Little sister at the dinner table

Holding a glass of wine in my right hand and drinking it, I could feel the warm pleasure in my throat flowing to my stomach. Hmmm.. Fuah.. Drinking red wine while cutting fragrant beef steak is the best.

What's more, this is the luxury I really want. Ah— CEO, a CEO. I give the impression of being the CEO of a major international company, and I'm not lying about that because the Burnet Family did.

This is so much better than a miserable office job, I now understand why so many people are crazy about money or position. A person can find comfort just by lying in bed or putting both feet on the desk, while he can shout at his employees to do boring work.

To be honest it might make me addicted, but what makes me think is that if I spend too much it ends up burdening my own family's finances, of course that sounds bad.

Convenience isn't just about wealth, I know that but it seduces me, I'm thankful there's no luxury like a cool expensive car or a personal plane. Huuf— the beauty of the primitive world doesn't look too bad to me either.

While Kyle gave a small smile, he then stopped for a moment when he saw the two girls beside the dining table. One of the girls smiled contentedly while the smaller one pouted.

I thought Liliy was a little disappointed in me, so I wanted to ask her.

"Lily what's wrong with you today? "

"No, nothing—nothing but an older brother causing trouble at school and then bringing a pretty girl home at night," Lily looked away, she looked annoyed.

It seems that my troubles have irritated Lily. Huff... Troubles at school and problems at home, don't add to my work Lily. Ah, it's not the school problem, I mean the Faction problem that actually happened.

"I heard from my people, brother caused trouble in the school cafeteria and then plotted a battle scheme. Hupf!! Stupid. "

"Wait a minute, I didn't plan that."

"Huh? That's not what I heard brother."

"Who said that? "

"Matias, your friend Matias told me that big brother wants to avenge the actions of an ignorant commoner," Lily sharpened her gaze while mocking Kyle a little.

That idiot!!!

Did he think that I planned it to avenge a little girl's deed? Come on, it's just a small problem.. Why be like this? The idiot only added to my problems.

"It was just a minor misunderstanding, I believe Matias exaggerated the story just to look good in my eyes. Although in the end it made me feel troubled. "

"What!! Brother in trouble? People like you say you're in trouble? After what you've been doing all this time? Don't joke with me brother. "

Lily looked very annoyed while aiming the spoon like she wanted to stab the enemy from the front.

"What have I done?" Kyle now looks curious.

In order to understand the personality of this CEO's son named Kyle, sometimes I ask Lily implicitly to evaluate what tendencies she has. I hope what Liliy wants to say is something I don't know yet.

After that I saw that Lily couldn't contain her emotions, exploded like a volcano that could devour valleys and seas. I don't know exactly why she got this angry other than the Faction issue, but to be able to break out like this Lily seems to understand a lot of things that girls her age shouldn't. She used to act cute in front of me but now she looks serious.

"Trouble about that! Brother makes trouble with our own allies, I don't really care if you want to just have fun with your fiancé or cause trouble with ordinary students. But at least you have to think twice if you want to destroy our family Faction that was built with the blood and tears of father and mother."

While tapping the table with a spoon, Lily continued.

"Father and mother are busy with business in the eastern empire, while they are away I am the one who is trusted to take care of domestic affairs. Do you know political stability? It's not something you can easily understand. I don't even know what to do if the situation gets bad. "

From what I've heard so far, it seems that the youngster named Kyle is of no use at all other than selling him to the Triase family. Terrible, is the concept of gluing the Burnet family relationship actually reversed? I've been sold for political purposes and this kid has no idea, how far is your stupidity Kyle? Why did you give me this starting position? This kid only has a charming face as a weapon with no brains at all.

So this is why the value of the INT stat has a high plus but the initial value is 3. An INT value of 3 is a normal value for ordinary people, and it seems to me to be a problem because ordinary people in this world are below the standard of normal education.

While I continued to casually devour the food to maintain my peace of mind, Lily got even more annoyed when she saw me, then she turned to Irina for help.

"Miss Irina, can you please tell this stupid older brother of mine how bad the deed he did? I know my brother is just a real fool, so I really wish he was a little smarter around you. But a fool is still a fool, I hope too much for him to change. "

"You can rest easy about it, my Darling is actually up to something," Irina said with complete confidence.

"Nonsense, if my brother is seen plotting something I'm sure it was purely your doing Miss Irina. A fool like big brother wouldn't think of anything complicated. "

"Ohh— even little sister Darling herself doesn't know the slightest bit about you. Seems like Darling is really good at hiding things, I'm starting to like her. "

Hey, what's wrong with you Irina? why is she smiling proudly? It's a fact that the Kyle you love is actually an idiot or at least in the past was like that.

I immediately glanced at Lily and I could feel the Aura of anger shrinking slightly, she seemed to be trying to act calm or maybe she was giving up.

Next, Lily placed the cutlery on the table and stood up from the chair.

"Don't know anything about my brother? It seems that Miss Irina doesn't know anything."

"Hmm.. You're too confident. I know everything about darling. "

Wait a minute, I had a feeling this topic might be getting serious—and I started to notice it when Lily opened her mouth again to say something.

"You don't know that my older brother has an interest in mature women. Isn't that right? Hmp!! Miss Irina has no chance. "

"Huh!!" Irina dropped the tablespoon as the harsh reality hit her ear.

"The other day, I took lots of pictures of scantily clad grown women in my own brother's room. You'd be surprised if I showed you what kind of picture it really is."

Isn't that just one? I don't know when my little sister Lily found it and I don't know when I kept it because I didn't. But I know what Lily means is Irina's sister who is wearing a bikini.

If he showed that to Irina, I don't know what it would turn out to be.

When I turned to Irina, I could see how Irina's expression changed to that of a dead fish, her eyes darkened and her face became frozen. It was the desperate face of a girl.

Lily came closer to me, she was standing right next to me who was currently trying to be calm, she then whispered to me with a scary expression.

"Playing all night with a girl who isn't his wife, it's going to be a huge scandal that can't be controlled. It was once proposed to be a criminal offense in the republican parliament by the Church Faction.... I understand you are a man, but I hope you can refrain from doing it before marriage... I beg of you, just listen to your little sister this time. . "

What bad impression do you have on me, my little sister Lily?