Lu Chen's Good Intentions

Lin Yun sighed slightly and said, "I hope my guess is wrong, but… I don't want to bet on life."

When Lin Han heard Lin Yun's words, he immediately nodded and said, "I understand! I'll go there to visit Old Master Wang. If anything happens…"

"I'll do as I see fit!" Lin Han patted Lin Yun's shoulder comfortingly.

Lin Yun looked at Lin Han gratefully. "Thank you, Big Brother!"

"I'm your big brother! Why are you thanking me!" Lin Han smiled and gently tapped Lin Yun's nose.

"From what you said, you must have a good relationship with your cousin, Wang Qi."

"The person she values should be very important to you!"

"I will help you protect the people you want to protect!"

Hearing Lin Han's words, Lin Yun felt a warmth surge into her heart.

She smiled and took a deep breath before saying, "Then I'll have to trouble you!"

"If anything really happens, please inform me immediately, Big Brother," Lin Yun added.