Why fear?

'Ah... who am I? This is a question I must ask myself now that I'm just a bitch for a general, my body won't respond to me and my eyes won't accept or stop the flood that happens in them, every part of my body hurts more than the other, so I've really been raped?'

He got up, resting his head on her chest and playing with her wet red hair.

He sat quietly in front of her and she did not look at him, but rather she preferred to stare at that worn-out ceiling that shook the dust from time to time.

"Get up or do you want me to lift you?"

He came close to grab her hands and pulled her towards him, she was like a dead corpse in her hands, so he hugged her body to his chest and whispered hot words

"Ahh... you made me feel alive again, I feel like I'm breathing again now, I don't know what's in your body but your smell makes me want you more every time I see you or even glimpse your imagination, don't worry in my mansion there ain't no other women you'll be my concubine The first to enter that palace

So he approached to bury his head among the pile of her red hair as if he wanted to stay like this for the rest of his life, as if he saw that staying in this position would give him more energy and make him happier than ever.

"Emperor, it is said that a caravan of the Eastern Empire has entered here, and we don't know whether it is true or not, but if it is true, as you know, it will cause us a lot of trouble with the Eastern Empire, you know very well Emperor Julian, no one can predict what thinking about it."

He tilted his head a little and smiled softly at the man who was several steps long and wide from a throne and a wide chair.

"What do you mean? Are you trying to say that Emperor Julian seeks conquest?"

That old man seemed puzzled as to what he might say to his emperor

"Actually… I can't risk giving you false news or speculation, but I will first try to find the caravan and arrest them before they reach the borders of the imperial capital."

"Try to bring me one of them, it might be treachery, I expect that too, I don't want trouble in this empire, especially from Emperor Julian, he doesn't have the mind of an ordinary man, he has the mind of a thug who lives in the mountains and eats raw animals."

Those words were enough to terrify the man standing in front of the Northern Emperor, so the old man bowed and took two steps back and then left the throne room without saying another word.

The emperor sighed in annoyance and wanted to end the matter by any means possible, being a man who did not like trouble.

"I have to find a solution as soon as I don't know what Julian will do, but I'm sure he won't do any good."

The tension was very clear on the features of the northern emperor after drops of sweat descended on his forehead and he wiped it with his hand and asked the servant standing behind him to forbid him some water to drink.

And in another place, Emperor Julian was putting that princess he had taken from her home by force on his horse and walking to an unknown place and it could be said that he walked behind every word the princess who determined the place said to him.

"Stop here… I can smell a very strong scent."

He stopped the horse firmly and held her by the waist so that she would not fall with one hand

"What do you mean you can smell a strong smell? Smell what exactly?"

"put me down"

She said this one word to him as he got off the horse immediately and carried her with his hands as he used to do and put her on the ground, so she grabbed clothes to prove herself and held her hand and walked forward towards a wooden building and stood at its door.

"This smell is familiar..."

Julian stared at her from behind and said to her

"We are standing in front of a stable in the middle of the snow. What is so familiar about this place? You must be wrong."

She had come closer and was about to push the door but Julian pulled her against his chest with a force after seeing the sword waving towards her head through the door with that strong body.

"the curse!"

Julian pushed her away and stared at her inch by inch, trying to find if there was any wound she had sustained, but it was completely intact, except for the forearm area of ​​her hand, which was injured.

"Are you well? "

I nodded at him and he straightened his stance and stared at the man standing in front of him

"Ahh.. Julian, I'm sorry I didn't know you were here, but how did you get here?"

Julian approached him with angry eyes because of the wound he had caused to Eva and tried to enter but Emmanuel prevented him by placing his hand in front of him

"Just one moment, you can't go in like that."

Julian was surprised by Emmanuel's behavior for the first time, but he said to the princess:

"You can come in, your friend is inside."

Eva let go of Julian's arms that was supporting her and darted inside and stepped cautiously while calling out in a worried voice

"Lilian! Lillian where are you, answer me!"

Eva reached the haystack and heard a screeching sound, she approached to grab a piece of clothing where Lillian was sitting, who was almost unconscious.


Eva reached her to hold her shoulders as she tried to hear Lillian's voice, so she passed her hands over the rest of her body and knew what had happened to her, especially that Lillian was not a weak woman who might lose in a struggle with hands.

"Lilian! K.. how did that happen? Tell me I can't believe it!!"

Eva hugged her and tears fell from those beautiful yellow blind eyes.

"I can't believe, I can't believe!"

Eva walked away and got up and was walking hard and reached the door to get close to Julian, who didn't understand what she wanted to do when she quickly moved her hands over his clothes to pull his sword from its sheath at super fast and directed it quickly towards Emmanuel's neck.

The sword that was going to pierce his neck on the left side was stopped by Julian, holding Eva's hand at the right moment.

"Leave me!! I'm going to kill that bastard, I'm going to kill you two!!"

Julian quickly pulled her from in front of his friend staring at him in shock and carried her back then took his sword and threw it on the ground and stopped Eva by squeezing her with his hands hard.

"Stop what are you doing? Why do you want to do this?"

She screamed at him, trying to push him as hard as she could

"You tell me why? And why did your friend rape that woman??? Huh? Tell me why? Why did he rape her?"

Julian's expression changed and he grabbed her by the jaw, closing her mouth with his hand, and told her in a cold tone while holding her in his hands.

"Looks like you've forgotten how you and your girlfriend are here? You're just captives and nothing else, so don't try to make yourself into a big thing in front of me! I'm Julian, and everyone fears that name, and you should do that too!!!"

He pushed her to fall on the ground hard and she felt the snow hurt her, so she got up again and with force and rushed to run in the snow towards the stable, but Julian stopped her to carry her from her waist quickly and throw her on the snow again to become strong and heavy in the snow.

"What are you trying to do, are you crazy?"

Julian screamed and felt annoyed for the first time in a while, and this was strange even for a blind woman who couldn't see but who knew he was in a different situation now.

"Eva, if you just make one more move, I won't hesitate to kill you!!"

But Eva had another opinion when she got up again and took his sword from the ground after looking for it and he was near her and put it on her neck.

"You want to kill me huh? What do you think I'm killing myself now? Will you like this? You'll feel better right? Or no... if you feel comfortable not having satisfied your stupid dick yet, you idiot, idiot, bastard bastard!!"

But this time Eva let Julian approach her with simple steps and directed the sword towards his stomach to make him retreat back.

"Eva, I don't want to hurt you, so throw the sword away."

Eva realized that he could not abandon her, so she would do what was necessary for her to do to make Julian behave as she wanted, but Julian had another opinion, so he pulled the sword in his hand without caring about the strength of his serum despite the wound he caused to himself, but he managed to reach her to break into her body He surrounded her from all sides and closed her mouth with his bleeding hand, so her lips were filled with blood, and she was in a state of shock, to hit her on the back of her neck and lose her consciousness.

She fell in his hands and he carried her on his shoulder with ease, his hand dripping with blood, and walked towards his friend, who only covered his body with a simple piece of clothing from below.

"Get ready the woman inside and bring her quickly, we're late, just as I expected, I told you we'd be late because of them, and exactly what I expected happened."

That handsome brown-haired black-haired man turned and returned to the stable without saying another word to Julian.

'I didn't expect them to reach this level of decadence, I expected everything but I didn't expect that man to rape Lillian so brutally'

'It was a week of days as we moved between the woods from one place to another, and I discovered that the empire was so big, I couldn't memorize all the directions we took, but I began to learn how to keep my head and not hit Julian as I did after the first three days of the accident, and Lillian I was I'm the one taking care of her this week because she couldn't do anything

Because of what she faced that day, she was afraid even when I approached her. '

"Lilian, it's me, don't worry."

I approached and sat in front of her by that small house that contained us from the cold in that period of time, by the fireplace.

"Lilian, you know I can't see anything, so please help me, don't let me do everything myself, we'll get through this together, please."

"Come on, eat a little bit, we must get stronger than we are now, I know what happened with you can't even be discussed, but staying silent would be like giving in to them."

Lillian took the bowl of soup that Lillian had prepared herself for them all to eat.

"Even if we pass this stage, and we can reclaim our kingdom, but our honor will not be restored and it will always be said against us, - the woman who was the emperor's whore - these words will remain over our heads until we die, and this fact cannot be changed."

"But we will survive and history will be written, the kingdom that crushed the great empire, don't you yearn for these titles? Don't you long to be called the killer of its rapist? When they say later, oh look it's the woman Lilian Graz raped by one of the imperial generals Merith but avenged herself and killed him!"

Lillian's features didn't change for these words and this put Eva in awe of her

She's trying to lighten up and change the mood for Lillian, but that woman

She was at her worst. She would have preferred to fight for two days straight than to be raped by a dreadful man with whom she had a past.

"Right, Your Highness, there is something I want to tell you."

Eva answered her calmly and kindly

"Say, what is there?"

"Do you remember the gypsy kingdom that was beyond Mirjana?"

Eva hummed softly as she stared at the void in front of her and said

"Remember this, it is the same kingdom that offered you to marry his youngest son, isn't it?"

Lillian said in a calm voice, not wanting to let those two who were sitting far away from them discuss their own affairs.

"You seem to remember me better, yes, it is, weren't the royals black-haired, yellow-eyed, and brown-skinned?"

"Yeah, that's right, I can remember these details, though they were useless, all we're trying to do now is trivial things, try to take advantage of them or do harmless things like seduce them in order to get some breathing room, these things very stupid"

Eva sighed, realizing that she was wrong about some things, and Lillian said to interrupt Eva's thoughts.

"Don't think too much, when we got into this little house, I glimpsed before entering town from afar, so I think we'll go into town tomorrow, and then we'll be able to escape easily, don't worry I've prepared a plan in advance."

"And what is this plan?"

Lillian began to whisper near Eva's ear and Eva nodded with her eyes open with excitement especially when she mentioned that it would be much easier than running away in the current situation.

This caught their attention as they sat far away from the women.

"What do you expect them to talk about?"

asked Emmanuel Julian, who was drinking soup without a spoon, and Julian simply said to him.

"Perhaps she is talking to her about what she did that day and explaining to her in detail all that she enjoyed moment by moment."

Emmanuel turned to Julian, raised his eyebrows, and said in a serious tone.

"I see you take things jokingly these days, has that woman swept you away like this??

Julian put the pot on the floor beside him and smiled softly on Emmanuel's face.

"No, I was only making fun of the situation, I just know that they were talking about escaping from here, or women of war like them. What do you expect them to talk about? Sewing and washing? Surely this is stupid."

Julian put his head on Emmanuel's thigh and fell asleep on his back and closed his eyes and said to him:

"Don't move, or I'll kill you!"

Emmanuel pushed him away and got up and walked out of the house for a few moments, letting Julian lay his head on the floor.

"Fucking bastard, this guy's challenging me."


He shouted at her in a light voice, and Eva and Lillian turned towards him. Eva turned to his voice, nothing more, because she did not see him, and Lillian was watching everything.

"Come here"

"I'm not coming to you, I'm not in the mood for your silly jokes."

She said these words coldly and spoke again with Lillian, and Julian was silent for a few moments and then said

"Come here, and there won't be a third time I say these words."

Eva sighed and closed her eyes in annoyance and indicated to Lilian that she was about to go and kill him, then she quickly got up from her place and headed towards him, but she stumbled on one of the dishes on the floor to fall on him, and her face was close to the bottom of his stomach, so she put her hand on his thigh and raised herself, but he put her head back in place and told her

"Why did you stop, carry on? Enjoy."

I pushed him hard and sat on the ground in front of him

"How can you allow yourself to do these things, you are not an emperor?"

He pulled Eva by her arm while she was pulling her arm, but he pulled her completely while she was on the ground and turned around to put his head in her lap and said to her.

"Don't try to do anything stupid, I want to sleep a little, you know I can feel any movement you make even if I'm asleep, so it's better not to act stupid."

She raised her arms slightly up and stared at his face that she didn't know how to see.

After that, she leaned against the wall, knowing full well that what he said was not wrong, as he could sense the movement even if it was slow. As for him, its scent filled his nose because he was shining his head in her lap, so he could see her breasts from above, and the smell of her stomach was also clear to him.

He tried to ignore the matter as much as he could, after he watched her hand slip on the floor quietly, so he got up from her lap after an hour and a half and watched Lillian, who was sleeping, leaning against the wall quietly, embracing herself until that man quietly entered the house and sat near her for two days on her cloak and covering her completely and leaning against the wall. In front of her, staring in the eyes as if he was walking a flock of sheep.

But Julian, when he saw Eva was already asleep, pulled her to make her lie on the floor, talking to him in a low voice, but she fell asleep every now and then.

"Don't do anything, I'm warning you..."

She said these words after he had pulled her to put her between his legs and wrapped her in his clothes with her head on his chest as he leaned against the wall with his hand on one of his knees.

'Eva... I'm losing my mind because of you, I don't know why you still refuse to submit to me, while the women were begging me to have mercy and to be next to me under my feet but this beauty tells me to kill him simply without caring... You must know that you are very beautiful and good A bossy personality is what I like best and makes me curious about every move you make.

He sighed and closed his eyes and let his still uneasy thinking continue on his own, even that other man, Lillian opened her eyes and found him sleeping with his eyes towards her while he leaned against the wall and she backed away because he was so close to her.

'What the hell, why is he so close to me when I told him I didn't even want him to show me his face'

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, I'll wait until we reach the Empire, that time I softened what I was feeling, so I'll keep the rest until we get back to the Empire."

"You speak so confidently, who told you I would go back with you to the Empire? I hate when you think of yourself as a strong man when you are a mere petty man who knows nothing."

He smiled lightly for the first time after his face had been sullen the whole time and told her in an annoyed tone.

"What? Do you want me to try that time here too? Don't forget that you're my woman now, as long as I'm the man who marks you for the first time, that means you belong to me."

" damn it! "

Lillian got up and threw the cloak on him forcefully, letting her body freeze in the cold.

And she went to sit in another corner, completely far from him, and said to him:

"I don't want anything from you, just stay away from me, stay away from me, do you understand this???!"

"Your actions are telling me to do more."

These words were like a knife in her chest, so she fell silent because she was getting tired of everything that man said after what he had done to her, she was ashamed because she was silent about what he said, but she knows that if she said another word, he wouldn't mind raping her in the snow outside.

'Oh my God... how did I become so weak...'

She shocked herself at the situation she had become, but that didn't change the fact that that man would do anything he might want at any time.

'I'm trying to stay away from him but he's getting close...Oh my god get him away from me I never want to see him I want him to disappear the hardest thing I can face is looking into the eyes of my rapist like this a part of me tells me to run and run without stopping and another daring of me tells me that Eva would be a hearty meal for that emperor'

Although she knows if the emperor wanted Eva, she would never be able to stop him, but the emperor had some power over his body.

She turned to them to watch him pass his hands on her beautiful brown hair and take them away from her face, then pass his fingers one after the other on her cheek and began to go down to her neck quietly

'What is this man doing??'

She was staring and scrutinizing and trying to see what the emperor wanted to do while the princess was in his hands and that her escape from her hands is completely unlikely, she would have taken any action just to keep the emperor away from Eva.

She saw him approaching her face and staring at him, then plunged into her hair with his hand and his eyes were freezing above her eyes and he could not take his eyes off her.

'Oh my God... that guy can stop me with just one move, why am I so scared!!' He had raped me before, but the princess.. I can't leave the princess like this!! "

T.. T..

These words were refusing to come out of her lips when that man was staring at her, but she was trying more than once to fight her fear, even though she knew he would do anything to her without any justification or fear.

"Stop, Emperor!! Don't touch Eva!!"

She screamed knowing that her words would only bring her problems

So that man got up and advanced after Eva woke up and hit Julian's hand that was going around her face and put her hand on his cheek to push him away and quickly got up from his arms.

"What were you trying to do? Didn't I tell you not to come close to me like that?"

But Emmanuel approached Lillian and stood in front of her as she stuck to the wall and put his hand on her shoulder and then took her jaw with his hand, smiling softly and said to her.

"Looks like you really like being with me that much, don't you? Otherwise, you wouldn't have done the opposite of what I told you."

On the other side Julian got up and grabbed Eva by the hand and said to her.

"I wouldn't have done anything if I wanted to I wouldn't just sit and stare at you, do you think I'm afraid if I wanted to do something to you? No of course that means that your friend was just trying to make trouble and show you she loves you while she's trying to get rid of you Or maybe she just wants Emmanuel to punish her again."