Lost among the wreckage of the past

"Leave me damn it!"

She kicked him to hit him with the opposite and pushed him back to turn cautiously towards him, her eyes forming tiredness and dark circles.


There was no need for her to complete her words when she saw those features that had always been before her eyes when she was young and even old.


When feelings move, nothing can stop her, and that's what happened when she ran fast, embracing her younger brother in her arms, and her eyes blinked hot tears that she couldn't control, and at the same time he was cursing her short hair, which he realized she had cut for a reason he hadn't discovered yet, but what matters to him most He has survived so far

"Angulies... my dear! How... how did you manage to escape? Why didn't you tell me that why didn't you give me even a little hint?"

She didn't know how to talk and what to say to him, but she complained to him of her concern with quick words that came out of her mouth after they piled up inside her mind as if she were collecting them like toy stones

But he wiped her eyes to drive away those tears and bent down to kiss her head

"I apologise, sister, I had no trick, I could not have come to save you or save the princess, because I was in a very embarrassing situation, but in any case, that would not be an excuse."

He tried to justify his position to her and explain to her his fall with the fall of the kingdom

They were sitting in a regular and cheap restaurant and eating cheaper food when he started talking about what happened to him after he regained consciousness

I regained consciousness and found myself among a pile of corpses that the Imperial soldiers were about to burn. Although it was threatened with failure, and if it failed, I would have died."

I took a small sip from the big cup he was holding on to

Then I watched the kingdom and what Julian had done to it...

Lillian swallowed her saliva and was hesitant to ask what happened in the kingdom of Mirjana after Princess Eva was taken, but he answered her before she even asked

"He started work and reconstruction again as if he wanted to restore everything he did in the kingdom, I don't know what his goal is from that, but I think that the emperor is obsessed with cleanliness when it comes to his property, and since he has come to believe that the kingdom of Mirjana is one of his properties, he appointed special people to work on the reconstruction of what has been done." Its buildings were smashed, and even the people seemed to be resting and numb."

Lillian couldn't take her brother's words and shook her head in the negative

"No no… It's impossible, yeah, it's impossible for that bastard to do such things, how can I believe what you're saying, are you really okay?"

He sighed, closed his eyes for a moment, and then looked back at her

No.. more than that, the people seemed to be in a more normal state than usual, even the soldiers of the empire were helping the people a lot, solving problems, and cooking food in the streets at the beginning of the occupation they even played with the children and the leader the emperor left behind was very gentle in dealing With everyone"

I also asked him

"And what about the palace? What news of it?"

He answered her in the same tone of voice

"Everything is perfect, as if Eva did not even disappear, that emperor is a genius, there is no doubt about that, he wins all the peoples to him and makes many reforms wherever he goes, he wins the peoples by his side, and he becomes invincible armies."

Lillian rested her back on the worn out wooden chair

"So Julian that's not a bad guy with people either? Does that mean he has a special hatred for royals? Could he have a bad royal past?"

He sat down to present his sister with some papers

"These papers, I was able to gather some information about him from people who sell information, it is true that they come with soldiers every time the emperor occupies his kingdom, but they sell information about him as well, you know there are a lot of people similar to this man."

"What did you get from them and how do you know that what they said is true?"

His argument is correct and the words of his sister are impeccable, but he had proof of that because he had brought Angulis to a place within the kingdom of Mirjana that no one could find except the princess, so he knew that this kind of person can penetrate your clothes and know what's inside

"Okay, get what you got."

She replied to him and extended her hand in front of him to bring her back to her chest and he replied to her

"Emperor Julian had designed the emperor's palace in the Methirith Empire himself, in addition to that, the palace contains a very large agricultural labyrinth called the Palace Labyrinth. Many of his predators were placed in this maze, so he relied on this maze for execution."

In addition, he owns a special pond for large crocodiles, and he does not enter that pond except to the extent that he feeds them himself, and she is afraid of him and trembles to see him and does not come forward to take the food without his permission. He has killed one of them without his weapon, he just crushed Samah's head with his leg, which is said That its strength is more than a hundred kilos per blow, for this reason he was able to easily smash the head of the crocodile... This made the rest of them in a state of fear and terror. meals."

He sighed and said in a low voice more than that to support his hands approaching his sister, who in turn had approached him

"I also heard that he fed the rest of General Miroslav's soldiers to those crocodiles after his chest was sore at seeing her head cut off by Eva."

For him, it wasn't easy, but for Lillian, she had seen what she had seen from that man, especially when she and Eva ran away from them.

"What about you, Lilian? How were you during this period? To be honest, I expected that you would not leave the princess alone and go with the family, and tell me, did Julian's soldiers expose you? How did you escape without Eva? I want to know everything in detail."

'What shall I tell you, Angulies... Shall I tell you that I was raped by one of Julian's generals?' Do you want me to tell you that to throw you into hell with my own hands?'