
The moment the men's eyes fell on Emmanuel, who was preying on that woman, Emmanuel's hand slipped and that gave her the opportunity to escape, but the first thing she did was to pick up a stone next to her to hit him on the head hard, and this was the important point for her after he moved away from above her.

She got up at the same speed and stumbled and fell on top of him. The first thing she did was to hit him with that stone. She hit him twice on the head, and the third time he grabbed her hand and tied both of her two hands to her chest. It was not easy for him to catch her, "Leave me you filth!!" She screamed at him for the first time in her life and his eyes shed tears because of the wound she caused between her chest and blood pouring from her chest, but this time he had to stop her completely, so he hit her on the bottom of her neck from behind and made her unconscious and she fell on his chest unconscious "For the first time in my life I suffer From a big problem to this degree, and with a woman as well…" He sighed and then got up and carried her back to walk while placing her on his shoulder and taking her from before the eyes of those men who were not able to utter a word even after he passed through them and their faces were not even moving, it was A clear freezing of their intense fear of him among that large forest in which no human voice is heard except for animals.

Near the woods and before entering it, and among the beginning of tall trees and dirt road, they were walking behind Julian, these bandits were just like slaves, even though they walked behind him, but it was still scary for them even if he wasn't careful of them, fear was the main factor that made Reese Jules Scary for them, but Eva, who puts him on the horse and makes her hold the horse tightly because she is unable to see, as if he is holding the bridle and making the horse walk with him and next to him. Eva did not see, but her heart was the guide on her way, and she was pointing with her hands to the place they were heading to in the first place. Julian stopped when Eva raised her hand and said after turning to her, "We are at the border of the North Continent, what do you want to do there? Do you have relations with the Emperor?" Eva sighs, eyes at the path ahead of her through the very woods that Emmanuel and Lilian have entered. "I don't lie and I have no relations with anyone, I was content with my kingdom until bad luck came and stormed my kingdom." He stared at her and then looked forward coldly and said. "I'm your bad laugh, huh?" Eva did not answer and was content with silence, but Julian still thought of the thing that made his motorcade go to the North Continent, that rather the Northern Empire, and how Eva knew all this.

He began to doubt everything and asked his men at the back to advance into the forest first, so they all headed with only three words, and they were "search the forest before us." All the men entered at a time when Emmanuel was putting Lillian in front of him on the horse and walking quietly until the sun began to go down towards sunset. Emmanuel looked at the same time Julian did with his red eyes, which had been struck by the sun and made to shine. "We're going ahead, there's no time to stop," said Julian, after seeing the men tired, he meant it, and at this time he was riding his horse and placing Eva in front of him surrounded by his huge body, trying not to look upset, but she was. Her hair was back to cover his eyes and she didn't notice, so he pulled away her locks with his hands and looked at her and said, "You have to cut that hair, it's starting to annoy me." Eva never replied, angering him, "Hey? Did I swallow your tongue?" Eva sighed loudly and then said, turning around even though she couldn't see, "Why do you always want to get into trouble and talk to me knowing you're going to lose it?" Someone raised an eyebrow and said, "I can shut you down by force so shut up and don't make me That," she said in a mocking tone, "for the sake of Cheh." He was looking at her strangely because she was the only person who did not submit to him no matter what he did with her, and because she was the only woman who did not submit herself to him and did not ask him for mercy for her and her people, and for her being the first who challenged him and told him with his face that she would kill him. .

And so they continued walking while the men around him were tired, but he continued to walk without caring for anyone but himself, and perhaps that princess in his hands who gave her cold looks, and in the meantime he caught Julian's attention a very far light, but his eyes were not normal at all, that's why seeing that light was not It was difficult for him, so he pointed with his hand, "There is a fire more than a hundred meters away, they will go there, come after me." He drove his horse quickly and headed to the light. So the man who was ready to set them up by shaking him with his long chain "Emmanuel? What are you doing here?"