before long

Eva realized that she was in a more dangerous situation than before, although she tried a lot to keep him away from her, but it ended up in his hands.

Yet she still tried to let him back off the thinking in his brain at the moment.

Julian approached the bed and put her lightly on him, and she was holding his arms with her hands so that she would not fall. She said to him in a trembling voice.

"Julian..please don't do anything. I'm so tired and I feel like my feet can't carry me."

He brought her back and put her back on the bed with her legs and thighs closed, their seductive look in front of him. He passed his hand over her body from her neck to the bottom of her stomach, but he didn't touch her body and closed his eyes. Then he grabbed her hand and stared at her fingernails and her thin fingers and her blindness which excites him the most.


That emperor's favorite word was Eva, he was ready to say that name hundreds of times without getting bored, and this time his voice was overwhelmed by excitement, but Eva pulled her hand from his and said to him too.

"Don't do something that you might regret later. Try to hold yourself back, please. I also don't want to get you into a situation I might regret too."

"You can't decide without my permission."

He said these words, then grabbed her two hands and lifted them up quietly without any haste, and brought his lips close to hers, and said in a hot tone, those hot breaths were hitting her ear and neck.

"How can I be patient? Do I have to keep patient by treating myself? Until when? Don't you think one time will be enough?!"

Eva swallowed her saliva and asked him to leave her hands in a calm tone without panic, so he left her hands, and what she did was she wrapped his face in her hands and said to him

"If you do this now, you will not stop, believe me, and you will want this more and all the time, so leave this until things settle down and we return to the Empire."

Julian laughed and laughed in a cold tone and then said to her

"I really don't know why a woman kidnapped and destroying her kingdom would say this to the very man who ruined her life and would like to be his concubine? Do you want me to believe this nonsense?"

"I'm not telling you to believe, anyway I can't escape, there are so many bandits all over the place and I can't do anything with those eyes so I'll have nowhere else to go but to be with you, don't you think I love you or that Sacrificing myself for my life is my choice, I just don't want to die."

Julian stopped moving as he looked at her bright yellow eyes and said to her without moving and you mean to stay in this position

"If you want to escape and get through your skin, get up now quickly and head forward and you will find the door, you must do this quickly before I change my mind, but wait for me at the door after you close it and don't think of escaping because I will find you."


Eva pulled herself from under him with difficulty and got up while he wrapped his cloak over her body. She quickly headed towards the door, stumbled and came back up after falling and holding on to the door wood, but she felt like she caught the rope of heaven and stood at the door after he closed it and she breathed a sigh of relief to say

"Oh my God… he would, I don't even know how I was able to talk so softly."

During this, she noticed that her hands were trembling in fear, and she remembered his face that came close to her ear, and she blushed with shyness and fear, so she shook her head to try to keep these thoughts away from her.

Eva wanted to walk towards her friend, but she heard Julian's voice raised from inside the room, so she closed her mouth in fear and felt that she had come out of Hell alive.

'Oh my god... he's helping himself... thank god I wasn't the one getting into this trouble'

'I think I need to celebrate, no no, not now, I'll celebrate later'

Eva could not hear those voices, so she sat on the floor at the door, closed her ears, and waited until he came out of the room.

"What are you going to do now?"

He grabbed her to carry her on his shoulder, and this made her scream and try to kick him, speaking quickly and incomprehensible words and a look of confidence on his face and said to her in a cold tone

"Don't kick or I'll take you back to that room knowing what happens next."

Julian was shocked by the calm that suddenly came to Eva, as if she was a lifeless corpse on his shoulder, so she sighed and smiled maliciously.

"If it were that easy, I'd threaten you with rape all the time."

"It's not like I care about you, I'm just tired of kicking you on the shoulder."

She was trying to seem unafraid, but her heart was beating fast in fear of the man carrying her on his shoulder, or rather the monster, as she described it.

But these things were not important, so he went to her friend who was still tied and untied her, and took the two with him, but he tied that woman with ropes and pulled her with him while he walked with his horse and Eva over his shoulder without feeling even a little tired.

"Lilian, please don't make any move that might involve us in something we don't have interest in, we just have to keep calm, I'm really tired and I want to rest for a while."

"I obey your orders, princess."

Lillian said these words knowing perfectly well what Eva meant, for the mental connection between them was stronger than any clear and verbal connection between any other two.

After walking for two hours, Eva got tired of being on his shoulder and told him to get down to her feet but he refused and instead put her on the horse without letting her walk on the ground.

Julian arrived to the place where he left Emmanuel, who was sitting on the ground and waiting for him. Indeed, Emmanuel had prepared grilled fish that he had caught from the nearby lake, and he had prepared more than ten fish in an orderly and wonderful manner, which made Lillian shocked.

'It seems like a husband was doing the housework in such an order that I didn't see it in some women even sometimes'

Emmanuel got up and smiled as he stared at Julian. Julian smiled back at him as well. Emmanuel came forward and carried Eva off the horse and lowered her. She was surprised and stumbled backwards to bump into Julian, who wrapped her shoulders to fix her on the ground.

But for a moment Julian was jealous of what Emmanuel had done and how he grabbed Eva by the waist and then Emmanuel pulled the rope that tied Julian Lillian

"Hello again woman"

He said these words to her, but he was not smiling at her, unlike her, who was looking at him with eyes of pity

"You're so pathetic, housekeeper."