I wish

The sound of Lillian screaming, come one by one, and the sound of furniture smashing was more loud as the guards entered and found Lillian throwing the glass furniture at Emmanuel, who was hiding behind one of the large pillars, and throwing at her the other.

"You foolish bastard, how can you say that I am not beautiful, you are stupid and do not know how to deal with women!!"

"You're ugly, you don't know how to be a real woman and you can't be a significant woman when you grow up, I'm ashamed to be here!"

They both ended up hiding behind their parents, so I winked at him and he smiled in turn as if what these kids had planned had worked and the adults had been easily manipulated.

"I apologize to you, Mr. Graz. I did not expect such behavior from my son in whom I trust. I offer you my sincerest apologies and hope that this does not harm our relations."

"No, no... I'm the one who should apologize, King. My daughter wasn't the good girl who avoided bad talk. I also hope this situation doesn't spoil our relationship."

Thus, the two men shook hands, and Emmanuel received a strong slap that spoiled his features to make him disappear under the dirt of the ground and his lip bled when they returned home

"I didn't expect you to make a mockery of me in front of Commander Graz, brat, what did you think you were doing? Did you want to hit her, do you think hitting a woman is the right thing to do? Whatever happened and whatever she said to you, you had to rectify the situation and act manly!!"

He bowed his head to his father, kneeling on the ground, apologizing after hitting him

"I'm sorry, Dad, I promise you it won't happen again."

'This was the best we could do after a long conversation with her'

He sighed and cast his eyes on his kneeling son before leaving the large stone building

"There won't be again, you can't have it again."

'I'll get it'

He repeated these words in his head since he was a child, smiling while kneeling, waiting for his father to come out until he sat straight with his feet folded back.

"I will have it but when I become king, not now."

"Lilian! Lilian!! Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Lillian avoided all those memories of that day and blinked a few times before emerging from behind the large boulder to stand firm and straight for an authentic warrior.

Her brother came out from behind the rock to stand behind his older sister

"Sister… what are we going to do now?"

She thought quietly without hurrying and said to him without turning around

"Go back to the kingdom of Myriana and I'll catch up with the emperor's procession."

She turned to him, raising her hand to his face

"I know you will now disobey my orders, but you stand before the commander of Graz's forces, so consider yourself a soldier and just do without asking, and send me messages by carriers, notify me the state of the kingdom within a month of your arrival in the kingdom so that I can come up with his plan after my arrival in the Empire of Merith ."

He hit his chest with his right hand above his heart

"As you command, Commander!"

He quickly took his horse, without saying another word and without saying goodbye, until he rode his horse in the opposite direction of the procession of Emperor Julian.

"I hope you arrive safely, brother... I don't want to put your life in danger because I know that even if they catch me, they won't kill me, unlike you."

She took the red horse that Angulies had bought from the Northern Empire and followed in her footsteps the Emperor and his caravan.

So the princess who climbed the Emperor's horse in front of him and in his hands turned around

It turned so lightly, she didn't want to pay attention to that man

"Lilian... she's following us, she smells everywhere."

It was about a hundred meters between them.

"I want to rest... I don't feel well"

She put her hand over her head for a moment, closing her eyes with a sigh

"No, we won't stop, we only left two hours ago."

He was accurately counting the hours so it was impossible for her to be able to deceive him with such things.

"But I don't feel well."

He stroked her shoulder with his empty hand that did not hold the bridle

"You'll be fine, don't worry, you won't get hurt as long as I'm here with you."

She sighed and rolled her eyes

"What a..."

Her voice was low and he couldn't hear it because of her good luck

A whole week had passed since the departure of the emperor's convoy, and Lillian was following them step by step, especially since it became easier for her after they left the area of ​​​​the cold winter, the area where summer does not come and does not see it.

And Eva slept and woke up handcuffed in Julian's tent that they pitched at the end of each day.

"It won't be long until we reach the palace, only one day left, my calculations can't be wrong."

He spoke to her sitting on his floor bed reading a book before he fell asleep and she lay her body next to his and her back was facing his face

"why are not you talking to me?"


"Is anyone bothering you this time? Tell me it's okay I can make it a delicious meal for my little ones who are waiting hungry at home."


Well, I will tell you a short story, there was a man, a woodcutter, who had a wife and children, he disappeared one day after cutting firewood and went to sell it in a market, so his wife started looking for him everywhere, but she did not find him, so I went to the king and asked him to look for her husband For her good luck, the king agreed, and after a period of two weeks he told her that her husband had been found dead because of an animal bite, then more than two weeks passed and the king went to ask for the hand of that woman because of the beauty she carries, but she refused that for more than five times and in the end she thought about her children who would remain Deprived in this life and they will suffer in life, so she agreed in the last time to marry the king to become his queen and make her children princes, and after several years of her marriage I heard him one day talking to one of his men and discovered that the king knew her from the beginning, and he is the person who killed her husband in order to marry her And he knows that she will come to him asking for help in the end, so everything is done and everything goes according to that man's plan. They appreciate him and see that he is the man who They can't give up on him yet."

He rested his head sideways on the palm of his hand, stretching his body to the ground

"What do you think, Eva? Wasn't it a great story?"



For the third time she did not talk to him until he moved her shoulder and then pulled her to turn on her back unconscious. She does not talk to him and does not answer him.

"Doctor!!! "

All the people who came with this procession are from the Northern Empire, so even the doctor was one of them, so he hurriedly entered in his baggy pajamas and quickly bowed, so the guards gathered at the door of the tent to find out what happened, but Julian asked everyone to stay away and take caution at such times.

The emperor sat in front of her and the doctor on the side of her and felt her forehead.

"She is very ill, Your Majesty."

Julian's eyes widened and he spoke softly

"What do you mean by that? How can she get sick that she has a very strong body, it's not possible"

The other nodded twice

"However, she has gone through a lot during this period, but I will examine her body to see if there are any wounds, will you stay, Your Majesty, or will she come out?"

There was no need for Julian to speak so that the doctor began to lower Eva's dress from the top to prevent Julian squeezing his hand.

"No, stop, you can't do that, I can't allow this."

Speechless is very clear

"But… in a very dangerous situation, Your Majesty, she might not even reach the palace."

Julian got up, put on his shoes and his blue cloak, to hold Eva in his hands and took her out of the tent to shout at one of the soldiers

"Bring my horse!!"

There was no need for them to say anything but carry out his orders so he randomly placed Eva on the horse until he climbed up to make her sit on one side while he surrounded her little body in his hands.

"Tell Commander Emmanuel to take over the procession. There is only one day left to reach the Empire, but I am in a hurry, so I will leave now."

" Come on!!"

He left with the bridle quickly, heading towards the Merith Empire

"Wait, Eva, you can't die, it only takes a few hours on the horse, so fast, we'll be there soon."



