Two Faction in the school (1)

At the time after class ended. A blue hair girl walked with a man nearby.

She was a girl who had beautiful ruby ​​colored eyes, her long hair that was tied up neatly gave off a kind of resolute aura. He currently wears a knight class uniform with a short coat on the chest as well as a white shirt and short black tie.

Long tights reveal the curves of a young girl's body. It was a uniform used in combat for superior mobility.

Meanwhile nearby now, a geeky-looking man was wearing an ordinary uniform. It was her fiancé.

"Are you sure Amelia?" The man asked.

"Of course Leonard," Amelia nodded in agreement.

After a short answer. Amelia then opened the classroom door and entered.

Even though it wasn't her class, but Amelia had something to talk to someone there.

Her face now looked irritated, making her actions feel rushed. Amelia knew that well, but she couldn't help but feel ashamed for what Irina had done to her.

An evil girl who likes to look down on other students and abuses power. There were so many bad stories about Irina that Amelia had heard.

Irina and her group always cause trouble. Several other students were humiliated in front of the others while laughing at all of them as if it was a joke, they were like the rulers of this school from the start. Just because they are strong and have a lot of money, they can do anything.

Amelia felt that it was a wrong move for a girl from an elite family who had influence in the country.

And that was the reason why Amelia tried to fight Irina in sword lessons to make the evil girl aware of her actions. But what happened afterwards— it was a disaster, he didn't expect that Irina who was from the Regular class could defeat him.

Being humiliated and rudely insulted made Amelia grit her teeth.

Amelia then stood in front of a man sitting on a chair. The man had neat black hair in his usual uniform and wore glasses. He was the one Amelia wanted to meet now.

"Rei, there is something we want to discuss with you. "

"Oo.. Why would a daughter of the Rounder family come to me? Are you trying to influence the Faction?" Rei then turned to Amelia and Leonard.

He then put the pen in the book and closed it. After a moment, he adjusted his glasses and said again.

"The military faction contains barbarians who disobey the goddess. You are just a bunch of people who get things done with violence. You should purify yourself by repenting to the goddess before speaking to me," Rei confidently said that.

Then someone behind him started interrupting.

"Rei, don't be like that, as followers of a devout goddess we must always help each other," a golden-haired girl said.

The girl looks innocent with a uniform that is tight on the chest and sometimes sloppy. The girl then moved tables and chairs to entertain Amelia and Leonard. Her attitude was like a shy innocent princess who wasn't used to entertaining guests.

With a smile, the girl invited Amelia to sit opposite Rei. Then the girl moved the chair right next to Rei and then sat down beside him.

"Please sister Amelia, I am glad to have met you. "

"Umm.. Thank you.."

"Rishe, you don't have to entertain this infidel before he can repent," Rei spontaneously rejected Rishe's actions.

"Hosting guests is part of kindness, remember that well Rei. How will you become a priest in the future if you don't understand this," Rishe said that while putting on a sweet expression.

His friendly face, gives him encouragement to always remind his lover that it is good. While gently pinching Rei's cheek.

The four of them are now facing each other. One side was Amelia with Leonard while on the other side was Rei and Rishe. Rei then gave up and he now opened the conversation.

"So, what are you here for? "

"Information exchange, we need information exchange," Amelia answered spontaneously.

It was useless for Amelia to hide her intentions when she tried to ask for help. It would give him a good impression, even if only a little.

Amelia then gave a signal to Leonard by moving her elbow. Leonard complied.

"Yesterday, Miss Irina and one of Princess Cindy's retainers fought, you should know this, right? "

"Yes, I watched the game. It was so barbaric, I was hoping that the heathen girl would lose to that idiot Cindy's follower, but yeah, as you can see she couldn't beat the heathen girl," Rei then crossed his arms.

He then looked at the two people in front of him now with a small smile. Then continued in a condescending tone of voice.

"After all, those who are carried away by wealth will eventually collapse. They should donate their wealth to the church to give to the poor, but instead they waste money and continue to enrich themselves. Greed is a sin. "

Rei then looked to the side, Rishe nodded in agreement with Rei's words.

"Yeah, right, just like Rei said. They should donate their wealth to help others, many people need help. "

Even though the two of them said good things, it seemed that Amelia didn't want to talk about it at all. So she started to interrupt before Leonard spoke.

"That's enough, what I need now is information. Do you think your faction has been visited by the Austinus family? The fight in the arena yesterday should have given a split. "

Hearing that, Rei then changed his expression, he looked irritated.

"I'm not talking to you infidel girl. I spoke to the man beside you."

"Cch!!.. You!!" Amelia clicked her tongue.

She then corrected his attitude to try to be patient. She then folded her arms like Rei while acting gracefully like a normal girl.

If he spoke in his current state, his anger would probably explode. For now trying to be nice to Rei wasn't a bad choice, the priority right now was just destroying Irina's arrogance that had insulted her.

As a knight, self-respect and honor are far more valuable than money or life. He would do anything to avenge Irina one day.

Therefore, she invited Leonard from the mage class to help him talk because his fiancé was still level-headed and not as annoyed as Amelia.

The current business faction is very strong, they are even stronger than the government faction. In other words, an opponent who must be destroyed. Therefore, trying to negotiate with the weaker faction was something Amelia had to do.

The businessmen faction had always been strong, but due to the recent shock it should have dealt some kind of blow to them. This is an opportunity that should not be wasted.

Information, She needed information to know the opponent's movements. Considering the Austinus family was known to be very obedient to the goddess, the church faction should be the party they would go to first.

As Amelia thought that, Leonard then started to speak.

"We can exchange information, if you want? For example, what action will the church faction take in this situation, do they want to withdraw the Austinus family? Or stay silent and do nothing? "