The mad emperor Julian got rid of the man who had shown his woman that he wanted to reach her at any cost. It could be said that even if the price was the annihilation of the entire Northern Empire, he would accept it with open arms, while that little boy felt as if being around Julian brought him shortness of breath. He ran To free that girl from his grip.
"Miss! Miss!!"
'If I don't hurry, that monster will surely come and take this pretty girl.'
His pale and frightened features, and the sweat that washed his face in that cold winter, was expressing his fear and terror after seeing that man's head flying high and then falling to the ground with a tyrant's smile on the face of that tyrant.
"I have to get there fast!!"
He arrived at the right time when he heard the sound of the horse's footsteps running behind him and grabbed Eva by the hand while she was standing in her place and was surprised for a moment and was going to push him away but she didn't do anything because he is a child especially after he told her too.
"Miss, quickly hide with me!!"
He pulled her from her hand and ran to hide with her in an underground stone covered with large leaves that served as a small hideout for them to play with, the children, because it contained children's things.
The hideout was behind a large perennial tree covered in snow
"Miss, please shut up a little. There's a big monster looking for you. I saw him slaughtering a man a while ago. I think he arrived, so let's be quiet a little."
Eva realized the situation and knew that he was talking about Julian. She began to feel fear for that little one, and at the same time the fear for herself was also great, like facing her most dangerous nightmares. The little boy noticed that the beautiful Eva was holding his hand and squeezing it lightly. On her dress, he said to her while trying to calm her down, although he was also afraid.
"Miss, it'll be fine, he won't see us, just shut up."
In fact, that boy was right. Julian was staring all over the place and trying to find anything that might get him to her, but he couldn't find any trace of her, not even the stick she was holding in her hand, which the little boy took with them to the hideout.
"It doesn't look like it's here.... It might be a little further from here huh?"
"My beautiful... where did my beautiful... go?"
He was talking to himself like a madman, and hearing his voice for her was like a nightmare, so she closed her ears so tightly that she wouldn't hear his voice echoing inside her head.
Eva the strong woman, fear began to permeate her heart, as if she heard the sound of a guillotine cutting heads in succession, not the cold hoarse voice of a man.
Her body flinched and she was trying to warm herself while rubbing her shoulders together after hearing him call her name loudly and felt her breath cut short, so she grabbed her dress and her eyes widened in fear.
"Miss, calm down, he won't find us here, believe me."
After a few minutes the sound of the horse's footsteps disappeared, which made Eva more reassured than before, but she did not want to leave her place, so she asked the boy to come out to check.
And with Eva's normal personality, she wouldn't ask a little boy to sacrifice his life, but the fear that ran through her body changed her for one moment to ask a little boy who she thought would protect her to come out to make sure.
Perhaps it really is fear of something that makes the strongest of people the weakest.
Eva tried to control herself, but fear took control of all her limbs, even after she left her dress, which was wrinkled, after she pressed it with her fingers, until she left traces of her nails on her hands that tore her flesh after the panic attack that she suffered because of the presence of that man and hearing his voice, so what would she do if she turned to again?
The same thing applies to the other woman who was raped by the emperor's same friend, who did not show any interest in the matter, but could say in a calm voice, It's okay, it's just rape, that's exactly what the emperor would have said, of course.
"Ma'am, you can do this movement and wait for him to complete this piece so that you can move again as if you are giving him the inspiration to complete the music he knows."
Lillian moved in a circle, twisted and took while teaching that old woman to move in a simple way and movements that an old woman could do.
One of the men was watching Lillian's movements and her waist
The black belt is narrowed over that purple dress, which reflects the color of her white skin and the chest hole that shows the breaking of her breasts from him, which shines in pink under the lights, and her short hair that shows her pink neck from the back, for which Emmanuel has become a captive.
"I've never seen such beauty in my life..."
He commented on these words until she turned towards him after realizing that he was staring at her.
She shivered and felt that the man staring at her was Emmanuel himself, but she grabbed her hand and tried not to go to him and slay him in his place.
She tried to complete her work without paying any attention to him, but he kept staring at her all the time until she finished training with the old men and bid them farewell at the theater door with a smile. She did not see him after she turned in all directions and her hands were on alert
"I think it's all right… that man has left, in fact I don't want to arouse any doubts about the whereabouts of me and the princess so I will keep everything to myself and will not tell anyone, and I will try to ignore him even if he comes tomorrow."
She was talking to herself, just walking under the moonlight, and on the sides of the streets there were children entering their homes,
Lillian glimpsed them and reminded her of that about her husband, whom she had lost since youth, and in his words to her when he told her to have many children for him because he loves children, but it ended with him as a man unable to bear children, and the thing that provoked her even more and made her eyes sink with tears was her standing in front of a young man and woman carrying their child from His hands raised him up and he laughed with pleasure, these simple things were all she was looking for.
She was looking for the family she had always dreamed of, but the wind was blowing.
This is how her life was from its beginning until what it has reached now.
"I think I've been in tears these days..."
She laughed mockingly at herself and then wiped her eyes with a smile on her lips, but that smile and those tears did not take long until he put his hand on her shoulder from behind, so she turned quickly without even knowing who put his hand on her shoulder, and she was about to extend it with a beating after she twisted his hand to His back was tight and she held her hand towards his face.
She let go of his hand and took a few steps back from him and said in a tired voice.
"What do you think you're doing? How do you hold a lady by the shoulder? Didn't your parents teach you how to respect a lady?"
He blinked stupidly and then laughed as he rubbed the back of his head as if he had done nothing and said to her in a light voice to a man that it seemed as if life had taught him nothing.
"I'm sorry ma'am but I liked you so much, you're pretty enough to attract any man's attention."
She raised her eyebrows, her mouth was open, and then said to him with cold eyes.
"I know that, I even remember a jaguar almost devouring me."
'He has already eaten me up'
"Uhhh... did it bother you?"
She was trying to be nice to him but was failing so she tried to tell him in a simple calm tone after she sighed.
"Sir.. I am a married woman, I already have a husband. Thank you for your interest in me, but I have to leave now as my husband is waiting for me."
He simply said as he lowered his head in disappointment.
"Okay, sorry, I bothered you."
Lillian left quietly and returned to her usual coldness even though it spoiled her mood and the little dreams in which she had imagined her family alive.
When she got to the room, Eva opened the door for her, hugging herself, and let's go and sit quietly on the bed with her cane of course
So Lillian went to her and stood in front of her, then took her hands and said to her:
" princess... are you okay?"
Eva told him everything that happened to her from the beginning until that boy took her to the room and her feet weren't able to hold her so she fell to the ground right after she entered she was about to pass out after her panic attack.
"Ki… how… how… how could he find me. It's not possible, it can't be, I can't believe it."
In any case, Eva explained everything to Lillian, her friend, who did not abandon her even for a moment. Lillian, the woman who was suffering at the same time but cherished her princess so much
After a whole week and all that week Lillian did not leave the room and was staying near Eva, who became bedridden because of a cold, or one might say because of the fear she had because of Julian.
But then that week Lillian had to ban the final party for which she oversaw the two old men's training, so she got up early in the morning and said to Eva:
"My princess, I'm leaving today, I need the money I'll make today because winning will do us good, I'll be able to get half of the profits."
Eva grabbed Lillian's hand and said to her while closing her eyes.
"Go, Lilian, you don't have to explain it to me, I know you'll make it, and I'll wait for you here until you come back."
Lillian smiled and got up from the bed excitedly, changed her clothes, and headed to the theater site, where the place was so immersed in people that she managed to enter with difficulty.
But Lillian and her positive energy managed to completely turn their minds and make them come out onto the stage with confidence as she stands behind the scenes, moves them and points them with her sparkling smile that captures hearts.
After the show ended, the old man and his wife asked that Lillian come with them to the stage to thank the audience for the show of fifty years of love that she had given under her supervision. Among the applauding crowd, Lillian's smile was sparkling, and her eyes sparkled again, at a time when she felt that everyone loved her only for herself and not for her name or her family.
"Lilian Graz... I found you, beautiful."