"Your Majesty!!! Our men have spotted a person near the northern border, who is said to be similar to Emperor Julian!!!"
The emperor who was sitting on his chair flinched and quickly got up, loosening the crown on his head.
"M.. what are you saying?.. how can an emperor leave his place and come here without anything!?"
"I don't know, sir. These are the signals that we received from the guards of the northern border, and they said that they had seen him inside the border, but they did not dare even approach him."
He was talking to his emperor who, in turn, was off balance when he heard the name of Emperor Julian.
"Sir, what do you order us to do?"
His trembling voice was evident in front of the emperor who was trying to remain solid in front of his men standing outside without any speech just waiting to hear their frightened emperor's orders.
"I want you to surround him from all sides, set a good trap for him and stop him from moving, but first I want you to verify his identity, as this may be a trap or something else."
That man bowed respectfully and then took three steps back to exit the throne room with the other five men who were waiting for instructions.
"The emperor wants us to verify the identity of that man first, and then we will act according to the situation. If that man is Emperor Julian, Emperor of the Merith Empire, that will be a big problem for us and we will have to besiege him in order to arrest him for his illegal entry into the Northern Empire. If not, we will arrest him. Immediately we know why he came here, that means we will catch that person anyway, but there is a difference when Emperor Julian is."
The Five Generals understood what the First Assistant to the Northern Emperor was talking about.
The men left all running away only because they suspected that the man who had entered the empire was the Merith Emperor.
In that cold weather, there were loud breathing sounds, it could be said that they were two voices and not one, in addition to their voices there was the sound of a horseshoe that was heard.
"Eva!! My princess, just give me gifts! We'll be in town soon, hold me tight!"
The two girls heard the voices of men coming from the main gates of the city, so they changed their direction and entered through the woods and did not make the horse stop shooting until they reached a point where the horse quickly threw them over him because he knew that his shepherd was not this girl, but a dark-skinned man.
The horse ran in the opposite direction from which it came, and Lillian got up, laughing with pleasure, her eyes wide open.
"We managed to escape right now, I didn't expect to get to this point!! You see princess? We managed to escape!"
She arranged her clothes, that princess, as she stared at the place without moving and steadily, and raised her hand towards Lillian, and wanted her to shut up.
"I can still smell them as they seem to be following us..."
The princess got up from the ground and pulled the hands of Lillian who was close to her after looking for them and said.
"Lillian, we must get into town as soon as possible, so they won't find us easily anymore, do you understand?"
Lillian pulled Eva and walked with her quickly after the horse left them at the edge of the gate of the big city, so the girls kept as far from the gate as possible, especially when the soldiers were approaching them.
"Yeah, just walk with me please, we'll be at that river soon."
Lillian and Eva reached the river and Lillian leaned towards the river trying to find something to help them. She saw the long wall separating them from the city, and there was water leaking from the inside. Lillian looked back carefully around them, but she didn't find anything.
"I think I'll check it out myself."
"What are you going to do?"
Lillian smiled and replied.
"There are traces of a river entrance into the city. I will go down to the river and check for myself whether we can enter from there or not."
Eva grabbed Lillian's arm and stopped her after Eva approached her just as Lillian was about to go down into the water.
"But it's so cold, you'll get sick if the cold doesn't kill you."
Lilian sighed and put her hand on Eva's hand and smiled.
"I don't mind dying like that, but dying with that man is the worst thing that can happen to me. So just wait and I'll see what I can do."
Eva backed away because she didn't already know how to swim, and Lillian slowly and quietly descended into the river that was to freeze. She gasped when she inserted her body, but she continued because she didn't want to go back to that man at all costs.
She went down in the water and dipped and headed towards the direction of the running water, and when I arrived I saw that there was a hole in the bowl and he gave her the worn iron that could easily break by looking at him.
Lillian kicked him quickly and the wind and water pushed her out after she broke it and made a small hole with her kicks that people could enter. Eva also smiled automatically and said to her.
"What does it look like you found an entrance?"
Lillian laughed and caught her breath quickly, she was trying to speak
"Yeah... - He's found... - huh! He's a village... - B... but we have to cover... Q first, so can you?"
Eva backed away and swallowed her stomach as she tried to agree, and Lillian remembered that Eva could not swim despite all her strength.
"I think it's...it's going to be a little hard for me...you know I'm not good at swimming..."
Lillian sighed and smiled as she tried to convince Eva, whose eyes widened as she heard voices far away but she was able to hear them.
"Lilian, let's get down quickly, there's someone approaching us!"
Lillian quickly pulled Eva by the hand and the two of them went down to the cold water, which was shocking to Eva, who screamed into the water and then grabbed her mouth with her hands and Lillian took her by the hand pulling her while she was swimming.
Lillian put Eva in before her, then quickly got behind her.
"My princess... are you... okay?"
Lillian was among her breaths, wanting to reassure her princess, who does not know how to swim.
"Ahh.. I didn't expect the swimming experience to be this great even though I can't see"
Lillian laughed in shock when she heard these words from Eva and was watching strange scenes in front of her,
"There are a lot of closed shops, they are outdoor shops, they must sell fish there?"
Lillian spotted some men carrying large pieces of clothing behind that seemed very heavy.
"Looks like they're fishmongers, we have to get up quickly."
Lillian got up quickly and helped Eva to get up and walked with her out of sight as much as possible
"If we find these men they will hand us over to the army, our clothes and our appearance look very different from the Empire so we will just try to keep a low profile for the time being so that we can enter the city quietly and then we will be able to manage our affairs there."
And in another place on the back of Julian's great horse, which differs completely from all horses, he was driving fast, and Emmanuel ran in another direction like a leopard, that speed with which he was running to stop when he heard the sound of a horse approaching and saw from afar his horse, which came galloping towards him.
"Good boy, where have you been?"
He took his hand and stroked his hair, head and face while talking to him as if he was talking to a human being
"Come on, little one, take me to where I threw the princess and those with her."
He got on his horse and took him to the place where he had taken Eva and Lillian
"I'll catch you, Lillian Graz, I've got so many poses I want to try on you."
At the same time Julian was walking around with his horse and his red eyes looking for Lillian and Eva
"Eva... the woman who dared run away from me, she won't come back unharmed, you'll know the true identity of Julian who has been so kind to you all along."
While he advanced with simple steps, the men surrounded him with large spears and put him inside a circle while acting with great caution.
"Surround him from all sides!! Don't let him get away, don't leave an open hole!! Build up your defenses!"
While they were taking their precautions and precautions, but he was in a different position from them, as he stared at them calmly and coldly and blinking his eyes while calmly holding his horse's bridle
"What's going on here? What do you want?"
He speaks softly and coldly as they tremble, it was more than a war even for them
"You're Emperor Julian! What are you doing here? How can you enter the Northern Empire like this? Don't you think you're acting so casual and disrespectful too?"
Julian sighed and rolled his eyes as he swirled his horse between them inside that circle they had made of men knowing that they would be frightened and all that trembling confidence in their hearts shattered as soon as he shouted at them.
"I really hate idiots."