almost happen

"Lilian… I feel like my body is shivering these days I don't know but I feel that our arrival at the Imperial Palace will not be good for us, we may find Julian in front of us is his other man."

In a darker and calm night, the sounds of insects everywhere, the sound of a frog, the sound of a cricket, and the northern atmosphere that was cold and cooled the hearts around it as well.

Lillian and Eva were sitting on the same bed as they both slept on, but Eva felt pity for herself, feeling so weak.

"Lilian, you know? I think I need to train, I feel like I need to do some training, I feel like my body is in a state of lethargy this time because I can't see but I'm going to push myself not to train when I'm blind, I can't tell if I'm going to get my sight back or not."

Lillian put her hand on Eva's hand as she sat next to her, hugging herself and said to her with a sweet smile.

"Don't worry my princess, it's all in its time, you don't have to work hard to train, you just have to rest, I'll take care of everything."

But Eva had another opinion, she said seriously.

"It's not just about you, Lilian, I have to protect myself from any aggression that might happen to me so I must try to train myself to fight while I can't see anything."

Lillian is silent because she knows that Eva is right, especially when the emperor is still after her, so she needs to protect herself and also needs to. When Lillian is out, the hotel officials where the two girls live know that Eva is blind.

"Okay, tomorrow I'll go to the guy I'm working with and tell him I won't work today and I'll help you train tomorrow, okay?"

"No, it's okay, I can practice on my own, I have a very strong sense of smell and a very strong sense of hearing so you only care about collecting money and I will take care of myself."

Eva didn't like to be a burden to anyone so she decided to take care of her situation even if she was blind, at least she can see just a little imagination

Lillian agreed, at Eva's insistence, and left early in the morning, and Lillian went to work with that man, who was waiting for her at their house after she had become a friend of the family.

"good morning!"

The old woman's wife opened the door for her and greeted her and said to her.

"Welcome my daughter"

Lillian came into the house, took off her heavy coat, and sat on the chair in the middle of the middle wooden house, living in front of the old man who was still eating.

"Lilian, how are you?"

Lilian smiled and thanked the old woman who put a cup of coffee in front of her and then said to him

"I'm doing fine and so did I have a good idea that will be the objective bomb for this week!"

The old man got excited and said excitedly

"Tell me! What ideas do you have this time?"

Lillian stood up and pulled his old wife and made her sit on the big table after she had taken away some of the things they were putting for breakfast.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you will see the love that lasts until death! We present to you the love that has lasted for more than thirty years! Watch the love Watch the eyes that love is so clear! Watch and love your loved ones until this time, until the time when the gray in your head!"

He clapped himself and his wife was so ashamed that she covered her face in shame and Lillian clapped also as if she was their little daughter helping her parents in these matters

"Okay, the next song I will make sure that it will destroy all the participants with you in the shows and I guarantee that you get the contract with the founding company of this competition and you will get the prize since the last show will be in two days!"

Lillian remembered what happened to her and what that man did to her, so she embraced her shoulders with her hands as if she felt the air touching her body and face, and that wonderful smile that was painted above her lips for a moment disappeared.

"Lilian… is something wrong?"

" Uh.. ?"

Lillian noticed herself after she had left them talking alone for several minutes without realizing that she was letting go of her painful memory, so she finished and bit her bottom lip from the inside to catch her tears and prevent her from coming down at such an inappropriate time.

"Are you well? "

Lillian smiled as if nothing had happened and wiped her eyes and then said to them.

"No, but I remembered my husband, who died recently, so I wished to be with him all my life, but I couldn't."

The two felt sorry for Lillian and the old woman asked her after I approached her and grabbed her hands

How did your husband die? Did someone kill him or did he die alone?

He died after suffering from an illness that prevented him from moving for years.

What she said was true, even if he was killed in the occupation of the Merith Empire, he would have died of disease so she never lied to me.

And in another place, Eva came out of the room in which she lives, with a short stick in her hand that she can touch the ground with, and the children moved away from her. She walks and thanks them because she felt that their voices decreased, it means that they began to make room for her to exit from the main door after they were playing at the door.

"Thank you kids..."

The children smiled at Eva's beauty shining in the gentle sunlight overlooking the wooden building, a simple structure that is only inhabited by people on low incomes.

Eva went somewhere a little further out among the trees after she had kept the place well by going out the previous days,

"This place, yes, good. I have arrived, from here I can hear the sound of the river, which is twenty meters away from me, and next to me on the right side is an empty icy yard where children play, and I can hear their voice from there, and at the same time and to my left the large markets and a hundred meters away Behind there is the hotel, good"

Eva smiled excitedly and threw the stick after she was in the middle of the place and counted the steps behind and in front of her, and at the same time that dreaded man stopped at the same hotel and got off his horse and smiled at the children, some of whom were afraid of his appearance and others were excited by his special appearance.

"Kids... have you ever seen a woman with wavy brown hair and yellow eyes, she is very beautiful and has a childish face?"

shouted one of the children

"Ahhh!!! You mean thi...!"