horrible reaction

For the first time, Julian saw Eva's sweet smile on her lips as she ate the fish that her beautiful friend Lillian had eaten for her, whose beauty could charm any man.

"You seem to be enjoying a bit, Princess?"

Lillian turned to Julian, who was staring at Eva with a very tasteful look, as if he wanted to devour her instead of fish, but Lillian answered him sharply and with very clear words, staring at him also and giving him the same sharp stares.

"Just please, Emperor, and leave the princess alone, now is not the time for you to see this!"

But Emmanuel never accepted these words to be said to his emperor and his friend as well.

"You have to hold your tongue tight, or I will cut it for you here and roast it and then eat it!"

Lillian answered him alone

"Do you want to challenge me to another fight, nigger?!"

Lillian answered him sharply, without concern or fear, as he was trying to frighten her.

"Things will not go as we want if we continue in this way, we have to understand well so that we are able to continue this path, otherwise we will die or one of us will die on this journey."

The words coming out of Eva's lips were strange to the three sitting next to her, their eyes blinking and Eva not hearing the chewing sound if she bit the fish.

She turned left and right and said with a spontaneous smile

"What's up? Are you okay? Is everything okay? Where are you, Lillian?"

As for Lillian, she held Eva's hand to assure her that she was by her side, and Eva smiled when Lillian held her hand and the two men kept staring at the princess and her knight in a strange way.

After they finished eating, Julian carried Eva with ease to put her on his horse, and Lillian tied hands up Emmanuel's horse, who was afraid of any suspicious movement

"Don't make a stupid move, you know I'll come back to catch you even if you run away a hundred times."

Lillian sighed and rolled her eyes and nodded as if to tell him she understood what he was saying but didn't want to admit it.

"good woman"

He said these words to her after he wrapped her waist to hold the bridle and breathed near her ear, so she pushed him with her right elbow and said to him

"Don't harass me!!"

"Why would I molest a previously married woman?"

He whispered near her ear with intent to annoy her, and he succeeded, given the reaction she gave when she struck him.

Their horses took them between the plains, valleys and short mountains to reach the borders of the Northern Empire, which they entered without permission. Indeed, the borders were unchecked because of the Northern Emperor's thoughts of being the strongest, and that Julian could not stand in his way.

"It seems cold here... I think we need other clothes."

Julian said these words after feeling Eva's body tremble in his arms, so he opened his cloak from behind and surrounded Eva with her shocked by this behavior and looked right and left and said in a trembling voice because of the cold

"Why… why did you do this…?"

As for him, he answered her in a cold tone, and a malicious smile appeared on his face

"Your body trembles so much, I don't want you to get sick and die on the way, I don't have much time to bury you and I'll just let the crows eat you."

"Haha, am I supposed to laugh at those words now?"

She spoke to him sarcastically and thought he was joking with her in these words, but the look Lillian saw on Julian's face and that cold smile with steady and calm eyes were not looks of joke at all.

"Your Highness the Princess is correct, you should find good clothes for us to wear in this cold winter, it seems that the Northern Empire has no summer at all."

"Lillian Graz, the great, pretty of a reputation, seems to be getting cold, isn't that a bit strange? Haven't you been well trained in how to handle the cold?"

Emmanuel said these words near her ear as if he was mocking her and her words, but she turned to him and smiled and raised her tied hands up and removed her hair, throwing it on his face

"You said that I am beautiful and beautiful women should be treated in a special way, am I not right? Or, to be more clear, that the private harem of women contains only beautiful and high-ranking women, and you treat them with special treatment. Do not Princess Eva and I deserve special treatment, you two noble men?"

But Emmanuel's behavior was not expected by Lillian at all when he pulled her hair to bury his head and lips in her neck, which made a shiver run through her body as she tried to escape from his hands, but he did not leave her any strength to move her body after he fixed her hands tied to her stomach, which He wrapped his hand around her waist and imprinted these clear cues on her neck, then placed another one near her chest, above her collarbone.

Lillian's eyes were wide and her body trembling with fear and shock because she had never been through this situation before due to her excessive strength and high position in the Mirjana Kingdom, even her husband treated her with special treatment.

After he let go of her hands from her stomach and her waist, which is surrounded by his strong arm, he turned on him so hard and hit him in the face with all her strength that she fell off the horse and ran unconsciously to nowhere and took her by her feet where she could escape from what happened with her to the point that she forgot the princess on whom she depends for everything

Her breath was rising rapidly and panting as she ran, tears were flowing from her eyes and her legs were starting to get hurt by the snow that was falling on the empire. Aley passed many traps, but she was not conscious and did not feel that her feet were injured, and that Emmanuel was walking behind her with his horse behind the traces of blood left by her legs.

"Don't try to escape, Lillian, you are already inside the empire, and no one will find you in this snowy forest but me. Julian will not be able to save you even if by order of the princess, you specialize me now and no one else but me."

Emmanuel was shouting these words that terrified the ears of Lillian, who was still running nonstop, with no intention of stopping at all.

As for the princess in the emperor's arms on his horse, she was trying to figure out what had happened to Lillian to make her run away in such a hasty manner.

"Just tell me the truth! I'm sure that friend of yours did something to her!!"

"There is nothing important for you to know, but that woman seems to have given up on you for her life, that is what it looks like after you hit Emmanuel and threw herself off a horse to escape into the Northern Empire without caring for you."

He slowly and quietly advanced his horse into the frontiers, but Eva had a different opinion and could not believe that Lillian would betray her.

'I really don't know but I can't put even an iota of trust in this man, I can't and I can't believe Lillian would give me up so easily She must have had a plan she didn't tell me.... I trust her and I'm still waiting for her to come back to me.

"As for you and me, beautiful woman, we will find a small wooden house, because there are many places in these places. We will stay there tonight, and then we will go out in the morning until we reach the nearest city."

But Eva replied to him with words that made him giggle a lot, which shocked her even more, because she was not used to hearing him laugh before.

"The idea of ​​staying with you is not good at all, especially if I'm with you and alone, I can really entrust myself with a polar bear than with a man like you."