Gearing Up

While walking with Kevin, Nathan decides to assign the last ten of his attribute points. He puts five into dexterity and another five into vitality. His health jumps up to 72/72 and his natural defense rises to 5.

'I wonder when I'll hit level 2. I don't see an experience bar or anything that tracks how much is needed to get to the next level.' Nathan wonders to himself as his gaze shifts to all the different structures in Hammers Rise. His mouth opens in wonderment.

Even after the raids, the people of Hammers Rise still go about their everyday business. There are even people humming and a little girl is singing outside her mother's shop.

"The City Lord and the guards will keep us safe."

"My brother is in the guard, he told me the City Lord is unstoppable on the battlefield."

Similar comments and conversations can be heard as they make their way toward the blacksmith.

"Everyone has a lot of faith in you guys and the City Lord," Nathan says to Kevin.

Kevin smiles, lifts his head, and puffs out his chest at Nathan's comment.

"I may be a recruit, but our City guard is unstoppable. The Legion doesn't stand a chance as long as we have people like the Captain and City Lord to lead us." Pride glowing in his eyes as he responds to Nathan.

"I'd like to meet the City Lord, he seems like someone who can explain to me what's happening on this Plane," Nathan says.

"You should sign up and join the guard. You would be able to meet him easily." Kevin rushes to answer as he stops in his tracks and faces Nathan.

"If we could have a real Planeswalker with us..." Seeing Nathan's skeptical look on his face, Kevin continues to explain.

"Planeswalkers are practically legends that everyone grew up hearing about. Blessed by the Gods, their power is unstoppable.

Some were said to be able to control the elements, summoning rain, and lightning on command.

Others with superhuman strength would be able to blow apart our City walls with a mere flick of the finger.

Some are blessed by the light, able to heal any wound or cure all sicknesses.

If word were to get out that you're a Planeswalker and you joined the guard people would rest easier." Kevin finishes and looks at Nathan with an eager expression.

Nathan shifts from one foot to the other and avoids meeting Kevin's eyes.

"I already said I'd help out the guard, I don't know where my travels will take me. I can't make any promises to stay in one place. I hope you understand." Nathan says to Kevin.

'This is only the starting zone, who stays in the starter zone all game.' Nathan shakes his head inwardly.

"I suppose having your word you'll help out is good enough," Kevin's shoulders droop as he responds in a downtrodden tone.

They continue to travel down a few more streets.

"We're almost at the Bulls Head."

Kevin points in the distance, the sound of hammers on anvils can be heard some distance off from the nearby road.

The type of travelers on the road has changed to more militaristic people. More people with weapons on them and outfitted in assorted armors are seen walking to and from.

With one glance, Nathan knows they must be at the Bulls Head shop. The blacksmith shop has this huge metalwork bullhead on the roof that shines brightly in the afternoon light. Individual silver hairs can be made out and the nostrils are flared. The curvature of the horns comes to a sharp point and grains can be seen within the horns. The amount of detail in the metalwork makes it look like a giant bull was cast in metal with how lifelike it appears.

Nathan stops in his tracks and stares at the bullhead forgetting himself.

A door closing at a nearby shop breaks Nathan out of his reverie. As he turns to Kevin, he sees him standing straight with his head tilted back with a grin on his face watching Nathan's reaction.

"Hammers Rise is renowned for its blacksmiths, but nobody compares to Gregory who owns the Bulls Head. It's said it took him three days and three nights to construct the massive bull's head that is displayed, and lightning struck from the heavens on his last hammer strike."

Nathan lets Kevin talk. He found that it was easier to let Kevin go on about the history and different legends surrounding Hammers Rise instead of asking questions.

"As long as he has some decent armor in my price range," Nathan says while looking over the entrance to the shop.

As the two of them enter the Bulls Head, a rush of hot air greets them. The scent of acrid burned air and sweat fills Nathan's nostrils.

He glances around and sees an assortment of weapons from Halberds to short swords and everything in between.

Nathan's eyes light up and his breathing picks up as he takes in his surroundings.

"I'm sure you'll be able to find anything you need. I'll be waiting over here for you, to take you to The Anvil."

Kevin stands off to the side of the door and allows Nathan to walk around and look to his heart's content.

While walking around and glancing at the different armors, Nathan places his hand on a full helm in the shape of a falcon to feel its texture.

The moment his hand makes contact, Nathan's pupils shrink to needlepoints and his breath catches in his throat. He takes his hand off the helm as if it was burning hot and moves it to the helm placed next to it.

Sucking in a cold breath, he shifts his eyes to the left and right to check if anyone is watching him. Seeing Kevin distracted by a woman on the street and the shopkeeper reviewing sales records at the desk Nathan smiles with a sharp glint in his eyes.

Nathan begins to speed walk throughout the shop while humming to himself as he runs his finger over everything as if he is trying to see if the place needs dusting.

Eventually, the shopkeeper notices the peculiarity of the situation in his shop and makes his way over.

"Sir, is there anything I can help you with today?" The shopkeeper says looking Nathan up and down with a flat tone.

Nathan grins at the shopkeeper and pulls out a few gold coins. "I'm looking for an outfit to wear under a cuirass and a decent cuirass to go with it. I need to get fully outfitted with a full set of leather armor if possible."

Seeing the gold in hand the shopkeeper's attitude does a one-eighty turnaround and he puts on his best smile while showing Nathan a variety of different leather armors and some quilted armor.

The shopkeeper starts by showing Nathan the best quality leather armor he has available in the shop.

Nathan holds out his hand and shakes his head, "I only need a basic set for now and will come back later to get something customized if possible."

The shopkeeper first frowns but then his eyes sparkle after listening to Nathan's words.

"Of course, I can gather a basic set that an adventurer would need." The shopkeeper bows to Nathan and proceeds to grab everything and bring it up to the counter.

Nathan decides to purchase everything the shopkeeper brought to him. The cost comes to a total of 14 gold coins. Nathan pays the shopkeeper and hands him an additional gold coin as a tip.

"Tell Gregory that his reputation truly proceeds him, and his wares are the best. Tell him I look forward to custom ordering a set in the future."

Accepting the gold coin with both hands and hunger in his eyes the shopkeeper asks, "What is your esteemed name customer so I can pass on your words to my master?"

"It is Nathan Emblem" Nathan responds while walking away putting his hand in the air in a dismissive wave.

Kevin quickly follows Nathan out onto the street and proceeds to lead him towards The Anvil.

"You went to the best blacksmith in Hammers Rise and only bought a basic set of equipment?" Kevin looks at Nathan while shaking his head.

Nathan laughs out loud while grinning from ear to ear. "I did say I would come back for a custom set."

Changing the topic while still chuckling to himself Nathan turns and says, "I tell you what Kevin when we get to The Anvil, how about the first round on me."

As they continue on their way, a peal of melodic laughter is heard in the air.