The man who gave up his head

"Emmanuel? What are you doing here?"

Two very strong men looking at each other, one holding a beautiful woman tied around a small tree with her hands forward also well tied, and the other holding a princess in his arms.

Blind Eva, who could not see anything, inhaled a scent she knew perfectly and was not at all foreign to her, so she pushed Julian's hand and elbowed him on the stomach to get off the horse and fell to her feet.

She kept turning left and right, her eyes filled with tears, as she said in a trembling voice, "This smell is not an adulterer.. I have doubts about it.. I'm sure I.. I know it." Lillian, who was unconscious, raised her head and widened her eyes, trying to free herself by force. He put the emperor and his general at a disadvantage.

"Eva? My princess Eva??!!!" Lillian screamed loudly and Eva quickly headed towards the source of the sound and stumbled her dress and fell to the ground and none of them moved a thing, but they stood watching that princess who drowned in her tears as she gropes the face and body of Lillian who cannot free herself.

Julian walked over to Emmanuel's side and said, clasping his hands to his chest, "How did you catch her? You know she's from the Graz family, right?" Emmanuel nodded his head quietly as he stared at them with his friend, then said softly, "I had some trouble catching him but I would never lose." Julian noticed Lillian's dress torn at the chest and saw that mark that could say Emmanuel's mark and said to him. "Emmanuel, I didn't expect you to act like this, since more than four or five years ago you haven't caught any woman's attention." Emmanuel turned and stood beside Julian and said, "Don't mention that woman, I don't want to hear anything about her, please, Julian." Julian went to stand behind Eva and said, "Come on, get up, I can't believe you've found one of your maids." He meant to piss her off, so Eva got up and turned toward him and said coldly with her eyes down, "I don't let you abuse my family with inappropriate words, don't you dare!!!" She raised her eyes to look at him despite not being able to see but she wanted to prove that she could face him one day.

Emmanuel said to interrupt Eva, "I'm going to untie your friend, but tell her not to act stupid because I'm going to kill her this time without any hesitation."

Everyone was alert except Julian who sat in front of the fire without paying attention to Eva and Lillian behind him and took a bite of the meat that was grilling over the fire. "I'm hungry It's been a long time since I've eaten" Everything was normal even after Julian's men who followed him in fear of him arrived and fell to the ground all tired and asleep without any further movement.

Julian stared at them while crossing his feet and said, "Stupid people, they think they are men when they don't even deserve the first letter of the word." Emmanuel sat in front of him after he went to untie Lillian, who remained seated in front of Eva and hugged one another.

Lillian stared at them and looked at Eva and said, "You still can't see then..." She lowered her head hopelessly and moved her lips in a sad tone, "I expected to see you recover, and I wanted to see you in a better place than this but, some things are out of our way."

Julian passed a skewer containing meat to Eva, who was sitting behind him, and did not expect Lillian's reaction, who was looking at Julian, as he looked at Eva with a smile on his sides. Eva the skewer between her and Lillian and ate the two of them quietly together as if they were two withered roses in a garden of thorns. And among the beasts, they looked like two stars shining in the earth and not in the sky after being stolen by the beasts.

"You can rest Julian, you must be tired, I'll keep awake." Emmanuel patted Julian on the shoulder as they stood in front of a tree and looked toward the far path toward the Northern Empire. "No, I'm fine, but these idiots just can't stand a long walk, and too..." Julian turned to his tired horse, and closed his eyes. Julian remained standing and Emmanuel went to check the area around them, then Julian turned and stared at Eva who was sleeping with Lillian Graz.

Lillian seemed already asleep after all that she had endured with Emmanuel and Eva in a deep sleep with her, both of them close to the other and their faces meeting. "It seems that Graz is already asleep, or she would have attacked me at once."

Julian moved away and sat under the tree opposite them in front of his horse, whose head was close to him, to put it between Julian and Julian's stones. .It's fine, there's nothing, but Julian, do we really need to go after the procession?" Emmanuel sat bending his knees in front of Julian and Julian answered him. "The motorcade must have been hijacked and I'm sure Eva had no hand in this but I tried to make sure before we got here." Emmanuel stared right and left and then said, staring at Julian intently, "What do we do? If we weren't with Princess Willian Graz, we could easily go after them and put everything back to normal." Julian squeezed the sheath of his sword and said, as his eyes began to glow crazily, "Is it possible that Howe did this on purpose? Was he trying to kill me like that? If Howe was behind this, his head must have started to bother him and he was starting to feel heavy on his shoulders." Emmanuel those crazy looks on Julian's face and said to him, "It's a master plan, why would you put yourself in a trap that you already know? Do you think this is rational behavior, Julian?" Julian never looked at Emmanuel and said, staring at Eva, "He wants to get On my head and he wants Princess Eva too, I can tell by her beauty and the conversation I had with him a year and a half ago, but I will take the princess and the procession and his opinion, and I will return to the Empire of Merith."