Suitable language style

I'm in my third year. That means I'll be graduating next year right? Whoops—yes, this is the best.

When kyle raised his head and took a small breath. He immediately narrowed his eyes at the reality in front of him now. He really hoped, obviously he really hoped.

Where are the school exams? I'm fed up with this school. Unclear systems, unreasonable sequences and learning that is not in accordance with the field of study taken.

The class I was in with Irina was Regular— or rather a class that focused on studying economics and business, it had happened even before I was in Kyle's body.

Something that made me wonder was—why does the regular class have sword lessons? Isn't that meaningless? The learning system in this school seems to exist only to fulfill the curriculum without looking at the aspect of benefit. Swords and magic in business economy class, you must be kidding!!

Learning for just sword theory or magic doesn't get me into trouble. However if it had reached practice it would obviously be a problem. There won't be the slightest chance for the students from the regular class to win against the knight class, as if we were prepared to lose from the start, so what's the rating? Obviously the value will be low. That's not fair at all!!

How can a class that aims to teach students to count money and open books be taught to fight using the sword? This kind of school system was created by a bunch of idiots!! Do they know what efficiency and usability mean?

And the final result was determined from the start, no student from the class I'm currently in can win against a single student from the knight class, Except for one student, that was Irina.

"Only Irina is still fighting. While others have given up. That girl won't budge no matter what, that's definitely the Irina I know. "

As Kyle watched Irina's fight, he could hear a very loud sound of wooden swords clashing, it was coming from the arena.

The sparks of light from the wooden sword strengthened with magic created a kind of wind wave due to the repeated slashes. It splashed and then made a kind of tornado in the air.

Irina's blows and attacks continued to shower a blue-haired young girl who was her current opponent.

The blue-haired girl was then thrown into the air and landed on the ground. His breathing was irregular due to fatigue from the battle, his sweat dripping down making the uniform he was wearing started to look wet. He re-mounted his stance to avenge Irina.

Her legs were moved, then she shot like a bullet towards Irina. A loud crash occurred as Irina parried the attack, the shockwave sending dust in the arena flying.

"That girl is quite strong but not as strong as Irina."

To be able to go this far against Irina, proving that the girl is stronger than the others, with Irina's stats there shouldn't be many people who can fight her even for just a few minutes when the duel starts, but the girl can endure, great, that girl is great , Should I use Aprissal now?



[ Class : Knight ]

[ Level : 19 ]

[ Age : 18 Year-Old]

[ Gender : Famale ]

[ Race : Human ]


[ Strength : 11 ]

[ Vitality: 20 ]

[ Agility : 14 ]

[ Carismatic : 59 ]

[ Inteligence : 27 ]

[ Stamina : 23 ]

[ Luck : 34 ]


[ HP : 220/340 ]

[ Mana : 90/132 ]

[ Stamina : 50/50 ]

[ Skill Point : 3 ]

[ Physical Attack : 11 (+1) ]

[ Magic Attack : 5 ]

[ Physical Defense : 17 ]

[ Magic Defense : 9 ]

[ Physical Penetrate : 4 ]

[ Magic Penetrate : 1 ]


[ Triple Wind Slash lvl 3 : Cooldown Skill ( 8 Minute ) ]

[ Knight Aura lvl 2 : Cooldown Skill ( 35 Minute ) ]

[ Acceleration Swordman lvl 4 : Cooldown Skill ( 12 Minute ) ]

[ Armor Up lvl 1 : Cooldown Skill ( 20 Minute ) ]


[ Young Knight ]

[ Holy Mind ]

[ Genius Knight ]

[ Fool Magic Caster ]

[ Book Of Emotion ]

I thought she was very talented, adding strength by pulling her as an ally was the choice I had to take, but how? I have to start investigating this girl and judge whether she has the potential to become an ally or not.

After what happens to the prospective hero, adding allies through cooperation or mutually beneficial exchange is not a bad choice.

The next problem is, the girl named Amelia is being beaten by Irina !! Quite Irina, you don't have to hit her hard.

Why are every people who have the potential to always be in a condition where it is contrary to me? My own allies, Irina seemed to keep me away from the potential for alliance !! Stop !! Stop !! I don't want to accept this fact.

Kyle put on a sour expression when he saw Irina hit Amelia. Amelia then fell to the ground with a sword that flew around.

Irina then approached Amelia with a sword that was pushed to the neck.

"Weak, weak, why the Princess of the Knight family is so weak. I began to worry about the Republican military if a weak girl like you began to enter as a soldier. Pathetic. "

Enough!! You don't have to mock him right? Irina please stop your bad habits now, I know you are very superior than the others but you don't have to throw potential allies before you try to take her to your side.

I don't know what to tell the girl, she always makes enemies when near me. Do you realize that your actions are always the opposite of my goal?

Kyle then ran towards Irina, holding her hand and brought Irina who looked sweaty due to the fight.

He brought Irina to a quiet hallway where only the two of them were left. The hallway looks dark except at the entrance. Kyle then let go of Irina's hand and leaned her to the wall.

Kyle then put his palm on the wall right next to Irina's face. Irina's breathing was irregular and she began to have a red face, it seemed to be exhausted due to the fight, but Kyle did not care.

I have to tell this little girl, otherwise she will continue to make the enemies around me even more. The problem is how I should tell this girl, ordinary words will not work.

"Darling, if you start to be rude, I don't know if I can hold it," Irina said that by shifting her face. He looks ashamed.

"Listen, Irina my dear, I want you not to make enemies around us increase."

"But, but, but Darling. The knight girl is very weak, she does not deserve to be an ally. Isn't Darling always saying that the ordinary people and those under we do not deserve to be allies, "Irina said that while looking at Kyle's face that looked angry, then she returned to her face that was increasingly red like a tomato.

Spontaneous words will not succeed, this girl always understands my serious words with a different understanding. What's more, his blushing face !! Cih ..

Alright, alright. I have to use another language style.

Kyle then exhaled slowly to prepare mentally.

"Hufff ... okay, weak people like they do not deserve to be allies, they are just a collection of garbage. I was right? "

Irina nodded in agreement.

In the eyes of Irina, I was someone who looked down on others. It was his impression of me, to change that impression was not something easy, maybe even it would work after everything became chaotic. I won't spend my time changing Irina's impression on me, time goes very fast and I don't want to be late.

Therefore, the only thing I have to use for a serious topic with Irina is an arrogant language style like villain in the game.

"Even if they are trash, but being kind with them is a profitable action for us. "

"Favorable? Why?" Irina looks confused, she looks at Kyle's face.

"What if a sword is used to cook carrots? "

"Huh? Darling, that would definitely destroy the taste of the dish. "

"Then what if a spoon is used to slash monsters? "

"Of course it can't. What exactly do you mean, Darling?" Irina looked even more confused.

"Good, you will finally understand that. What I mean is that if we use the tools at the right conditions and at the right time, they will eventually come in handy. Just because you see trash doesn't mean it's completely useless, a log can become a pillar and a pebble can become a palace. Every little detail should be well understood and eventually you will know that it is actually related and can be used. Do you understand Irina? "

Irina then put her hand on her chin then realized Kyle's words.

"Manipulating the commoners for our benefit, that way we can polish even a useless tool into a diamond to our advantage, a useful tool in any situation, is that what you mean Darling? "

"Uhuk!! Yes, like that. "

[ Passive Title The Ruler of Conspiracy Activate ]

[Hidden Effect Activate: Data cannot be displayed, requires Skill Aprissal Lvl 6 to be able to display it]

Irina was then surprised, she looked at Kyle once again while putting on an amazed expression. Her eyes widened and she then brought her lips closer to Kyle's.

They then kissed. The sweetness in the mouth and the slight play of the tongue made Irina's breathing feel irregular, Her face turned red and she ended it by saying something.

"This is the Darling I know. You are so full of mysteries, I love my current Darling. So, is it normal for Darling to tell me the real purpose of manipulating people?"

Irina then wrapped her arms around Kyle's neck and pressed her sweaty breasts against Kyle's uniform. She put his ear right next to kyle to hear what answer kyle would give.

Kyle opened his mouth and spoke in a low voice.

"I can't say it now because it would be very dangerous, I don't want to involve you in the danger that I will face alone. "

Of course it was a lie—

"You understand right? That's a big problem."

"Did darling do all this for me?" Irina then seemed to be thinking about something. Her eyes became serious and she once again hoped for Kyle's answer. Then Irina finally got something she had been waiting for.

"Uhm....Yes, I did all this for you my fiancé who I love the most. "

Instantly Irina's heartbeat quickened. Her breathing became increasingly irregular and she could feel her lungs shrinking and expanding as the breasts continued to pump in Kyle's chest.

Irina's whole body is now heating up and the young girl buried her head in Kyle's arms.

Kyle tried to hold it in. Kyle's hand that was hugging Irina now felt warm and wet with sweat. But suddenly something surprising happened.

[ Passive Title The Ruler of Conspiracy Activate ]

[Hidden Effect Activate: Data cannot be displayed, requires Skill Aprissal Lvl 6 to be able to display it]

Huh?! Why passive title Activate twice? Is it possible that the first one wasn't from Irina? If the first one wasn't from Irina, then who?