Failed Experiment

"While I was eating the food he had forbidden me, I felt as if he wanted to eat me, I don't know what he might think, but I am sure he did not think of an honorable thing.

- Done, thank you.

Eva quietly passed the plate and paper to Julian, who was staring at her sharply, eyes shining as if he really wanted to devour her.

He took the plate from her and looked at her, then ran his thumb over her lips where the food remains.

As for Eva, who looks at him but does not see anything, she passes her hand over his face with intention and gentle looks, and what comes under her hand is the wound that extends from the left side of his lip to his ear.

-W... what is it?

Julian turned his face away and got up, his looks changed to cold and nervous, and then left without saying anything to her.

As for her, she was shocked by this large scar covering his face.

- What's wrong with his face... is it distorted?

She put her hand under her chin and asked again.

- But didn't they say he was handsome? How could this scar keep him handsome?

Julian went to the nearby river and was looking at his face in the moving water, u

"Does she think I'm ugly or does she think I'm scary..."

"No, in any case, it doesn't matter."

He undressed completely and went down to the river.

Meanwhile, Eva was trying to remove the handcuffs from her hands, but she found a way and tied the handcuffs one to the other and broke the chain, but the handcuffs remained tied to her hands.

I got up quietly, trying not to make any sound, and headed towards the entrance to the tent with that look that was almost nonexistent.

She opened her ears to fully hear how close the sounds were around her, but there was no one around, so she went out and tried to get away from the camp.

She was going against the direction of the sounds and running between the trees and bumping into each other, but she walked without intending to go back

so that her hands were slightly injured by the trees, but that did not stop her or stop her.

"I must go on, if you catch me now, he won't leave me alive this time."

She ran and bumped and continued on her way until she stopped, panting, and put her hands on her knees

, and when she heard the sound of water

In fact, that man did not move while she was trying to escape, who was bathing in the lake and half of his body was covered by water

, but kept looking at her coldly while waiting for what she would do.

She was groping and spinning around the water trying to find a way past the lake.

However, Julian made a sound and hit the water with his hand to make her tense, so she started turning right and left and said in a tense and frightened voice.

- M.. who... who's there?!

Julian kept moving the water with his feet as he walked towards her naked when she fell to the ground

"Who is this... it can't be... is he one of the guards or the knights?!"

"What am I going to do, my God.. I must find a solution to this matter, or I will be arrested."

- You have to answer and tell me who you are?!

Eva grabbed a tree stick that was near her and got up and stood in front of the lake and when Julian reached her and stood in front of her,

but she pointed the stick at him hard

You have to be more careful than me, and don't come close.

He grabbed the wand in his hand and pulled her to drop the wand with Eva into the lake water.

He removed the stick and went down to the water with her, where Eva was trying to get out. He wrapped her waist with his hands as he looked at her and her shocked eyes, which were also terrified. He wrapped her waist with one hand and the other hand, with which he raised her hand up and immersed himself in devouring her lips under the water, without paying any attention to her movements, which were about to suffocate. .

Seconds later, he came out of the water in his arms and was right in front of his chest when one of the knights came from behind.

- Your Majesty...

- A..

The man was hesitant to speak and was gasping for air.

- Mallamer?

Julian did not turn around but kept giving him his back while talking to him with Eva in his hands and hiding her in front of his bare chest while she was in a state of panic and trembling.

- The princess... the princess ran away, your majesty!!

Julian turned slightly to show half of Eva's side in front of the knight whose face had turned red.

The princess is now one of my women, so it's impossible to run away. You can just go and tell them.

- But sir, the handcuffs and the chain were broken...!

- Yeah, I broke it, don't talk too much and just go.

The knight bowed without saying any more and hurriedly headed toward the camp.

As for Julian, he looked back at Eva's shocked face as she looked at his chest without understanding the matter.

- I just wanted to try the taste of your lips, what's up? why are you angry?

He moved closer and brushed her wet hair from her shoulder and whispered near her ear, while still wrapping his hand around her waist

- Virgin...

Eva pushed him and shrieked away and tried to climb up not to get away from the lake but he pulled her from her stomach from behind and stuck her to his bare body and removed her hair while she was trying to get rid of his one hand, which was a ton for her and which she was not even able to move, because Julian lifted her with his only hand from her stomach and easily He whispered in her ear, pulling her hair lightly.

- Don't worry, I don't intend to ruin my fun these days...

- I just want to have fun and make my nose saturate with this smell

- Leave me!! I didn't let you touch me!

- I allowed myself this...

- What a chilling smell, Eva...

- How can the smell of a human not disappear after all these things and events.

"Oh my God, how am I going to get out of this mess, I don't want him to hold me, he's completely naked.. I mean I can feel his whole body...!! That's terrifyingly terrifying!!!