Watch Your Attitude

"It's just a signal control. It's nothing," Blackie said. She packed up the phone and threw it to Lin Yun again.

Lin Yun held her phone and thought about it, but she couldn't figure out who wanted to deal with her.

If they really wanted to deal with her, why didn't they install tracking or eavesdropping devices? Instead, they only implanted signal control.

However, Lin Yun could not think of anything for the time being. She could only temporarily remove the signal control. At the very least, she could not delay important matters.

Lin Yun returned to the car. Wang Qi had just hung up.

"What's wrong? You don't look too happy." Lin Yun looked at Wang Qi's expression and couldn't help but ask.

"The old man wants to find me a male companion for the cocktail party," Wang Qi said as she fiercely threw the phone into the backseat.

"Male partner? Is that your blind date?" Lin Yun had already guessed her former grandfather's motive.