Religious person who looks like an angel

The school holds an exam, a mandatory test as one of the graduation requirements for the Knight class. However, because the number of students is not always sufficient to make a team, sometimes students invite their colleagues from different classes such as Mage Class, Archer class, priest classes or classes that are used to fight.

It is a collaboration between two sides where those who are not from the Kesatria class received additional assessments because they have participated in RAID. Values ​​about combat capabilities are also important points for students from classes who are classified as combat classes for their graduation.

And of the many teams mixed with the combat class, Ernest was in it.

"Miss, stay behind me. "

Ernest then grabbed the sword from his sarong, a small light began to bounce when the sword's eyes were directed to a group of monsters.

"Ernest, I will help you," Miss Cindy said.

Beautiful girl with long sticks and white uniforms makes everyone will see her as an angel who falls from heaven, then brightly colored light balls appear one by one around the sticks that the girl holds.

The round suddenly stopped and then went into the air right above the hair of a girl like an angel named Cindy.

"The great goddess, please show your followers this true hammer ..."

The spell has been said and then shot like an arrow. Penetrating the flesh and bones of the monster group in front and then destroyed it like a bubble eruption in Mount Lava.

Exploded, then spread. Blood scattered in all directions to change the pile of monsters into mountains.

"A first -class mage, as I heard from rumors. You are amazing, Miss Cindy, "A girl with a knight equipment praised Cindy.

"Indeed, that's the next successor to Austinus. You always look amazing Miss Cindy. "

Unlike the first, Cindy was seen blushing when Ernest praised him.

Ernest knew how an extraordinary mage girl and obedient to Dewi was able to use her ability for virtue. He smiled brightly when he saw the grace given by the goddess.

Destiny must have brought Ernest to a very kind woman. He was very grateful to his life.

Paying attention and smiling Raham, he practically could see a princess hugging his stick while hiding his face.

"Eh, no. Not like it seems, everyone can also if they work hard. "

"Miss Cindy is too good. In reality not many people can be like Miss. "

"Stop praising me Miss Amelia. And I beg not to use the call of Miss to me, just call me Cindy is enough. "

Hearing that Amelia now bowed slightly to be polite.

"I understand. Please forgive me. "

"Huh? It doesn't matter. Don't be too rigid with me, in the eyes of the goddess we as humans have the same degree. "

Despite having great power, wealth, fame and influence, Cindy still thinks that she is on the same level. For Ernest, this is how an elite society with power and wealth should be.

Those at the top should help those below for a better future for mankind.

Everything will go so beautifully and the goddess will bless mankind.

Ernest believed that deep down.

Even so, Ernest realized that a lot of people at the top refused to do good. How can a goddess be happy if most people are always pursuing their own selfishness. Be it wealth, power or fame.

Especially for what happened recently, someone who actually told him and the lady that Ernest was protecting.

"For those who live for good, I believe in heaven that person will get the same reward," a man wearing a priest's clothes said while holding his hand like he was praying.

He then continued his words right on top of the pile of monster corpses.

"Blessed, the goddess has blessed the death of you monsters. All the money we get from you we will donate to the cause of goodness. Praise the goddess. "

With such kindness, it was clear he was a saint worthy of admiration. The goal is for the good and the means are also clean.

Ernest felt he might get along well with someone like this.

"Rei, we will collect the corpses of those monsters later, for now clearing the dungeon is the priority. "

"Slacking is also a sin, Brother Ernest. But I can't, not grateful for what I got, my life is only for the goddess. "

So good, right? A devout clergyman will get a proper recompense.

After finishing praying, Rei then hugged the book to his chest and then nodded to signal.

"Let's continue. "

Next, after seeing the sweet sight to know what kindness is. A blue-haired girl commented while sheathing a sword to her waist.

Military uniform with iron armor on the chest as well as a blue shirt and a small waistcoat, creating small layers on the sides of the uniform near the waist that can be used as a belt for the scabbard.

It was the official uniform of female knight officers of the Republican military. Meanwhile, the uniform worn by male knights is slightly different with long sleeves and a small tie on the collar of the shirt.

Practically, Amelia now looks full of confidence. He then said.

"Just tell me, if you want to laze around with what you have. I Appreciate your obedience to the goddess, but on the battlefield a sword is a friend you can trust."

"Violence causes suffering, O my pagan sister who does not believe even though you claim to be a follower of the goddess."

Amelia replied with a throbbing vein in her head.

"O brother who is very faithful. It's said that the scriptures say an army from heaven will come down to defend virtue, I guess, what the goddess meant were people like us. "

Hearing that Rei then turned to Cindy.

"Ehm.. Sister Cindy, I don't think serving this violence-loving heathen girl will do any good. So, how about I tell you something while walking. "

Rei closed his eyes and then smiled kindly. Cindy accepted that, but she seemed to want to say something.

"It's not good to call a sister in faith as an infidel brother Rei. You seem to have to apologize. "

But unlike what Ernest had expected, Rei answered Cindy with another answer.

"Sister is too kind. The goodness may be used for the evil of some people. "

For this one, Ernest seemed to agree a little. It would be too painful for a saint like Miss Cindy to be used like that.

Ernest still remembers how the lady he served was cruelly treated by someone. He would never forget that, therefore trying to become stronger was the right decision.

Associating with good people who are blessed by the goddess doesn't seem like a bad fate. The thread of fate has led Ernest to be able to meet someone like Rei.

"Used for Evil? What do you mean like?" Ernest asked.

Before answering, Rei put the sacred book in his pocket. He then played with his hands while looking down slightly for a while. After he looked sad, he said.

"Have you ever heard the story of a farmer in a village near the capital? It is an example of extortion that is always carried out by greedy pagans who refuse to repent."