"Let me pass," pleaded a voice I knew: "I ask but five minutes;" and a
familiar shape, tall and grand (as we of the Rue Fossette all thought it), is-
sued from the house, and strode down amongst the beds and walks. It was
sacrilege— the intrusion of a man into that spot, at that hour; but he knew
himself privileged, and perhaps he trusted to the friendly night. He wan-
dered down the alleys, looking on this side and on that— he was lost in the
shrubs, trampling flowers and breaking branches in his search— he pene-
trated at last the "forbidden walk." There I met him, like some ghost, I
"Dr. John! it is found."
He did not ask by whom, for with his quick eye he perceived that I held it
in my hand.
"Do not betray her," he said, looking at me as if I were indeed a dragon.
"Were I ever so disposed to treachery, I cannot betray what I do not