You're the Real Deal

The two men enter the room and make their way over to the table. Nathan recognizes the one on the right as the guard who used the longbow.

The one on the left is a huge man who has a towering presence. His auburn hair sits on his head in a wavy, yet orderly fashion. He sports a full red beard with gray taking root around his chin area. His indigo blue eyes seem to pierce right through Nathan as he sizes him up.

'This is an elite NPC if I've ever seen one.' Nathan thinks to himself.

In a booming voice, the Captain addresses Nathan. "I'm Michael, the Captain of the guard here at Hammers Rise. From the way Kevin was talking, I was expecting one of the War Gods themselves to be here in the flesh. Looks can always be deceiving though." The Captain's eyes flash at the end of his comment.

Nathan starts to walk over to the Captain with his hand out for a handshake and says, "I'm Nathan Emblem. I just arrived at Edenfell and found myself with nothing but the clothes on my back. I saw Hammers Rise in the distance and started making my way here for information and supplies."

Michael looks at Nathan's outstretched hand warily. "Naught but the clothes on your back, yet the story you told my two guards is you killed an Aarog and took that blade from it that you have there on your back?"

Nathan keeps his hand extended for a moment and then with an awkward smile he lowers it. "As I told them earlier," Nathan motions to the two guards, "I disarmed the Aarog and then killed him with his blade."

"A praiseworthy feat. Not one many would be able to walk away from unscathed and be able to tell the tale." The Captain's eyes have been appraising Nathan this entire time as he points out the fact that Nathan has no wounds.

"I have a special physique it appears. It helps me heal, I found out about it after I arrived on this Plane." Nathan replies but does not mention the magical quality of the Banesblade.

"Aye, Planeswalkers are known to have all types of gifts from the Gods that sent them on their way." The Captain nods knowingly.

The Captain and everyone else sits around the table. The three guards are on one side while Nathan sits on the other.

"Speaking of Gods," The Captain continues, "Which faction do you belong to?"

Nathan can feel the atmosphere in the room start to change and become somber as the conversation starts to feel more like an interrogation rather than a friendly exchange.

'I need to make sure I answer correctly, or this could put me in a bad spot. If that crazy Neothak is to be believed, I can't mention anything about the Lord of Terror.'

Having read many web novels in his day, Nathan decides to go with an Isekai trope and go with the reincarnation plot.

"I don't know about any of these factions you speak about. All I remember is getting hit by a truck as I was trying to save a kid who ran out into the street while chasing a ball he was playing with.

When I opened my eyes, I was in this dimension filled with glowing stars. A beautiful woman with the most amazing figure was sitting on a throne with her hand under her chin smiling at me and asking me if I was happy with how my life turned out.

I told her I was happy as long as that little boy's life was saved. Touched by my sentiment she got off her throne, embraced me, and kissed my forehead. After her lips touched my forehead, I felt a tingling sensation throughout my entire body and soul.

I started to feel like I was being sucked into a vortex and saw a swirl of colors and lights. While this was happening, I heard the woman's voice tell me I am to be a Planeswalker and become a Champion who will rise to defeat the Legion and their Commanders."

Nathan pauses in his narration as he takes a quick glance at the three guards. Tom and Kevin are enraptured in the story as they gaze at Nathan across the table. Kevin even has tears in his eyes as he quickly sniffs trying to hide them.

The Captain continues to stare at Nathan without an indication of how he is feeling.

"She also told me that if I engage in combat and kill members or creatures of the Legion, I would be able to gain untold strength.

It seemed to be true because I had never been able to fight before. However, the moment I was attacked by the Aarog and his Razorspine, my body naturally knew how to fight without any weapons. Once I disarmed the Aarog and grabbed his blade. I felt my body fill with strength so I could lift the blade and knew exactly how to grip and swing the blade effectively."

Nathan decides to hide the truth about his skill tree and attributes to make the story seem more believable.

Without any warning, the Captain jumps up from his chair and swings his blade at Nathan. Nathan's body naturally reacts, and he dodges the attack by kicking off the table and doing a backflip. While flipping he unsheathes his sword and lands in a defensive stance with his eyes narrowed staring at the Captain and other two guards.

The other two guards caught unaware by the table being kicked toward them are forced to the ground from being hit in their chests while still seated in their chairs.

The Captain and Nathan stand motionlessly without saying anything for a few moments as the other two guards scramble to get up and get into a defensive formation with the Captain being the lead.

'Did I lay it on too thick with the Isekai trope? I probably shouldn't have gone with the truck cliché. They probably don't even know what a truck is.' Nathan curses in his mind as he analyzes the situation and sees if he will be able to defeat the guards and leave the gatehouse alive.

While Nathan plans out different ways to get out of the gatehouse, the Captain puts away his sword and starts to laugh loudly.

"Ha-ha-ha you are what you say you are. No way some young lad would be able to dodge my attack so cleanly while turning a possible three vs one situation into a one-on-one so effortlessly. You are Gods's blessed and a real Planeswalker.

Based on your story, you must be a part of the light faction and against the Lords of Hell. You also did not push your advantage and only took up a defensive stance. You have my trust. Welcome to Hammers Rise!"

The Captain starts to walk over to Nathan with his hand out in greeting. Nathan quickly sheathes his sword and clasps his arms with the Captain.

Nathan can feel the strength of the Captain and the coarseness of his hands. Upon closer look, he can also see countless scars along his forearm hidden under his arm hair.

'This guy is definitely an elite.' Nathan breathes out in relief, not even realizing how tense he was in this entire situation.

"So, I officially get your seal of approval Captain?" Nathan says with a smile on his face.

"Aye lad, you get my seal of approval. I also hope when the time comes and the Legion attacks, we can count on you for assistance." Nathan can see the hope in the Captain's eyes.

"You have my word." Nathan nods in the affirmative.

'I would never turn down a farming experience situation.' This is what Nathan is thinking at the mention of fighting against the raiders.

After Nathan agrees to the Captain's request, an asterisk starts to blink on his mini-map. Nathan acknowledges it in his mind and a Quest appears detailing what he needs to accomplish in Hammers Rise.

"Sir, do you think you can point me in the direction of a decent Inn and a good blacksmith? I need to get some supplies and have a place to rest my head before the day is through." Nathan makes his request in a hopeful tone.

The Captain notions to Keven with a nod. Kevin quickly salutes and then turns to Nathan.

"I can show you to The Anvil, it is the best Inn here in Hammers Rise. The innkeeper charges an honest rate and the food she supplies is the best.

I'll also take you to the Bull's Head shop. The blacksmith there was trained at the capital, and he has some of the best wares. The price is a bit higher than normal, but the quality is worth the price."

Kevin motions towards the door on the other side of the room and Nathan bids his farewell to the Captain and Tom and proceeds to follow Kevin.

Once they make it out onto the main road in Hammers Rise, Kevin asks Nathan if he would rather go to the Inn first to book his room or go to the blacksmith first.

Looking at his state of clothing and lack of gear, Nathan decides to first head to the blacksmith to get outfitted.

'Time to get some gear!' Nathan thinks excitedly to himself.