The Lion and the Deer

"I felt a little cool breeze running through my hair from behind, moving it lightly. I smiled involuntarily and felt for a moment that I was in my room and on my warm bed until that damn thing spoiled me for the moments that I was gathering with difficulty."

Julian Julian threw water on her while she was sleeping with a copper bowl filled with impurities.

She jumped up from her place and gasped to stand up immediately,

looking at her clothes, which had become completely wet, and screamed at him.

What the hell is wrong with you?!!

Everyone outside his tent heard her screams.

Eva noticed her loud voice and quickly put her hand over her mouth and said in a low, almost audible voice.

I shouldn't have been like this...

"I just need to get close to him little by little so that I can escape from these shackles, and either I kill him or I escape to get revenge!"

Life and death are two sides of the same

coin, just like money.

- Oh... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have screamed that but...

Julian raised an eyebrow in amazement with a cold look

, "She's apologizing?"

"No, she must have gone crazy..."

Don't play the role of the innocent who was bullied and now you start apologizing until she is forgiven.

She raised her head at him and smiled, "

No, I'm just surprised I didn't mean to apologize properly as I did."

Yeah, that's right, you should have said it.

Julian smiled and then lifted the chain forcefully to lift her completely from the ground and then raised his hand to surround her waist with his hand saying after he stuck her body on his body and her hands above his chest while he was holding the chain lightly as if he was holding a small child.

- A series and on our own... I think I missed

last night in vain.

Remember, it is a tent, not a closed room.

Just imagine that you are having sex in these shameful positions and someone enters you quickly, or the air moves the curtain covering the entrance to the tent, showing your wonderful ass.

I heard the sound of his steps far apart, then I heard another sound and he was approaching me, and suddenly I felt his strong hand grab my hair from behind with strength and he brought me close to him until my lips were almost sticking to his.

"I felt nothing but his breath mixing with mine, and in this way I knew how close he was to me."

He spoke in a calm, frightening tone that made a shiver run through Eva's skinny body

You know I can make you scream, and when you scream and the outside hear your voice, they won't even think of daring to enter the tent.

- That means I can rape you here, no, should I call it rape?

It's worth a try, right, Eva?

Eva put her small handcuffed hands on his bare chest and he looked at them coldly, then said Eva in a frightened tone.

- Can't I even give my opinions?

You can only obey my words, do not mess with me, and I will make you a murdered bed.


He looked at her coldly and then left her on the ground to walk away and get out of the tent while she smiled through her hair covering her face.

We're just at the beginning, Mr. Julian.

Elsewhere, the woman is dragging herself off the ground as she tries to run with those rickety feet in her red dress torn by rocks, corpses everywhere, and her blood-red hair.

The beautiful Lillian Graz, who is vying to be the most beautiful woman of the Mirjana kingdom, now reveals the other side of her which is the secret of the warriors of the Mirjana kingdom.

A dress torn from the side shows her left thigh, a sword of unknown origin, her white bloodstained face, and her blood-red hair.

She slowed down in her running, and began to walk quietly towards her palace, which was scorched by fire, and all that was left of it were the dilapidated walls.


She said in a trembling voice, as she headed towards the main door of the palace, and she entered with slow steps, barefoot, one step after another, and slowly climbed the stairs

. All she hoped was to find her sick husband in his place.

Her memories began to appear in front of her and her eyes overflowed with tears that blinded her, so she stopped in the middle of the stairs and wiped her eyes and then continued her way up quietly and the sword did not reach her hand, and when she reached her room she tried to open the door but as soon as she touched it it was broken.

I went there and didn't find anything.

She hoped to find her sick husband in his chair, but only the one charred from the fire.

She walked towards the chair quietly and put her hand on it and passed it with tears in her eyes

- I shouldn't have left you... - I

should have stayed here to die with you...

- Where did you go, Scott...

She gasped, then the sword fell from her hand, and she began to sob, and she sat on the ground next to the chair and put her head on the seat with all the misery, sadness and cries of pain and sadness.

No one heard her and Scott did not respond to

her voice as he did and wiped her eyes, as she was pretending to be weak in front of him to show him his strength in front of her.

And in another place where another woman plans to break into the heart of the Stone Emperor and smash it.

Eva sits tied up inside the Emperor's tent quietly embracing herself and hiding her face under her hands

, a pathetic look from the outside and from the inside thoughts that can kill the demon.

Julian... I will take you to Hell

I will kill you and restore my kingdom as if nothing had happened

"They are not dreams, but I will not be silent and give up my right and my kingdom, and I will avenge all the blood that was shed for me."

"I was entering into a conversation with myself until I heard someone's footsteps into the tent, so I raised my head and fell back because I could not see. I was very careful, but I was able to separate people by smells, and Julian's smell was the strongest among them."

"I can't believe you, it smells so strong that it can quench anything like the raging ocean water."

He bent his feet and sat in front of her with a small plate of food in his hand.

- what do you want?

Do you want to eat or do you decide to die?

- No, I will not die.

Eva pulled the plate of food from his hand and began to

eat coldly and lightly while Julian looked at her and did not move a single step in front of her.

His eyes were watching over her entire body,

from her legs to her chained hands, her yellow eyes spoiled by war, and her tired, dry, brittle hair.

He was like a anxious lion looking at his prey, the deer, to finish her food, so that he could eat his own food