Arrival and escape plan

Many hours passed by Julian and Emmanuel, who was still standing next to Julian on a slightly higher area, watching the sunrise quietly. Julian said in a calm tone.

"Lilian and Eva, they will be a hindrance to us as we enter the Northern Empire, do you think it is best for me to hand them over to you to take them back to the Empire?"

Emmanuel raised his arms to bring them to his bare chest

"I don't think this is a good choice, I don't mean to underestimate your capabilities, Your Majesty but I can't let you enter the Empire on your own, and I can't rely on those idiots."

Julian looked behind him with an expressionless look at those men who were still asleep after sunrise and then looked back at the sun and was interrupted by Emmanuel before he could speak.

"Don't tell me you'll take care of everything as you always do, you must have difficulties alone, besides Lilian Graz is not an easy woman, and Princess Eva don't forget that she is the one who killed Miroslav, and what I mean in the end, the two will not get in our way."

Then Emmanuel said in a tone of exasperation

"But we can't count on them, of course they will look for the nearest way to stay in the Northern Empire, so we shouldn't just let them escape, but I'll take care of that and at the same time I'll be behind you, I have some men in the Northern Empire, and we have a hideout there so we can easily put them down." There in the bunker and we go out to search after we put our watch on well."

Julian nodded to Emmanuel and Julian turned and screamed in a very loud voice to wake everyone with fear and terror because of that husky, harsh voice

"Bastards, wake up, are you chickens?!!"

Eva opened her eyes, although she did not see, and got up quickly, Lillian got up behind her, Lillian was almost naked, and this caught everyone's attention, but Eva realized that Julian's cloak was above them after he grabbed it and put it in front of her nose.

"That smells like it, it's Julian's clothes..."

After Lillian heard these words, she threw the cloak on the other side and got up from the ground and grabbed Eva to lift her off the ground. That's because of the strength of his arm, she said to him coldly and her gentle voice, which he heard for the first time when she woke up.

"What do you want, leave my arms..."

She was trying to get her little wrist out of his big hand, but she failed, so he pulled her from her waist and put it on his shoulder, and Lillian was screaming for Emmanuel to hold her with his arm, which turned around her waist and stomach from behind after he came out from behind the tree.

"You will come with me"

He pulled her from her hand forcefully and tied her hands together with a companion but strong rope, then pulled the string and she walked behind him in her torn clothes, which the men did not take their eyes off of her. sarcastically, she said.

"You behave like a gentleman while you are just his trash, do you think that you can appear like a gentleman in front of these men?"

"You stupid"

He did not answer her with any word, even a little, and he kept talking to her for a few moments, then he pulled her to raise her on the horse and climbed behind her to put her in his arms, so he tilted his head a little towards her and said.

"I don't want to hug you, but I don't want to hold you in front of my eyes so that you won't be able to do anything, so don't let your mind fly away."

"You're just a jerk thinking a woman like me would fall in love with a man like you."

The expedition proceeded again and this time it was the emperor of Merith and one of his generals and mercenaries whom the emperor found on his way to find his entourage who had been kidnapped

They quietly and peacefully entered the borders of the empire and had no problems entering and everything was normal to the point of suspicion.

But Julian was not a stupid person, he had left some men at the beginning of their entry so that they could provide them with the necessary protection in case anything happened.

They had already reached the lair near the border that was not guarded by anyone, or it could be said that this border was external and not guarded by anyone, even though it was an empire, but the protection was not at a great level.

"His Majesty!!"

One of the men screamed when he saw Julian and Emmanuel together, and their welcome was warm and strong.

They entered the bunker, which was an inner building inside the ground, after descending a long-range pit through a ladder.

"We can rest here today since we need some sleep."

Julian said while holding Eva by the hand as she stood quietly as usual, and this shocked him.

"You and your girlfriend will stay here until I get my retinue back and then we'll leave for the empire, don't make any silly move you or she, because I will find you no matter how much you try to escape and then I will rape you and then I will kill you and let my crocodiles eat what's left of your body."

"Tie them together"

Emmanuel shouted and the men tied Eva and Lillian around one of the wide poles and were back to back, while Eva was frustrated Lillian was waiting for the right time to act despite Julian sitting in front of Eva on the floor and sleeping in a seated position and Emmanuel lying on the ground next to Julian, all because the bunker It wasn't that big and the place was narrow for the two of them of their size, even the other men stayed outside.

In this Lillian was watching the situation and after half an hour she moved to point to Eva who was looking down and said in a whisper

"We'll get ready for the plan now, okay?"