Fear in human form

Western Empire

It is characterized by the finest types of buildings, the most beautiful landscapes and industrial scenes that please the beholder, and where everyone lives in great happiness, surplus money, no poverty, no disease, no sorrow, everything in the Western Empire is characterized by its beauty

It was the perfect world and the other planet from the rest of the world

It is said that wars corrupt peoples, but Emperor Julian builds his empire on the wreckage of other peoples.

Emperor Julian was the protective deity for them, and despite his bad reputation, his people revere him out of love for him and not greed for anything he has.

They only feel happy with the availability of all means of subsistence, where everyone works and there is no person who needs food and there is no poor class in the empire, the classes that live divided the work equally between them, and if it happens that a traitor or a thief is found, then his punishment is to confront Julian and his generals

But life in the imperial palace differs from the life of the people. In the palace, there is complete commitment and some strictness, although everyone falls in love with each other, but fear still exists because of the presence of Julian himself.

In the markets, whoever wants to work works and whoever wants to buy buys

And at the border point on the northern side of the Western Empire

Julian entered his horse quickly without speaking to the border guards, and they knew his identity after they saw him from afar before he even arrived.

"I will go to the imperial palace. I don't know why Emperor Julian entered so suddenly."

There must be something important causing him to act this way, but I won't wait, I'll go make sure there isn't any danger."

The Northern Outpost Commander was greeted before he left by his deputy.

The horse that passed inside the front road of the imperial palace was seen by some people and realized that it was Emperor Julian who entered the main road where many people were walking who started cheering loudly.

And some of the women in love with him were about to cry when they saw him

"Emperor Julian... Oh my God, I wish I were one of his concubines."

Then she sighed, her eyes turning into hearts, and the sound of her heartbeat could almost be heard

"Perhaps I would have been the most resourceful woman if I had only been able to enter the palace even as a servant."

The other had a different opinion and responded differently, similar to the other, but in a different way

"Most Emperor Julian Rhys Jules has arrived!!"

After a long journey that took him five hours straight

The reception was not imperial enough, but he left everyone in the palace running, especially when he reached the front gate, and the doors opened hastily.

Fear began to clear their features as they waited for him to speak after he entered the palace and the servants in a state of shock and panic

How can? That the Emperor should take a woman with him and take care of her? Who are you and why is the Emperor so tired?

"Bring the imperial doctor to my room at once!!"

One voice and several words were able to give hasty orders to everyone, especially the young butler, still in the prime of her youth, who was very close to the Emperor, entered his room without knocking on the door or asking permission.

" His Majesty! "

I ran to the unconscious Eva and felt her forehead

Julian stares at Eva, too.

"She's precious to me, Cecilia. Please take care of her. Don't go anywhere. I'm counting on you. Keep her under your watch."

Julian left the room with long steps and left the beautiful blonde woman with her, that woman was not even wearing a servant's clothes, she was wearing ordinary clothes, not fancy but not for the servants either and she wore a servant's apron over her

"This beautiful woman... what have I done to you, Your Majesty?"

She did not give any other reaction, except that she changed her sleeping position to make her more comfortable, and she received the doctor, who ran quickly after the guards went to her house near the imperial palace to fetch her.

"What is happening to Cecilia? Who is this woman? I thought it was the Emperor who needed me? But who is this?"

Cecilia calmly stood up and sighed

"I don't know, but it seems to have a special place because the Emperor left the caravan behind to bring her here, so please just check it out."

"Okay, but help me, please."

Changing her clothes and examining her completely needed women, not men, and that's what Julien did, he handed her over to the person he trusted most.

Imperial Library

"Your Majesty, what brings you here like this? I haven't received any letter from you, Emmanuel, or Zakai?"

That man of medium height bent down,

Red curly hair, calm black eyes, the appearance of a little prince and a body free of scars, he seems softer than some girls.

But that cannot reflect his calm nature.

Julian put his hand on the boy's head and headed for one of the chairs

He sighed tiredly, and the boy stood beside him to offer him a cup of drinking water, then he completed his silence

"Dion... go out and tell everyone that the convoy will arrive in a few days and tell the commander of the northern border point that everything is fine, because I know he will come after me, let no controversy arise in the Empire, I leave this matter to you, and if there is any instigator of rumors Get rid of him without even asking me who he is


"Just rest, Your Majesty, and leave these matters to me."

Little Dion left the Imperial Library and headed towards the large front door to visit those who were waiting for news.

"There is no need to panic, everything is fine. You can retake your places and tell everyone that everything is fine as well. We do not want to stir up controversy for no reason. This would be bad if useless rumors spread."

Greetings from three men of various ranks were taken to little Dion who continued his way towards the large imperial garden in the middle of which was a gigantic but not deep water fountain and on the side of it a large black gate which was exactly that maze they had talked about earlier, he was just examining the whole place

Several hours passed after he took a shower and changed his clothes

Head to room ten

And that throne room? Everyone must be wondering what he's doing in it that Julian doesn't admit to these things

He used to store the possessions of kings from the kingdoms he occupied, so it is like a museum for him

He entered it with cold steps on the warm floor while looking at the fires blazing at the large pillars. He headed towards his chair and sat on it after a long time.

But the sharp, laughing looks that always covered his features left on a dark path this time, and she did not see her direction towards Julian.

It is said that love is the beginning of a beautiful life full of a beautiful soul.

Except Julian doesn't look like this, he doesn't even know if he loves her or not, he just looks like a piece of paper starting to burn quietly,

Will that paper burn everything around it?

There was a necklace that he folded around his fingers, he raised it towards his eyes to open the necklace near his red eyes that flashed the moment he opened it


A picture of that beautiful princess whom he saw smiling for the first time, and next to her a picture of that man whom Eva considered the first and last man of her life.

You have bad taste in men, Eva.

"I might want to kill her when I remember that she was the one who killed Miroslav but… there is always something that makes me hold back on that."

At the mention of Eva, he got up, as if he remembered leaving her alone in his room. Or maybe that's what he thought.

Knocking on the door of his room, it is strange for a person to knock on the door of his room, but whoever lives in that room now is a special person for the owner of the room.

Cecilia opened the door and was surprised that the person knocking on the door was the Emperor and let her head down to him

" His Majesty"

He entered the room and stood with his hands folded to his chest and with calm eyes he was speaking to Cecilia, who did not promise him such calmness.

"What happened... How is she?"

Cecilia remained silent and turned to the doctor who was still examining her body after she and Cecilia changed her clothes and wiped her body of all contaminants.

The doctor came to stand in front of him

I bowed before starting to talk to him

"Your Majesty, she suffers from severe infections in her body…."

She sighed and could not complete her words, but he nodded to her with his head so that she could continue her speech without fear or hesitation, even if the matter touched him.

"Her lower back... what she put on it became inflamed more than once, it almost killed her."

"I can infer that she is Princess Eva of the Kingdom of Mirajana."

He didn't care about this and what mattered was her life, not the tattoos he forcibly imprinted on her back

"Just tell me, will you live?"

She nodded her head at him

"I don't think the place will return to normal, of course this place will be deformed...

But we hope you wake up a week early, because if it lasts a week, she will be in a coma."

He left after he heard those words pacing away

He heads towards his private room, down a long staircase, towards the end of the palace, right there where he has made his own colony of hungry crocodiles.

"It's been a long time, kids."

He opened the large iron door by himself to enter quietly. The pond was large and contained many crocodiles that stood staring at him quietly without making any sounds.

He walked over to him, standing quietly.

For one of them to come and put his head above Julian's feet, who sat on his knees to stroke the crocodile's head, and this was a signal for the rest of the crocodiles to approach and court the master whom they feared greatly.

Julien is the one who taught the Creepy to fear even without having a mind his aura was giving them fear

A voice from behind made me smile

"Your Majesty, there is a message that has arrived from the Eastern Empire. It is an imperial message from His Majesty, the Relian Emperor."

He spoke without turning to the person standing behind him in front of the iron door

"Rielian huh?"