"I think this is the city."
As they passed their horses into the city and all eyes were on them, Julian, who was sitting on his horse coldly and turning here and there, and his appearance was very terrifying because of the appearance of his red eyes in addition to his clothes that were completely stained with blood and brown skin that was walking behind him with his horse and his chains surrounding his upper body covered with the fur of a leopard Black and his yellow eyes reflected the beauty of bright yellow jade.
"Yes, your highness, this is the city, I think we will be at the palace in just an hour if we drive fast."
"Let's go then"
Julian cast his eyes on the people who were turning away on the sides of the street with fear and hesitation as he searched for the woman who ran away with him, which he considered a bad point for him.
'Eva... When I meet you again, I can't vouch for my actions and I can't even know what I'm going to do, I don't think of anything particular to do with you, I may then wish to kill you and cut off your head to kiss your lips as I want, and sometimes I want to do lashing you until I watch that sexy body turn red completely bare... So many thoughts are in my head but I don't know what to do and what choice to make'
"Come on!!"
He shouted at his horse in a hoarse voice, and his horse galloped forward through the streets, where everyone turned away from him without even being able to speak a little.
He pressed against the committees with his wide hand and bloodied fingers, in addition to his white chest, which was already stained with blood, his hair that he raised with his bloody hand, and his eyes that began to shine more with his long eyelashes, which annoy him at times for their length, although he shortens them from time to time.
"I will definitely come to you."
All Julian could think of at this time was for that blind princess to escape from him, but Emmanuel was already worried about what Julian would do because he knew that Julian didn't like to lose in anything and he considered Eva to run away from him now as his loss.
So now Emmanuel is trying to calm his crazy emperor.
"Your Highness, advance!!"
After the two of them had reached the short forest from which the path to the palace could be seen, Emmanuel shouted after seeing a group of men surrounding them from everywhere.
Julian stood and pulled the reins up, and looked at Emmanuel, who was surrounded by men on all sides, and said to him.
"Don't hold yourself back"
As if the emperor knew that the person in front of him had always restrained himself in combat and now he had given him the green signal to do whatever he wanted.
Julian smiled and Emmanuel gave him a smile and Julian pulled his bridle back to get his horse back to the Imperial Palace and no matter how many men got in his way, they were only a few flies.
Or so that man with a sexy, beautiful and frightening appearance saw them.
"That's all you have?"
A look of madness was in his eyes while he was talking to them as if he saw just rats galloping in front of him. He stopped in the middle of the road and lowered his head, talking to himself in a low voice.
"Why are there so many weak people in this world, how can a man be so weak, and why are there even men who accept this fate?"
"As men, should they not do their best to reach the highest positions in the world? Shouldn't they do their best to be the best, so that women everywhere may admire them! So that they can enslave everyone!!! You are weak and there is no benefit from you???"
At the end of his speech he shouted at them all.
This is what aroused fear and terror in their hearts. For them, the man who faces hundreds of soldiers and does not get a single scratch even he is not a human being, but just a monster in a human form, and that is how almost everyone saw him.
He got down from his horse and drew his sword, so someone quickly attacked him with his sword, but Julian remained standing waiting for the strength of that man who was confronted by Julian with his hand to evade hit him by leaning on the right side to grab him by the neck and raise him up with one hand and said to him
"Men, no... Useless males, tell me, what is your purpose in this life? If you give me a good reason, I will spare your life, and I am a man of my promise."
But that man was catching his breath with difficulty, and yet he told the emperor the beast who strangled him with one hand.
"I would rather die than submit to you!!"
Julian sighed, pressing his neck hard and taking him to the ground among the grass that covered half of their bodies.
"a farce!"
He stared at that man who was kicking in his hands, and his friends were watching from afar those stabs with a small knife towards their friend's stomach, then they saw the Emperor's hand as he entered it into his stomach to pull all his guts out without mercy
And that guy was moving like a freshly caught fish.
Those men had no choice but to shiver and their weapons fall to the ground after they watched him move the knife quickly on their friend's head.
Silence settled in the place and everyone stopped moving as if they were in a game of survival when the emperor moved himself and turned around on them while holding that man's head and said.
If life is of no value to you, you have no need to survive, if life is so cheap to you that you sacrifice it for anyone who stumbles in your way, then you do not deserve this life that God has given you.
"You don't know how much I hate life licensees like this, I feel like I want to get rid of each of you in a way worse than the one before it."
"Now there is still one of you who hates life? If there are still any of you, come forward, I will give him heaven in my hands."
He extended his hand to them and the smile filled with the blood of their friend on his face, and this made them afraid to leave everything in their hands and flee from the inevitable death for them. There are not many people who watch life by worshiping someone or sacrificing for him in order to protect him and he does not offer them anything in return.
The sound of their running gets faster and faster as they whisper between them
"This is impossible, this is not a human, it is only a demon incarnate!!"
"That's right, you're right, it's impossible for this man to be of the human race!"
Everyone agreed and agreed that Julian was not a human, and this may incite many other countries to stand against him, especially if the churches they have instigated to say this.
While Julian does not care at all and continues his way on foot, his horse is walking beside him calmly and coldly, holding two heads in his hand and frightening with them anyone who tries to block his path.
Even from behind, they were unable to approach or confront him.
"We're almost there, my friend."
He was talking to his horse as he walked quickly with him and the horse seemed to understand his owner and answered everything he said by shaking his head forward
"Yes, my friend, they are fools, they think life is such a cheap thing to sacrifice for anyone just to be his slave.
Julian arrived at the gate of the great palace, in front of which stood many guards who seemed to be the desperate type who sacrificed his life without paying any attention to it.
"Are you saying that you want to stand up to me in order to protect that emperor who doesn't care about your lives?"
"You really only have two choices, either to take care of your cheap life, no... which you license with your own hands, or you die and your fate becomes like these!"
Julian raised his two hands to throw both heads at them and hit them with them. Fear entered their hearts and they bounced back a little and the fear was clear on their faces that shook.
"What did I scare you? Did your friends' heads get hot? I didn't actually touch their faces but I can try this on your heads if you like?"
He extended his hands to them with a smile, but this time they attacked him with their strength and steadfastness on their principles that cannot be changed by certain words of a man who is an enemy to them and more.
Inside the imperial palace the emperor was walking back and forth biting his nails for fear of the man who would break into his palace and was unable to confront him.
One of the men hurriedly entered the throne room, panting and unable to catch his breath properly.
"Smoke!!! Emperor Gol..-yan is here!! He has arrived! What are we going to do?"
Bewilderment, fear, and hesitation were all evident on the face of that blond emperor with green eyes, who seemed kind, a bit short, and did not like trouble.
"What are we going to do..."
He himself didn't know what he could do in front of a monster like Julian so he had to act fast to make a good decision.
It does not lead to him losing his empire and annexing it to the Western Empire.
"I think you have to fortify the place well so that he will not be able to enter."
But those words infuriated the man standing in front of him until he screamed
"Your majesty, six emperors like him? Why do you feel afraid? You must go to confront him, otherwise how will we face the people? Shall we tell them that we lost in the face of the Western Emperor?"
"The Western Emperor is not human!! Don't you know that? He doesn't classify as a human being!! That man has supernatural strength, a strength that no human can possess, it is impossible for a man to face a hundred people and not get even a single scratch! There is something wrong with this almost This would be impossible!!"
The tension on the emperor's face seemed greater, and at that first assistant, anger began to be evident, perhaps Julian would think that the one who deserves to be emperor is the first assistant.
"Lord, will you allow me to interfere in this matter? I think I can work it out without having to fight?"
The emperor nodded to him with his hands trembling and he noticed and rubbed them together so that the guards standing in front of the door would not show fear and nervousness even though they already knew it.
The first assistant went outside and his feet stopped when he saw Julian slaughtering one of the men in front of his eyes and blood on his face to draw his sword and stain the clothes of that first assistant.
"What do you also want to die? It's okay, I still have some papers to pass to the afterlife, I can send you after them."
Julian's smile almost made that man unable to speak but he had already arrived and he had no other chance to speak because Julian might not give him time to speak even after he reached the palace.
"Come on, say, I'll give you a few seconds. If you're going to say something important, I'll hear you, but if you're like these sheep here, I won't hesitate to hang your head here on the wall."
That man swallowed his saliva more than once and then began to speak in a nervous tone.
"Western Emperor, or Your Highness Emperor Julian, you need to calm down, it's not worth it, you could only have come here peacefully and then we can talk about what made you come to the Emperor's Palace like this."
Julian giggled and threw away the head he had just cut off
"Well, you seem to understand me a bit, I'll give you more time so use it and talk."
That man was bold enough to stand in front of Julian, who is over two meters tall, staring up at him as if he were staring at a blood-red wall.
"Your Majesty, let me offer you my apologies for what I have encountered in arriving here, it seems that they have been foolish and ignorant of Your Majesty, and let us enter the palace now to discuss the important matter for which you are here."
He walked away and extended his hand in front of Julian as he pointed towards the palace, and Julian noticed that his hand was trembling as he tried to hold it with difficulty.
Julian moved in front of him, smiling.
'He thinks I'm so stupid that I don't know what they're thinking, poor people, having lost everything, they have only the political style to speak of.'
"From here, Your Majesty!"
The man walked behind Julian, pointing to him with his hand where to go and where to walk until Julian arrived at the main hall, where it is called the throne room.
The emperor, who was waiting for the assistant to bring him good news, flinched, but he entered it with the emperor himself, who pushed the two doors with his wide hands and left traces of blood from his hands on the doors.
"Your Majesty, how are you!"
Julian shouted as he entered, knowing that the northern emperor was afraid of him, but he liked to provoke and intimidate the other, even if he was on his side.
Your Majesty Julian
The Northern Emperor smiled and swallowed his saliva as he advanced towards Julian and tried to show that he was not afraid, but quite the contrary, that he was a friend and a respectable man.
"You should have told me you existed before you came this way, I might have prepared a reception worthy of you."
Julian drew his sword so that the emperor retreated back in fear and put his hands in front of his face, but Julian looked at him stupidly and then wiped his sword from the blood on his clothes.
"I just wanted to clean the sword…"
"And thank you very much, I enjoyed your men outside."
'Taking advantage of them and seeing them like this is so funny, I want to mess with them more but I'm starting to get tired, so I guess I'll stay at the palace today'
The other emperor proceeded again as if nothing had happened, and also smiled with a clear pretense and said to Julian.
"Never mind, your majesty, you can rest in the palace now, there is a room ready for your majesty, and I will have the servants prepare the bath for you to wash your body and rest a little.
This is Julian's will from the beginning, so he smiled and left the throne room with the first assistant who took him to the room and before closing the door Julian said to him.
"I want very hot water, I don't like cold water"
The assistant was not surprised because Julian did not look like a normal person.
And he left the room and left Julian, so he went to prepare the bathroom with some other maids and went back to Julian's room.
"Your Highness, we have prepared the bathroom for you, you can come with me now."
Julian escorted him to the already large bathroom, which was the size of two large rooms, so Julian undressed from behind quietly, trying to avoid touching the blood that filled the bathroom floor after it had touched the water on the floor.
So that man stared at Julian's upper body and Julian refused to take off his lower clothes in front of him, so he turned around and asked him to leave and that Julian could take care of himself alone without the need for anyone's help.
That man left shocked that the rumors are all true and that the good of that man does not contain the scars and remnants of many wars, but those scars seem to date back to a great period of time, like ten years at least, and even his broad and wide chest and arms that were degrading the attention of that man.
"He is really big in build and with a pale body, and besides, he really didn't get any scratches in this battle with our men."
"Are they weak or is this guy really not normal?"
Julian turned around to stare at him coldly after he had already pulled him back to disturb him more for no reason and said to him after he folded his hands to his chest.
"What do you want me to do with you? Are you looking for men?"
That man laughed lightly and fearfully at the emperor's sharp words that addressed him and said to him with a bow.
"I apologize, Your Majesty, but I admire how your body can be so clean from the effects of war, and not even a man can injure you with even a slight wound."
Julian approached him and that man backed away and then Julian said to him.
Look, there's a little scratch on my finger here, my hand here, and my shoulder, but it's too small to be seen, that's too unfortunate. Next time I'll try not to have them brandish their knives like children around me.
The First Aide to the Northern Emperor bowed and smiled and then said to Julian.
"Your Majesty, I will be outside if you need anything, just call me."
The man left and closed the two doors behind him with clear respect in front of Julian, who was staring at him with a frightening smile that made goosebumps in his heart as if he was seeing a non-human monster.
He sighed and then heaved a sigh of relief as if he came out of a complete war intact, so he spoke in a low voice
"This man... he's really... so terrifying, how can so many people live with him in the palace without him killing them?"
He just waits for him to call him again and at the same time he doesn't want him to ask for him at all.
While Julian rests his naked body inside that big tub and pulls his long legs up and places them one on top of the other
"This is so relaxing... I think I really need some rest..."
In another place, the man whom Julian had left was still slaughtered, hanged, and cut with his chain full of blades, until someone came running from afar and said while screaming
"Stop!! Emperor Julian has become the Emperor's guest!"
Emmanuel stopped and left the man who had been confining him to a tree before ripping his stomach with those blades and said to him.
"It's your lucky day, go."
Everyone left while Emmanuel changed direction to head back into town on his horse without looking back.
"You really did it, Julian, and now I'm going to look for the princess and my wife."
The next day the two men had fallen asleep comfortably for the first time in more than a month or a month and a half, so Lillian woke up and saw Eva sitting and embracing herself and looking at the sunlight through the window, so she went to sit next to her and Eva said to her before Lillian spoke.
"The sun is beautiful, the hot sun has attracted me, I can see some light but I can't differentiate between people and the light I may see you now but you are just a black shadow in front of me around the light, that's how I see everyone"
Lillian hugged her from behind and said to her.
"I hope everything will be resolved and your sight will return to you, Your Highness."
Eva smiled, then sighed and put Lillian's hands around her and said softly.
"I am no longer a princess, Lillian, everything ended a long time ago, now I am just a slave running away from the power that crushed my kingdom."
But Lillian was not thinking that way so she tried to change the atmosphere on Eva and asked her to go out with her to catch some air, but Eva refused and preferred to stay in the room.
"I don't think I really want to go out, I just want to stay here, plus, I think we will need to work soon so we can save some money to pay.
Lillian smiled and patted Eva and Eva in turn, put her hands on Lillian's shoulder and then hugged her.
"I will help you with work, Lillian, even if I am an uncle...
Before Eva could finish her words, she raised her arms around Lillian, embracing Lillian, to her hair up and said to her.
"Lilian... where's your hair?"
Eva got excited and moved away from Lillian and grabbed her shoulders to shake her vigorously.
"Lilian, where's your long hair?"
Lillian turned away from Eva and stood up while I left her sitting on the floor by the window, but Eva got up and walked towards her quickly and said angrily.
"Lilian!! Tell me where's your hair? Why did you do that?!"
As for Lillian, she responded angrily, too.
"There was no other choice, how can we get the money without sacrificing anything?"
Eva sat on the floor, weeping, and her eyes shed tears
"Why are you selling your hair for me..."
"I didn't do it just for you. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to get into this room and we'd be frozen outside to death. As for work, I'm going out now and looking for work."
Lillian went outside after taking her clothes because she had bought heavy clothes for only one person, so one of them had to go out and the other to stay inside.
"I have to keep looking for a job even if I can't find it from the beginning. In fact, a person can't find a job easily."
She started walking in the streets, burying her head in the large overcoat she had bought with the boots that fell to her knees, despite the loose dress she was wearing under the coat.
She stopped at a hotel and entered asking for a simple job, but she did not get it because someone else had already received it.
She went out and smiled to continue her path.
She stood in front of a restaurant window and felt her stomach rumble, as she had not eaten for a long time.
"I want to eat but... I don't think I can now, first I must make sure I find a job, then I will take the good step of buying some food for me and the princess."
While standing, she saw someone coming from behind her to put his hand on her shoulder and she quickly turned around to look at him sharply
Elsewhere, that man had just woken up, burying his head among the big pillows, and the sun shining from the window stroking the muscles of his hands and his bare stomach as though noticing his breathing up and down and his black hair covering his eyes a little, he had already woken up after he heard the knock on the door, He shouted in a drowsy voice
"Enter, stop at the door, and don't make a fuss."
The maid who had been sent to serve him heard these words and entered with her hands clasped forward and her eyes completely down, and she advanced two steps before the door and then said.
"Good morning, your majesty. I am sent for your servants. Please, if you would like anything, I will do it for you."
Julian was silent for a few seconds, then said:
"Anything? Will you do whatever I want?"
The tension began to eat up her face as she bit her lips and said to him in a trembling voice that Julian could easily recognize.
"Yes, Your Majesty..."
"Come closer then..."
I approached several steps to stand in front of the bed, so Julian quickly got up and sat on the bed straight and it seemed that he was completely naked and nothing covered his body except the bed covers that covered half of his thighs.
That maid glimpsed his body that was left by wars with his strength and muscles, so he raised his hair up and was interested in the melody of a song and then said to her.
"Come here"
Fear began to possess her completely and she moved with difficulty to stand with him as he put his legs on the bottom of the bed and sat on the edge of it, so he grabbed her hand to pull her towards him, and she could do nothing but close her eyes and bite her lower lip with fear and trembling clear throughout her body.
"What? Are you afraid? Why? Don't worry, I care about you for this.."
He brought his hand close to her face and touched it with the back of his big hand, feeling it lightly, and he pulled her to sit between his legs, kneeling on her knees.
"Your Majesty, I..."
She couldn't finish her words, so he ran his other hand through her hair to pull her hair tie and let her hair fall over her shoulders.
"It's quite similar..."
I slowly approached her face and she froze to the point where she was going to stop breathing in fear.
He grabbed a strand of her hair and raised her head toward his face with the tip of a finger on her chin.
"The eyes are like her eyes... and the hair is the same color."
He turned his eyes to her hair to come closer and smell her hair, then approached her neck and removed her hair as he passed his large hand over her neck, which with his hand opened the buttons of her clothes from behind, to bring down the end of her servants dress from one end at her neck, so he passed his hand on her shoulder and approached to smell the smell of her neck.
'This emperor... will rape me?!! "