanks but saw the look on John's face. John plain brown hair was swaying with the wind and as David saw his eyes a shiver ran down his spine. John's eyes were wide with the pupils being incredibly small focusing solely on the boss monster.
[new stat (KIN) forcibly unlocked]
(author note (KIN) is killing intent)
[(KIN) cannot be increased with stat points or any all stat improvements. Only by killing something can this increase ]
John felt something build up within him and sent it straight out towards the goblin mayor. The goblin mayor noticed this and smiled.
"you think this pathetic intent is enough to scare me, HUMAN" it screamed as it stood back up its slashed ankles forcing it to limp due to its pain and instability.
John didn't what he had done but the goblins words told him all he needed to know as he ran straight towards it once again shortly followed by David.
Terry laid there the fire catching onto her clothes causing the last embers to light back up violently but instead of pain she felt calm. She had seen what had happened to josh and tried to stand but her body refused to obey her. After seeing John giving a sword to David and rushing back in she finally manged to stand. If anyone saw her right now they would feel scared and worried about her at the same time. She was on fire but her eyes burnt bright red with the fire dancing across her body harmlessly not even burning her clothes.
[party member (Terry) has unlocked her elemental affinity ]
Hello your author here
Sorry if this chapter seemed to long I kind of got absorbed in writing and forgot to check the word Count which was around 300 more words than usual
Thank you for the support and I hope you can comment any recommendations for skill or how magic could work or even for how the story itself should continue after the school arc