How is it possible for a person to live his whole life in comfort and happiness, and then, without any introduction, fall into the trap of the closest people to him, and we can say that he is the person who carried all your feelings, feelings and love and presented them to him
Simply and with a smile above your eyes.
"You told me Max is in the Empire now?"
He nodded at her, leaning his back against the room's gold-and-white wall
She rearranged her seat on the chair in front of the window, listening to his words that blew to her ears like the cold winter wind.
"The one you should hate is Max the lover you put all your trust in, not the man who broke into your kingdom."
"Don't justify your inferior actions to yourself!"
Sharply and harshly, without turning to him, she replied with these words that did not move a single artery in his body, as cold as winter.
"It's already time that the maids have packed all the things I brought for you."
He approached, saying these words and placing his hand in front of her
"No need for rags to be brought by someone who breaks into the walls of my kingdom, you can redistribute them to your harem when we reach the Empire."
Sighing with a smile
And you are number one in this harem.
She turned her head towards him without being able to see him, but there were sharp warning glances from her wide yellow eyes that contained sadness and lost their luster.
"Julian... I am not a princess of positions, I am a woman who leads armies plucking heads as I did with that general of yours or did you forget who killed her, so you can't put me in the same league with those women who only know to sit and drink tea, and you have to stay Always ready to lose as long as I'm with you
"There is nothing more to lose to me than you."
He answered her confidently, without giving even an iota of attention to the blind woman sitting in front of him, who rose after a few minutes to honor him by placing her hand on the back of his hand, and they both walked towards the door, through the long hallway at the mirrors on the sides of the palace doors.
'I will go to the place of residence that will be my prison, but I will not let it go or give it up, but I will keep on fighting till I get Julian's heart first, then his mind second, then his whole empire third, and then I will make him lose all he loves
And I'll make sure to get him to do it with his own hands.
A smile formed around her lips and hid it with her hand, which she raised to cover her lips, and the man walking beside her could only see the outer shell of that woman, the beautiful golden chaff that bore thorns and woods within.

"Are you telling me now to be patient rather than reckless and go to save the princess? Why don't we just do it, you know sister how powerful you and I are, you know that the emperor's procession that just came out of the Northern Empire will not be a problem for us."
She slipped herself behind the big boulder in the slightly elevated snowy mountain that was more than a hundred meters away from the convoy of the emperor who had just come out of the empire where they were hiding.
Her eyes were telling another story about which the enthusiastic Angelis did not know, like a child who had bought a new toy and wanted to try it in the market before they got home.
"Angulis, you never knew the emperor's power before because you didn't fight him, besides having one of his generals with him, General… Emmanuel, so winning against them will not be as easy as you expect."
She squeezed her throat with her fingers before saying his name, which she felt as if heat was penetrating her esophagus, but she had to continue to hide everything from her brother, who was ignorant of everything around him.
"You mean it's Prince Emmanuel Small?"
His eyes were closing and opening quietly, but her eyes were wide open, staring at her brother's lips, which brought back her childhood memories.
"Yeah, do you mean Emmanuel Small, son of the chief of the Zorkan clan? Wasn't that the same man who was supposed to be your husband before you refused?"
Thoughts crossed her head, and those memories hit her head

'Who told you, mother, that I want to marry at this age? Don't you think I'm too young to get married?"
That mother grabbed her hand before Angulies could get the blow that knocked him to the ground and stared hard despite the blood he spat on the ground in response to his mother's blow on his older sister
"Mom! I won't let you. Lillian marry a man you don't love! You know she loves another man. Why would you want to do this to your only daughter?"
"A woman cannot remain alone, no matter how strong she is. She will need a man of equal strength or stronger than her to ensure a strong future for the family and her children in the future. How will your sister marry someone who occasionally falls ill with a common cold?"
The mother had another decision regarding the question of love which she did not believe in at all even after marrying the father of her children.
"Look at me and your father, don't you see that we have been able to preserve the throne of this family among many families, do you want a future in which you will become servants to those who used to serve you?"
Lillian understood her mother's point of view and accepted to meet the prince of the Zorkan tribe, which is famous among the mainland tribes for its strength and dominance over the southern borders and forests of the Western Continent.
Despite her young age, Lillian was thinking like a grown-up before she ended up marrying the man she loved rather than the man who would ensure the continuity of her family's strength.
"I'm going to meet him mom... but you have to know something that I won't agree to at this age, I'll be eighteen until I marry him, not the thirteen I'm telling now!"
A sharp slap hit her, stronger than that of Angelis to knock her down too, but this time the mother heard a voice from behind that stopped her after she pulled the whip that she was wrapping around her arm.
"Don't force her... Lillian is not obligated to marry someone she doesn't want, wars may break out in the future between us and the Zorkan clan caused by a simple quarrel between Lillian and her husband, so it would not be as good for us as it would be if we forced Lillian."
Angelis smiled victoriously, but Lillian's words hid that smile
"But I'll meet him, Dad..."
His insistence between her mother's sharp looks and her father's shock
He put his hands between the pockets of his pants and turned towards the door he entered, where the music room was
"Okay, but you should know, Lillian, that the problems of the little ones can turn into bigger and then turn and turn into problems for the adults, so I don't want any mistakes, neither talk nor deed."
With stern eyes, she wiped the tears from her eyes and shook
Her dress of the six floors was crushed by feet and shoes after she got up
"I'll guarantee he's not the right guy for me."
A lonely room filled with luxurious furniture, two small sofas in the middle of the room, a table in the middle, and two cups of tea with a jug from which smoke can be seen rising from above.
"Then, Prince, tell me why you agreed to marry me?"
His yellow eyes stare into his wide gray eyes, topped with long, thick eyelashes, like his black ones, and his long black hair that almost covers his shoulders.
"I don't know… Do you think I would care about marriage at this age? All I want to do is to get stronger and stronger so that I will be able to lead the tribe in the future and I will help my father before that, but I don't know why my father would want me to marry in This age..."
She put the cup of tea on the table like a miss in the middle
Twenty to softly wipe her lips before stabbing him.
"That means you don't want this wedding either?"