Hidden Shadow

A puppeteer who moves from behind the scenes. they are mysterious entities lurking in the dark.

No one will know that this world holds many secrets. Dense darkness covers the light during the day, the creatures that live in darkness are those who tread the path of evil.

Conspiracies are the basic structure of this world.

Without it there would be neither day nor night, the world is controlled from behind the shadows.

A puppeteer, or someone who aspires to be a puppeteer.

With all his efforts, he ends up becoming a student at a Republican school, becoming a weak man who no one will notice, an ordinary person who will be seen walking by the side of the road when the main character of a Drama wields a weapon to challenge the devil. A mysterious figure who will not be noticed by people.

It was not an easy endeavor as it seemed. In fact, Zen has worked really hard to get to this point.

Starting from being an ordinary person who is trapped by a group of monsters and then being helped by a hero, to being a pathetic student who is bullied by a group of arrogant students. Everything had entered into the ideal stage he had hoped for.

Tira is opened and Zen is acting. Ordinary people that people don't pay attention to turn out to be dark allies of the mastermind behind the scenes.

No, no, Zen isn't a demon lord or anything like that. He is just a young man who wants to be a mysterious figure who monitors the world from behind the darkness.

The demon lord is only a pawn that can be sacrificed. The position of the demon king himself was too conspicuous to be a mysterious figure from behind the scenes.

Think carefully which one is cooler? Become a hero who quells evil and then marry a king's daughter and live happily or become a demon lord and have many harems. No, it's all boring.

Zen was always bored with stories like that in the books he used to read as a child. In fact, being a mysterious man wearing a jet black robe and a thick hood who was the mastermind behind the scenes was much more promising.

Every pulse in Zen's body seemed to boil as he played the mysterious figure wearing a hood. His spirit flared when he said meaningful words.

"Fufufu.... I can't believe there is a human being able to surpass me. "

Zen was getting more and more excited, a while ago before nightfall. Zen had been competing against a high school student, he had purposely continued to feign defeat to give off a pathetic normal impression.

With a mysterious little grin and hands leaning against the wall, the night wind blows towards him. Her hair danced in the dark and her school uniform suddenly changed.

The black hooded robe with a suit and black shirt emitted a very strong mysterious aura, there were also some mysterious carvings on some sides that looked like ancient artifacts.

It glowed purple, the light in Zen's eyes emitted terrifying waves.

"...Is the world finally going to change soon? The world is finally turning, I feel it in my veins. "

Zen didn't expect someone to act as the mastermind behind the scenes. Zen felt like he had been defeated this time.

It was another trick that Zen had never thought of before.

Playing with people's perceptions to hide a big secret. Being the son of a wealthy businessman's family, he tarnished his own reputation and looked pathetic.

At first glance, that person was just a petty criminal that anyone could get rid of. Until Zen finally realized the strangeness of his actions for this one month. As if he was a different person.

"Senior, should I call him senior? Incredibly, I didn't notice his disguise all this time. "

The disciple that Zen noticed was an oppressor of other disciples. During his years at the academy, he had carried out countless repressions with his minions. All the students knew that he was actually weak and stupid except for the influence of his family. That was why his disguise was so perfect.

People who have made a bad impression for a long time will not be able to change that impression forever.

To be the mastermind behind the scenes by pretending to be an ordinary student like Zen did, it turned out to be meaningless in the face of a petty criminal hiding a big conspiracy.

The mastermind behind the scenes and a big conspirator. Amazing, how could those two mysterious entities exist in the same place? Zen doesn't believe this.

Zen initially assumed it was just the student's act to improve his reputation. But what happened in the student's conversation with his fiancé made Zen's body tremble in shock.

He then corrected his posture.

The moonlight that passed through the side of the building shone on a part of Zen's body, the light was like someone being slashed at a slight angle. Shining brightly on one side while on the other being devoured by darkness.

Darkness and light are united in one body.

Zen then noticed a mysterious person with a hood approaching towards him.

The uniform of darkness that covered the entire body would not let anyone know the person's true identity. The person then leaned against the wall while saying a secret message.

"Dragons and a few rats have gathered.. Looks like the sect councils want to talk about something serious. How about you Commander? "

Its it!!! The mysterious impression of those words that Zen didn't understand, gave him a burning passion. He wanted to do it from the start.

What are dragons and mice? Zen doesn't know that. But the other party had given him the bait, so he had to take it.

"Fufufufuf…. A gem of darkness is more valuable than a dragon or a mouse. Tell those people that the world is going to turn around soon. "

Having a mysterious organization as an accomplice is what anyone who aims to be the mastermind behind the scenes should have. That's why Zen created an Organization like this.

It's incomplete if he doesn't have it.

Fufufufu— as Zen grinned widely. His subordinates reacted.

"Commander? What do you mean dark gem? "

"That— is my strength. My power had been sealed long ago by the curse of the gods, but now I finally have a way to resurrect it. "

That's clearly a lie. Zen doesn't have anything like a power seal or anything like that. However since it gave off the mysterious impression of a mastermind from behind the scenes, Zen had to say that in a slightly heavy tone.

"Your power will rise?" Zen's subordinate said.

He then trembled with fear. Cold sweat dripped down, and his eyes began to sharpen. Zen's subordinates couldn't believe that his master would get his powers back.

"Yes, with that power— the world will fall to its knees under darkness. "

Zen's subordinates started to panic. He put on a face with a deadly stomach ache.

"Commander!! You don't have to go that far. We your subordinates from The Shadow will help you acquire that power. Even if you have to fight the world, we won't let you fight alone. "

"Then— prove yourself with some behind-the-scenes work."

And with that, the pitch-black darkness that had appeared under Zen's feet now began to rise and devour his body without a trace. Their commander Zen had now given them very clear orders.