Losing mind

Lick it, my little girl. It's like you're telling me that I'm at your command, your majesty, make me feel that ecstasy that permeates my body every time I see that woman

He hit these words in the face of the maid who sits between his legs after he removed the cover from his naked body and ordered her to lick it. for him.

"Do it, and I will reward you with a night, my majesty!"

His red eyes that look like ruby ​​stones under the sun's rays that hit his body, reflecting the shadows of the chandeliers above the details of his stomach and thighs, and that girl who surrendered to his enjoyment at that moment, and her eyes watered with shame and fear of committing a crime because of which she might die.


He knows it's not the Eva he's looking for, but he's looking for Eva inside the maid who possesses some of her qualities, and he's looking for Eva in every woman he comes across.

The maid who felt that she was just a replacement copy paying for something she had nothing to do with, was just a priceless copy of that princess.

And the same sun hitting his seductive body was hitting the eyes of the real Eva, who was sitting cradling her legs to her chest, which appeared slightly above because of the pressure of her thighs on him.

She was refusing to speak and no one knew what was going on inside her strong mind that still refused to submit to the Emperor.

The true princess who lost all her power, prestige and might and was abandoned by the man she was putting half her power in, the man who turned out to be the traitor who is languishing in the prisons of the Western Empire right now.

Bare-breasted, he is flogged every day fifty lashes on his chest and back on the orders of the tyrannical Emperor Julian for reasons that no one can ask him about.

"Curse be upon you, curse of the land that has befallen us, you bastard who occupied positions of power with unjust force!! Damn you, man of the prairie!!"

The name Max, the blind princess's lover, was cursing the emperor who had worked for him since childhood, and he was contemplating receiving what he thought was worthy of positions. But that emperor knew how to deal with such greedy positions.

He would make a fool of them, use them to his advantage, and then throw them into his crocodile hole.

At the same time, the widowed lady Lillian was circling the city in her light clothes, looking for work.

And that man who put his hand on her shoulder from behind had better know who to talk to first.

"Who are you?"

Lillian turned and removed his arm by slapping her shoulder, her cold eyes staring at him calmly and calmly.

"Madam, I found that you are looking for a job, so what do you think about working for me?

Lillian chuckled lightly, covering her mouth with the tip of her fingers, and looking at the man standing in front of her, hunched back, with white, curly, slightly long hair, and his eyes eroded by his old age.

'It seems that old men nowadays only care about their late lusts. So tell me, if you are going to make me work for you, what work will I do? Shall I anoint you with your bruised vertebrae? lusts?"

The words fluttered between his lips, and he stuttered, as if he realized that she was not a stupid woman he could talk to easily, so he tried to change the subject with something else and said to her.

"My beautiful lady, I am a gentleman, I just want a beautiful woman to work with me in the theatre...You seem to have misunderstood, but I am not looking for street sex, I am a man of music, but I need a beautiful woman by my side to attract people." It makes them listen to me and my playing more."

Lillian replied, raising her eyebrows and burying her head in her heavy coat to hide her rosy lips, hardened by the cold.

"And if you are a great musician, why don't people listen to you, or has your talent become attached to the body of a woman?"

That man started unable to express what he really wanted so he turned around with failure and disappointment palpable over his eyes but Lillian called him again and said.

"Mister, tell me the details? What is your job, what does it involve, and why do you want to have a woman by your side? Shouldn't I know all the details before I accept the job?"

A smile returned to his lips, and he stared back at her calmly and sighed in relief, then stretched out his hand in front of her and said.

"Young lady, if we can talk somewhere else, like sitting at that coffee shop near here?"

Lillian stared at her beautiful eyes hesitatingly and blinked several times, then realized that this café was nice and close and overlooked some beautiful winter trees covered in some snow.

He removed the chair for her to sit respectfully, and he also sat in front of her and started rubbing his hands with fear and hesitation, so the beautiful woman noticed that and said to him.

"Can you talk I'm not going to eat you or something? I just want to know the details of the work you're doing for me."

He said hesitantly and in a tense tone as he rubbed his fingers together

"Actually, you'll have to hear a little story before that."

Lillian rolled her eyes in boredom as she tapped the table with her fingers one by one.

'It's not like I have time for this crap, but let's see, will he give me a good excuse?'

She said to him

"Okay, sir, give me what you have."

He started trying to calm himself and rubbed his chest and then said.

"Well, everyone who wants to perform a musical theatrical performance should have his partner on the stage who does some nice acting moves while he plays or sings. As you see I'm old at the end of my life, no girl wants that, besides my wife is old Also, I don't think everyone would want to see an old woman go up on stage."

Lillian was listening well and smiled after the waiter put the coffee in front of her and the man.

" Thank you."

She thanked him and continued to listen to the man sitting in front of her like a thief.

"Then what shall I be? The escort who will be your model?"

He hesitated to say that and lowered his head more than once, then looked back at her

"Yeah... - That's right. You'll only be accompanying me on my shows."

"Your offers?"

Lillian focused on this word, which was shows and not one, and this made Lillian lean back on the chair and bring her hands to her chest.

'He must give me a lot of money

But I don't think I can. Some people may recognize me as Lilian Graz and that won't work for me, but I think I have another idea that might bring him a lot of money and that will make me a lot of money too'

"I will help you but on my way, and the first thing I want to ask of you is to meet your wife, okay?"

He hesitates about talking to his wife because a beautiful woman like Lillian might give his wife the wrong idea

He nodded, but he wasn't entirely satisfied with this.

Under the Northern Imperial Palace, the first aide, or it could be said that he was the first escort of the emperor, entered his room and found him sitting on his bed and staring at the emptiness in front of him.

So the aide ran to his tired, tired-looking emperor and said worriedly.

"Your Majesty! Why do you look like that? Are you okay? It doesn't look like you had any rest hours yesterday, did you?"

The emperor nodded to his servant, his eyes almost shut, his chest rising and falling quietly as if he was about to have a stroke.

"I am putting a monster in my palace, Rizar, what am I going to do… How am I going to go forward without being killed this time…"

Rizar sighed in annoyance at what his emperor, who had been serving him for so many years, was doing and reached out to him to pull him by the hands and get him out of bed.

"Your Majesty, now go to the bathroom, I've made it up for you. Take a shower and rest, and I'll bring you your own drink. Then think about what made that Julian come here."

The emperor nodded to Rizar, who saw him as a child who had been placed in high positions without any benefit, and he watched his steps from behind and saw that he was very tired because he could not sleep yesterday for fear of Julian.

So the emperor went to his bathroom to take a shower and left the door open waiting for Rezar to come why did you help him, but Rezar sighed while watching the steps of the emperor while he took off his clothes.

"Oh my God... Sometimes, I feel like I'm serving just a child and nothing more... Give me patience, please, God."

As for the emperor who frightened them and kept the emperor of the north up all night trembling, he was bathing coldly, his red eyes focused on something he was thinking of in his head, and his black hair covering his face and red eyes with water.

That maid came out of the room running trying to collect her clothes and dispersed herself hurriedly with tears in her eyes and noticed by everyone who passed by them and they were unable to know what happened and how it happened, even the guards who were standing at the door of Julian's room were unable to speak

Like a thorn standing between their guts.

"That girl... was just a woman similar to hers but she wasn't Eva... I want Eva but I want her to surrender herself to me of her own accord."

"I will make her submit to me of her own accord."

He ran his hand against the blank wall in front of him, but his eyes were shooting Eva's bare back as he ran his fingers from her neck down her back.

"It seems I've lost my mind."

Several seconds passed and he did not speak until then and then said.

"No… this war is the most powerful war I have ever had in my life. I will see how I will make it submit to me without hesitation."

Her body shuddered and she felt stabbing in her heart, so she wiped her shoulders with her hands as she turned left and right as if someone was approaching her.

Until suddenly the door was knocked and she headed with calculated steps after getting up from the chair at the small table that she was sitting in front of her with emptiness because of her eyes that she could not see anything because of her.

She stopped in front of the door, holding a small stick in her hand, passing it on the floor before stepping.

She said in a calm voice

"Who is there?"