What will a person do when he is in Eva's store?
Especially when a woman is in the hands of a monster.
How can a woman deal with a monster that no one has ever tamed?
"I have to do something, I can't let him
touch me like that, I just want to find a way first to get myself out of this mess."
-His Majesty!
Eva cried out audibly, which caught Julian's attention, and he stopped moving and then turned her to face her eyes that were shining.
- what?
He answered her coldly as he brushed her water-strewn hair from her face and shoulders and brought it back as if he was talking to a game.
- I... I'm just going to tell you to wait...
- Wait what?
- What do you mean?
He answered her for the first time naturally
and did not really understand her question and
this is what made Eva take advantage of it, and she said while her hands paralleled his bare chest.
- Just wait, it will be more fun in bed.
Julian raised his right eyebrow and smiled softly, then laughed and then giggled at her words as if he was listening to a kitten.
- Why are you laughing? I am talking seriously!
It's better on the bed.
It's not like you tried it, just shut up.
Julian left her for no reason and looked at her as she quietly retreated from the water and cried in a cold voice
- Don't think of running away.
Eva stopped moving in her heavy clothes and Julian looked at the details of her body that were visible from behind the dress, although he had examined her entire body previously, but he fell in love with the details of her body and her long hair every time he saw her in front of him.
- what a beauty...
Her body shivered and felt that she had lost again and that he would do something else this time, but
Julian disappointed her expectations and smiled to say afterwards.
- Don't run away, just wait for me here, I'll get dressed and then I'll have the maids change your clothes in my tent.
While Julian came out naked from the water, I heard Eva sitting on the edge of the lake embracing herself cold.
She smiled lightly, but Julian noticed that smile while getting dressed in front of her.
"Oh my God, thank God I can't see anything otherwise it would be scary even though I couldn't see it in person."
"But with such a strong and fearsome body, I can expect nothing so small in Julian's bottom."
She was talking between herself and herself and smiled
then laughed lightly
and in the meantime Julian finished getting dressed and then approached her and she got up trying to fix herself with anything in front of her now that Julian grabbed her entire arm and carried her on his shoulder and hit her butt a little hard, saying.
Don't bother me, if you can't walk, let me do it better than you.
Eva expected that it would not be long, but the place was not the same as if something had happened to the march.
Julian returned only to find traces of the horses and the previous tents they had set up.
- What's going on here?
Eva asked him, on his shoulder, what the situation was going on.
- For a moment...just get me down!
He lowered her to the ground and she was feeling cold while embracing herself and he glimpsed her with this appearance, but he did not care, but was checking the place with his eyes because he knew that the strength of his eyes was not like normal human beings.
I'm sure I didn't tell them to leave so quickly.
- His Majesty. I can smell the horses and carriages on the east side.
- The east side? How did you know that you can't see?
She turned to him, looking at his chest, and said
, "My sense of smell is stronger than my other senses. "
Julian looked back at the place Eva had pointed to.
Julian turned around and found his horse
For him it was strange.
Why did he leave the motorcade and why was his horse still in place, some things began to fluctuate in Julian's mind.
Damn it, I'm going to feed you to my crocodiles, you bastards.
Julian got on his horse easily, walked a few steps, then turned back and sighed, eyes closed in annoyance.
- Oh my God, what a mess.
He took his horse back to Eva, and she backed away when she
sensed that something was approaching her, so Julian passed his hand to Eva and she grabbed his hand after searching for her in the air several times.
Carrying her with one hand was not difficult for him, but on the contrary, she was like a child. He put it in front of him and took off his cloak to put it over her shoulders and asked her to hold her tightly. Then he wrapped his arms around her holding the bridle and pulled it to lead the horse quickly towards the direction that Eva had described to him.
The woman who had been frightened upon hearing Julian Reese Julis' name
is now in his arms as he coldly talks to her and asks her as she answers, almost forgetting for a moment who the man behind her is.