How to get a job by Zen

A sunny morning where the sun shines very brightly. Zen came out of the apartment door with his hands smoothing his school tie, he is currently trying to enjoy the morning sun while occasionally taking slow breaths.

Enter through the breath and then continue to flow into the lungs. An ordinary face but keeps a burning spirit. Zen always does this every morning.

The apartment he had bought through his connections gave Zen the comfort of pretending to be an ordinary human. Everything has been going very well for the past few years, Zen is very satisfied with what he has.

"Huff— the smell of school student perfume is amazing."

Complimenting the smell of perfume from the uniform she was wearing was the first step towards the small theater she had prepared.

Everything will start when school hours end. But before that happened, he had to be a little patient.

It was an academic assessment day, where all the students in Zen class received the results of the written exams, all seemed normal like normal school students.

As an ordinary student, Zen continued to study hard to get perfect scores, And he finally got the test scores he wanted. That's the best of the best, no!! not as exemplary students, but ordinary students in general.

A perfect score where it is just slightly below the minimum value. If the student's minimum score is 50 then Zen will get a score of 40. That was the best score he had hoped for. It's not that Zen is incompetent, it's just that he planned that, really it's not a lie, more or less—

"40 more? Zen, if you get bad grades like this, you might get in trouble," a student beside him said that.

He is an ordinary student who wears glasses with freckles around the cheeks. An honor student or someone who had a similar impression, even so he wasn't the best.

Because the best is someone he sees right now.

"You see that, Zen? Even though our holy knight a few days ago was almost killed by a girl, but now he's back in class and suddenly gets perfect scores in all subjects. I'm starting to not believe that he's actually human. Could he possibly be an angel?"

"Rather than the crime-fighting man of justice, I think the real angel might be the girl beside him," Zen replied.

He then nodded in agreement several times.

"You think so too? I agree with you, Miss Cindy always looks like an angel. Ah—they both look really good together, I wouldn't be surprised if Ernest in the future would be appointed a hero by the church. Praise the goddess, I might smile happily when I tell my descendants that this father was once in the same class as a hero."

"If you had offspring, you'd probably be busy taking care of baby diapers instead of telling a hero story where you never fought beside him. "

"Ah— Zen, you ruined the mood again."

Zen narrowed his eyes at the meaningless talk. But he enjoyed how the common man generally saw heroes, meaning, the world behind the darkness managed to hide their extensions. This is good news for Zen. Because for him, a person or group of people who must be aware of the intent behind the darkness must be state elites or a group of experienced soldiers.

Next, Zen got up from the chair and put the test results in his backpack.

He then patted his classmate's shoulder lightly while closing his eyes slightly.

"Hmm… Have a good day. "

"Hey, Hey. I'm not done with you. It's about your poor grades, I'm starting to worry you won't get a job in the future. "

While he was getting such a warning, Zen returned back with a mysterious, confident look in his eyes.

"The world is not as simple as writing on paper. There are so many things that can change a person's destiny in an instant….. For example the shadow beneath your feet."

Isn't this interesting? What's more when Zen said it in a low tone.

A mysterious ordinary student said something that would become the truth in the future, huff— in fact Zen was trying to do that now.

He had spread bits and pieces of evidence that would lead one to be able to realize the mysterious identity that lay behind the darkness, even if they only saw the tail of the entity.

But in fact, no one is aware of it all. This is very disappointing. Zen was very disappointed at the results he found.

Seriously, how can people draw conclusions so easily when the Zen-led group's attack on the Republican army's encampment is sometimes referred to as a bandit attack, or when Zen's group smuggles goods and is caught by the Republican army in the end still being considered a bandit group. Why always bandits, bandits and bandits!!

What is wrong? why doesn't anyone notice? Zen started to lose interest.

All his efforts seemed to be destroyed by the cruel reality in front of his eyes.

Zen then walked out of the classroom with a slightly disappointed expression. He started to give up.

"Cch. Alright, enough this is my third year at school. What is it about school grades that will affect how you get a job? I can get a job without it all. "

Yes, that is the truth. Zen will be able to get it all, in fact now Zen will show you all how to be a good job applicant, some people may have to imitate this kind of brilliant way.

Beginning by walking briskly like someone in a hurry, Zen then gets to a talent scout producer who will take him to the stage. It was an elite student who was swarmed by his followers.

Then the second is to submit a job application letter. No, that's not it, there's a much better method that is to show your skills right in front of the producer's eyes.

And here it is.

Zen's footsteps stopped, then he lowered his head causing some hair to cover Zen's eyes.

He looked like a student who had surrendered to the oppressor. His hands trembled and his words started to fall out of order, but with a bit of courage Zen raised his voice.

"Stop all this!!! I'm sick of you always telling me to change the signage in the women's bathroom just to let you peek at them!!!.. This is going too far!! "

The storm has stopped, the sun has set. Everyone who heard that froze at Zen's words. Then after a while, everyone looked at a student in front of Zen, some with annoyed faces and some with disgust. How can there be someone like that? It seemed that all the cynical-eyed people wanted to say that.

"What are you saying?!! The student in front of Zen made a confused face.

But Zen didn't let him, he had to show his best performance in order to be accepted by the producer.

"Master Matias, I will expose all your crimes, for the sake of the goddess' justice. Enough with the lewd acts at school, my little heart can't accept this kind of crime," said that while starting to cry.

"I never told you to—"

As Matias started to look around, he immediately felt hateful gazes pierce his way.

Looking right and left then gritting his teeth, Matias looked at Zen with an annoyed expression. He then withdrew Zen's hand while commanding his followers.

"Everyone, this person is trying to find trouble with me. Arghh!! You will pay for this. "