Game Mechanics: VIT Attribute

The [ Attribute : VIT ], or Vitality, is one of the four [ Main Attributes ] alongside STR, INT and DEX. It refers to the vital force within living organisms, their capacity to live and develop as well as their vigour for living long.

VIT is used for determining maximum hit points (Max HP) and hit points rate of recovery (HP Recovery) of a player's character. It also is used to determine the player's character lifespan (LIFE) which would affect the character's age and its appearance. This also gives rise to the character's life combat-effectiveness (LCE). The older the character is, the lower its LCE.

When a player's character's HP bar exceeds below a certain value (HP Threshold), the character's total CE would be severely reduced.

Below are the Stats calculation formulae derived from VIT:

1. Maximum Hit Point

> Base Maximum HP = Base VIT × 50

> Level-up Maximum HP = +Levelup VIT × 5

> Growth Maximum HP = +0.5 / Level

> Bonus Maximum HP = from Ability | Skill | Trait | Equipment | Others

> Total Maximum HP = Base Maximum HP + Level-up Maximum HP + Growth Maximum HP + Bonus Maximum HP


2. Hit Point Recovery Rate, HP Recovery

> Base HP Recovery = Base VIT × 1%MaxHP

> Level-up HP Recovery = +Levelup VIT × 0.1%MaxHP

> Growth HP Recovery = +0.01 HP / sec / Level

> Bonus HP Recovery = from Ability | Skill | Trait | Equipment | Others

> Total HP Recovery = Base HP Recovery + Level-up HP Recovery + Growth HP Recovery + Bonus HP Recovery


3. HP Threshold on CE

-----If HP exceeds below the HP Threshold, CE will be reduced to half.-----

> HP Threshold = 20% of MaxHP

> HP Threshold Reduction = For every 2 points in VIT or END, -1% to HP Threshold, till it reaches a minimum of 1%


4. Character's Maximum Lifespan, LIFE

> Base Max LIFE = Base VIT × 50 years + 20 years (Character's starting age = 20 years old)

> Level-up Max LIFE = +Levelup VIT × 5 years

> Bonus Max LIFE = from Ability | Skill | Equipment | Others

> Total Max LIFE = Base Max LIFE + Level-up Max LIFE + Bonus Max LIFE


5. Lifespan Combat-Effectiveness, LCE

> If Age < 50% of LIFE | LCE = 1.00

> If Age = 50% ~ 70% of LIFE | LCE = 0.8

> If Age = 70% ~ 85% of LIFE | LCE = 0.6

> If Age = 85% ~ 95% of LIFE | LCE = 0.4

> If Age > 95% of LIFE | LCE = 0.2