Change of Heart

Lin Yun shook her head, not planning to talk to Wang Qi about her past and present life.

Otherwise, Wang Qi, who had never experienced this, would probably treat herself as a lunatic and have her locked up in a mental hospital!

Lin Yun sighed slightly and turned to look at Wang Qi. "You should have received the invitation to the Zheng family's banquet!"

Wang Qi raised her eyebrows and nodded in the direction of the backseat. "There! Isn't it there!"

"I really don't understand why the Zheng family suddenly wants to hold a cocktail party!" Wang Qi snorted unhappily. "Wasn't there a crisis a while ago?"

Lin Yun lowered her eyes slightly and thought for a moment before saying, "I heard that the Lin family contributed a lot to the Zheng family's crisis this time."

"I've also heard some rumors about this." Wang Qi held the steering wheel and sounded a little hesitant.

"What?" Lin Yun asked casually.