part of the picture

shouted one of the children

"Ahhh!!! You mean hill...!"

But one of the other children had a great sober mind despite being not even twelve years old, so he shouted out louder and said to the red-eyed man he was seeing evilly and he didn't like it at all.

"Sir!! I think I saw a girl like this going from that direction several days ago!!"

The boy pointed in a different direction to Eva's place, and this made Julian smile. Then he patted that child's head with his heavy, large hand, which unintentionally shook the child's head forcefully and turned around to climb his big horse and go in the direction the child had indicated.

Elsewhere, Eva was doing simple exercises like yoga and trying to use her focus on the whole place to lose her eyes.


She felt that there was a movement near her. She was like a movement through the grass near her. The wand that I had left near her fell quietly, her golden yellow eyes staring forward as she couldn't see anything. She hit the wand hard over the source of the sound after she heard the sound approaching towards her, as she could Determine the time of arrival of the sound to it.

"I got you!!"

After she hit him hard, she heard a small sound to feel strange, this is not human, so she put the stick aside and brought her hands towards the thing that was approaching her to find a little rabbit who had already broken his leg and Eva felt so sad for him that her eyes watered because of what she had done.

"Oh... I'm sorry kid... I didn't really want to hurt you, excuse me kid, I can't see!"

Eva was trying to treat him with her hand after she put the bone back in place even as he was screaming with her hand in his small voice and she was bent sitting on the ground and her eyes were not watching but she was feeling everything with her hands and there were eyes watching her from afar, she is not familiar eyes but they were not her What is absolutely good.

"Young man, wait a minute."

She grabbed him with one hand and put him on her lap, and she sat on her feet quietly, and with one hand she cut a piece of her clothes while she was sitting on that cold grass. If you notice this with his simple steps, she catches him as he walks and Eva smiles until she giggles with joy with the help of that little rabbit who accidentally hit him and let him simply go somewhere else.

At this moment I heard the sound of steps approaching her to get up and she grabbed her stick with one hand, simple and clear on her body language without fear or hesitation to hit him on the head from behind as soon as he reached her.

Eva turned around to feel that a man had fallen to the ground, so she approached him and put her knee on his neck from behind, and clasped his two hands with her other leg, which was fixed on his back, and said to him.

"Who are you?"

He was kicking hard to try to get away from her, but a woman was fighting with a spear and could carry it easily and lead armies that were not easy at all, and a simple man like this would set her down.

"Damn you!! Aren't you supposed to be blind, stupid and can't do anything?!"

She squeezed her hands, which she stuck behind his back

"Why should I be weak, stupid, succumb to assault and then yell everywhere that she was raped to win people's sympathy?"

Everywhere the type that Eva is is a rare type of woman, where you cannot find a woman who is unable to see anything that can easily subjugate a man. the majority.

"Tell me who you are? You may still not know me but you have to make sure that I separated a lot of heads from their bodies in battles and wars so you better admit it!"

He was screaming and starting to get scared and he said apologetically

"Ma'am!! I'm really sorry I didn't expect you to be this strong, excuse me, I won't do that again nor with any other woman! Pardon my life please!!"

The best thing was that he believed what Eva had said to him, who was not mistaken, not even a single letter, so she pulled away from him and kicked him on the side of his stomach and made him squirm on the ground in pain, and I sat back on the ground when I heard his footsteps getting up with difficulty and ran in the direction from which he came

"Damn!! That woman!!"

That man continued until the children saw him pass by at an extraordinary speed running towards the direction that Julian went, but he did not continue until he stumbled and fell on his face in front of Julian after running for a long time and Julian noticed him when he was walking quietly and simple steps on the ground and his horse walking next to him.

So Julian turned to him and stared at him, but he turned again and didn't pay any attention until he heard him cursing loudly and screaming while trying to get up from the solid ground on which his body almost shattered.

"Damn that blind man!!"

Julian's steps stopped abruptly and he was stunned and turned around, his eyes sparkling, and he ran towards him quickly and suddenly lifted him from the ground from his clothes with his wide hands, which became pink because of his white skin and the cold winter.

"What did you say? Take back what you just said?!"

He was about to urinate on himself because Julian pressed his chest with his hands while lifting him off the ground and his legs moving in the air as he hit Julian's hands with his hands, which he was gripping on Julian's wrists, which he could not turn his hands on because of the thickness of his wrists and veins, which were somewhat prominent.

Julian knew that he strangled him after staring at his face, which became blue, so he let him fall to the ground while crawling back, but Julian pulled him from his foot with force, which led to a dislocation in his thigh and froze in place without being able to move and was screaming hard but Julian caught his mouth and closed it Strongly, he who was going to molest that woman felt that he was going to die.

'What's wrong with this man, why does he want to kill me for no reason!!'

"Tell me... what blind woman were you talking about! And where is she?"

The man nodded that it would happen after he saw the frightening figure of that man in a large cloak and black pants with a bunch of belts around his waist and a loose shirt in that cold winter so cold that he wondered whether this man was feeling cold or not.

Julian put his big hand away from his face and stared at that man in fear and said quickly without thinking of anything

"Yeah!! I was about to molest that woman... I mean yeah she's a blind woman! She has long brown hair that shines in the sun and her eyes are yellow, she's a very beautiful woman so I wanted to molest her but she was so strong I couldn't hold Even, it's still there in that forest in the back!!"

Julian gave him a mad smile and grabbed him by the neck this time and pulled him hard towards his face and said to him, his red eyes were burning more as that man spoke and said while smiling madly and ecstasy

"Eva... so beautiful, so strong, and so intelligent, when someone talks about you like that, I feel like I want to put you in a cage so no one can touch you!"

Then he said, after turning his eyes to that man who

He strangled him with his hand, but this look was very different from the look with which he was staring blankly while thinking of his woman, as they say.

"You wanted to molest that woman? Bad luck!"

That young boy who was standing behind one of the small buildings heard the sound of the creaking of the sword and then the sound of cutting flesh that man, so his body trembled and he held his mouth as he tried to swallow his saliva in fear, so that Julian felt that someone was watching him, but the boy had disappeared as soon as Julian reached the place where he was standing. But Julian could smell a human smell in the place, even the footsteps were clear over the snow, and the water left by the steps when he ran.

"This man wants the beautiful blind lady! I must warn her!"

The little boy was panting but would not stop, he wanted to reach Eva to warn her in time before she fell into the nets of that man from whom she so hard ran away again, and at the same time Lilian was training the two old men in the great closed theater to walk and the steps that the old man should follow when She enters behind her husband, who will start the show by playing it alone, then she will enter with confidence, slow steps and gentle looks.

Everything was going according to what the beautiful Lillian wanted, who cut her long red hair all the way down to her neck, but she was still beautiful after all.

Meanwhile the big brown who had raped her was outside walking quietly in front of the stage door but he didn't enter he just wondered what was going on here at this time and why so many people gathered around the door.

"What's going on there?"

asked one of those standing in the queue that extends into the building.

"Don't you know! That show everyone has been waiting for is in a week and we're here to get tickets!"

Emmanuel did not pay any attention to these matters, as usual, but he went past the queue to the stage and peeked and watched - he saw the short red-haired woman with her back to the door as she moved quickly and gestured to the two old men here and there, but he did not see her with the short hair even once for this reason he could not recognize her This was in her interest for the first time, she could not imagine her reaction if she turned around, and it is impossible to imagine what would happen if she saw it too.

"There is nothing interesting but I will come back here in a week I may meet her or that blind person here in this place."

He left without turning around again or paying attention to what was behind him, or rather to the woman he was looking for while she was within his reach.

And that child is still running and trying to reach the woman who sees nothing to protect her, will that little child be able to reach, or are Julian's feet faster to reach her?