make things worse

Two days and one night, Eva was living it quietly without Julian approaching her, who was sleeping on the bed next to her, and she didn't give him any attention when she knew that ignoring him was the best solution for her not to be exposed to her

Her nervousness and interaction with his movements brings him closer to her, and on the other hand, she did not feel very comfortable during this period.

Sleep does not hit her eyes until after she gets so tired that she loses consciousness, because in any case she cannot trust that man.

"I feel so tired these days... I have to take a rest."

After she was sitting at the big window to listen to the chirping of birds and the sounds of the daily chores of soldiers and servants, these same voices that remind her of her kingdom, she got up from the chair on which she was cuddling herself and went to bed quietly and covered her body to fall into a really deep sleep as soon as She put her head on the pillow

She wished for a moment before she fell asleep, that what she was living was just a dream, yet she dreamed that she was still in her palace, and watched the dancing and dancers of women and men and the leaves that flew here and there under the light sun that hit her white skin as she danced among the dancers in her dress that she lifts from her front Barefoot with her hair loose on her shoulders, and in one of her turns she saw the tall man from behind staring at her backstage

To realize even while she was in the dream that it was a dream, and what happened to her and she thought that it was a dream is a painful reality that no ordinary human being can bear before he kills himself or is killed

In another room, Julian sits on a chair in front of his table, waiting for the men whom Emmanuel has brought to speak, and Emmanuel stands right behind them.

Julian raised his hand to one of them

"Speak, tell me, what was the reason that made you kill my convoy? Where did you receive the orders, and who is your master, who thinks he is superior to me, to do so?"

Bewilderment, fear and unwillingness to speak possessed the commander who had commissioned Julian to walk in front of the convoy, and he had betrayed him.

They were three tough people who didn't want to talk,

And they don't even plan, just waiting for their miserable life to be wiped out because they know that survival is after betrayal.

Emperor Julian will only be punished by death

Emmanuel approached to stand between them and bent down to reach their heads seated and whispered in a calm voice

"You know death is your reward right? But if you talk I'm going to talk to Emperor Julian to spare your lives and leave you in the Northern Empire, isn't it a good deal?"

Someone turned to Emmanuel with a bloodied face because of what Emmanuel had done to him before when he caught them, sharp stares refusing to give up were on the other man's features

"We have served Emperor Julian for a long time and we know very well that no one can influence Emperor Julian's decisions, neither you nor anyone else at all."

'There is someone after me, then, since they refuse to speak, that person must have as powerful an authority as mine, perhaps the Northern Emperor himself?' Hmmm... I don't think, I think it's impossible, I don't know how I even thought of it, a man can't put his feet properly on the ground even when he sees a man like him would not dare to take such risks.'

His thoughts took him roaming with him before he opened the door to stand leaning on the wall staring at the coming and going workers who bow to him with fear and hesitation

'Could they be from the Myriana Kingdom?' If they were, that means Eva knows them, but if they were the ones she knew, she wouldn't have dragged us to this place right behind them.'

"Emmanuel, I take care of them, I need information from them quickly."

He left after Emmanuel quietly bowed to him and then looked back at them with the enemy's gaze this time and drew his knife from the side of his thigh

"We'll play manicure first, what do you think?"

When Emmanuel started playing with these men Julian was heading towards his room, which is Eva's room.

He opened the door and entered and she got up quickly after she was falling into a deep sleep because he pushed the door hard because he was unable to act calmly and because this is one of his habits

"Who is there?!"

He stood in front of the bed watching her in disarray

"Tell me… the hijacking of the convoy was your plan?"

"What are you talking about?"

He approached her by the side of the bed, pulling her by the hand, forcefully towards him, squeezing her arms, which he almost broke under his strong hands.

"Tell me! My convoy, you're the one who planned to kidnap her, right?"

She screamed in unsuccessful attempts to free herself from him, so she screamed in front of him with force and sharp style in order to leave her

"Don't talk to me like that and leave my hands, you almost break them, if I was the one who wanted to hijack that convoy, I would run with them, are you stupid!!"

He left her and stood aside, looking out the window

"Stupid... huh... great..."

He repeated her words for a moment, then Julian realized that it was not Eva who did that, and he almost tore her hands by pressing her with great force compared to the way he held Eva before and his previous dealings with her.

She stepped back, holding her hands

"You take out your power on a woman, what a scoundrel!!"

He stared at her quietly and then left the room, leaving her alone again, and she was tired of being in the room alone, especially when Lillian left, who ran away with her life from the man who raped her.

"What am I going to do I can't stay like this all the time, I have to find some way out, but escaping from the palace is almost impossible.. especially because I don't have my eyes"

Eva screamed and got up from the bed to smash the whole room, intending to make a mess in an attempt to escape, and after a few seconds the guards entered and tried to catch her, but she dropped them to the ground and the services refused to approach her because of the severity of the situation she was in, so they simply escaped

"No one touches me!!"

She raised the sword of one of the soldiers whom she had dropped to the ground after seeing one of them approaching her with the intention of killing, and focused her thinking and mind in front of the sword that almost pierced her stomach to hit it, she pushed it aside.

She did not know who was the person who wanted to kill her in this particular palace, so she fought a blind-sighted fight, but the person who wanted to kill her managed to cut her arm and then run away after hearing Julian's voice approaching the room

"Eva! What happened!!"

Eva was standing holding a sword and her other hand holding her arm wound to which Julian quickly ran to grab her hand holding the sword and take it from her, in fact he was also wary of her with his concern for her, especially after she was hit by the first

"Someone tried to kill me"

She said panting and the water oozing from her uncaring hand, a woman who had fought wars before such a wound was nothing to her.

"He tried to kill you?"

Julian could not comprehend that someone had actually tried to kill Eva, because this was considered a violation of his presence in this palace, especially since they knew that Princess Eva belonged to Emperor Julian.

He took her by the hand to make her sit on the bed quietly and put his hand on her shoulder and shouted in a loud voice that echoed in the palace


It didn't take long for the guards to answer the call, and five soldiers stood cautiously before him, in addition to Emmanuel, who had come late.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

Julian stood in front of them to speak loudly

"There are those who tried to kill the princess and they know that Princess Eva belongs to me, this means that there is public betrayal in this palace!"

The eldest servant, the first assistant to the northern emperor, was staring from behind the wall and listening to Julian's talk. It didn't take long until Julian ordered them to arrest the traitor.

"Sir, we're in trouble! There's a traitor in the palace who was going to kill Princess Eva."

"This made Emperor Julian furious, so I think we should find the traitor quickly before we get tired…!"

Julian screamed inside the Emperor's office after kicking the door

"Northern! Do you want to make war?"

The northern emperor rose from his seat, frightened, his hands trembling, and stood up to swallow his saliva before the red-eyed raging in front of him spoke.

"Emperor Julian, there is no war but I'd rather you go back to your empire before bigger things happen here, I still don't know the traitor yet but I'll make sure to find out and send you the news as soon as I know, so please leave, just leave…"

Julian walked up to him and stared at the First Aide with sharp eyes, and he who stepped back, clasping his hands forward, because he knew that Julian had become aware that the Northern Emperor knew the news from him.

"Northern, if you are incompetent for this empire, just leave the throne, you don't even deserve to be an assistant emperor and not an emperor."

Sweat poured out of his head and his feelings were in a state of chaos, but he had no other choice but to say these words, for which he expected to slit his throat with trembling lips.

"It was all settled before you came here, you only bring destruction wherever you set foot."

"See what you did to the princess just because you wanted to get the kingdom's resources? You kill and slaughter without caring for everyone's feelings, that's why everyone thinks that you are not human."

Julian sighed in annoyance

"Do you think I would set foot on this filthy earth if I were not human?"

"Why do I need a land to be filled by idiots if I am not human?"

Julian sighed again, then turned his face to the door and said before leaving

"I'm leaving today, but what happened here will not be forgotten today, and you should be careful because I don't consider you a friend."

On the other hand, the city was noisy with buyers and sellers talking loudly to attract customers, and at the same time Lillian was walking through the big markets, she refused to leave the Empire without Princess Eva who left her in the Emperor's palace

She was walking here and there until she felt that a man was covering his head following her everywhere she went, so she turned back but disappeared between a second and a part of her

"Who is that..."

She could not meet him in public places, but she was confident of her strength to go to an empty alley, because she knew perfectly well that he would graduate there and meet her.

She slowly walked down the alley before someone shut her mouth from behind and pulled her into a rickety looking wooden door