My Businese Faction

I invited Irina to my house. I clearly said it when we were still at school, the night came after I ate with Irina and lily who looked very angry at me.

I quickly showered then got dressed and tried to sleep. And tonight Irina will stay at my house—and the next time I realize something. Irina came here unprepared. While Irina was carrying a bag filled with empty books because she was never a class writer, she didn't bring a change of clothes or anything like that. So I agree to suggest Irina to wear my family clothes.

At this point I realized that my Mom's clothes were too loose for Irina to wear so I suggested wearing Lily's clothes, but in the next turn Lily's clothes were too small. The maid outfit might be a good idea but Irina didn't seem to like it for some reason.

So what happened in the end?

She, Irina is wearing a white shirt with my shorts, and not only that she is also currently lying beside me.

"Hmm.. Honey, I can ask Lily to let you sleep in her room. "

"Ara— why Darling? when we were little we often slept together, it won't change when we grow up because later you and I will get married.. "

"I know that, but that will be after we get married. "

This girl, she wants something like this right? I know he wants something like this right? No, just forget about that. I'm an adult so I know how to get out of this.

I then sighed softly with my face looking up. I didn't look at Irina as her hair fell over my chest. His soft breath touched the delicate skin. It seemed like he was trying to hold back something.

I could feel his body heat up.

"Darling.. Sleeping with you—uh, why are men's chests so wide and warm too?" Irina said that with curious looking eyes.

It's not me, it's you who heats up.

I wanted to say that, but I would never say it because if I did, Irina would definitely unbutton two of her shirt buttons to reveal the cleavage.

Huff—for a moment I remember what my little sister Lily said. So I'm not going to do anything more than this because a big problem will come my way.

"Irina, I want to ask you something. "

"Please Darling, ask anything you want to ask me. "

I then grabbed Irina's cheek to try to touch her, her face was red and warm. Irina then replied by hugging my hand that was on her cheek.

When that happened, I continued.

"It's about the Faction. I think the matter regarding this Faction is a big problem, it might affect the future of both of us. "

"Me and Darling's future…. Yes, that's a big deal," Irina said as she sighed softly and stroked my hand.

"In that case, I want to know which faction is the most difficult opponent for us to face. I want you to explain to me everything you know. "

I originally wanted to have a serious talk with Irina and Lily, but seeing what happened at the dinner last night, it was clear that the idea itself failed. However. I will never waste the opportunity to be able to understand all the problems I will face. And Irina is the most appropriate person for me to do it.

As I was thinking about it, Irina then opened her mouth to say.

"It's the government Faction… They are the most difficult Faction we've faced. We do have wealth and reputation but it's not enough to beat those who have regulation under their control."

Irian again stroked my hand while closing her eyes for a moment. She looks serious. My impression of her at school seemed to change in an instant. She spoke in a soft tone that soothed my ears.

"Building a business is not easy, Darling. It takes preparation, planning and luck, I don't know how many fail and give up on their business. Very rarely someone can be successful in this country, have a lot of wealth and assets, that's all I can say as a very lucky person. But what I don't like about the government faction is how badly they extort our money."

Extorting money, I do hear that sometimes in my world. But it looks like it's not as bad as this world. I don't know much about business, I'm too busy working to spare my time studying anything else.

"People who have initial capital and enthusiasm to do business in their homeland, will eventually fall into poverty even before the business is built to ask for permission from officials. If we don't use lubricant, they will definitely slow it down."

"…That—" Kyle opened his mouth slowly.

"Then when the business is up and running, the bureaucrats make new excuses such as saying "As a good citizen, you must serve the country, so we will raise your taxes for the benefit of this country" it will not be a problem if you do it with good, but their calculation of the balance of profit and loss is only based on basic calculations according to what they want. The end result of all this is bankruptcy before the product hits the market."

Terrible, how can a businessman be able to put up with such treatment? Taxes are too high and bureaucrats who like to make things difficult. Do officials only understand the economy in terms of the price of goods and money? Not paying attention to the developed business ecosystem and how to manage it, how can business in this country still remain normal?

Before I thought about the reason, Irina gave an answer.

"And that's how our families both come in. My family built a private banking business to accommodate people with a passion for business. Meanwhile, your family creates international distribution channels to sell or buy products if the taxes from the government are too large to cover operational costs. The two of us were originally engaged to tie our family closer together."

Profits in international trade. If so, could my family be involved in the smuggling of goods? That would explain why a family business can be successful and not get caught up in the heavy taxes. Business goods and services?

The fact that I later learned from Irina's words was that our families were both the pinnacle of the Republic's economy. Or should I say, why this country is still standing and its economy is not destroyed is because of the business faction that has worked very hard. And their leaders are my family and Irina's family.

If only they gave up and moved to another country. I don't know if this country can still survive.

Businessmen in the Republic have been pushed hard enough to get to this point. That's great, they don't give up on the circumstances.

In this era the economic system began to approach the modern era. the fundamental difference why it is not fully modern, may be because of supporting instruments such as communications or international relations in general which make it impossible to achieve modern economies.

"My family's generation has gathered as many business people as possible to cooperate and survive in this dismal business environment. With the Darling family's commodity network, Republican businessmen including my family were able to survive through international sales. "

I now understand why the Entrepreneurs Faction is trying to control the seats of Parliament. A poor education system has produced corrupt officials.

"Then, then. Next problem, Darling. This is about a program that we propose to the parliament to build more schools, other factions think our proposal is nothing more than an misuse of government funds, so they reject it."

"Refusing to build schools—shouldn't they agree to that? "

"I doubt, it's true, our original goal of building multiple schools was solely for the benefit of our Faction. By taking government funds, the costs we invest in will be much cheaper... If the policy passes, the people of the republic can be educated to acquire expertise according to our preferences. Not only that, people's purchasing power may be higher so that we can overcome state taxes by increasing product prices according to the ability of buyers."

"Hmm.. Nice system but not understood by most people. Or should I say so. "

"There, the role of the Austinus family comes in to give us public support. With them, we can gain influence in parliament... The church faction seems to have realized our hidden intentions, so they proposed that we build a goddess church and distribute food to the poor. In the end, their proposals were more popular than ours."

Irina's eyes then seemed to shrink, she seemed to be thinking about something.

"I know what I'm doing sounds evil and the goddess hates it because I see people as nothing more than tools and instruments to make money. But I'm sure Darling will stay by my side."

I then pulled back my hand to stroke Irina's head, she responded with a flushed face. I'm getting sleepy now and I want to sleep.

Before I go to sleep, I hug Irina so her face sinks into my chest. I used Irina as a personal sleeping pillow. As silence fell, I said the last words before going to bed.

"No Irina, to help the poor people, giving them that skill is much better than giving a pile of money that will run out tomorrow… Also, even if you do evil things, I will stay by your side. "

Yes that's true, because if Irina wasn't by my side, I don't know what would have happened to me.