Set Up by Lu Chen?

Lu Chen seemed to know that Lin Yun was about to reject him.

His voice was even slower and more seductive. "Miss Lin, do you want to be bullied like this?"

Lu Chen's words instantly reminded Lin Yun of the humiliation and anger she had suffered in her previous life.

Lin Yun felt a hot and bloody taste in her mouth. She had bitten her lips.

Lin Yun came back to her senses and said softly into the phone, "Mr. Lu won't help me for nothing, right?"

Lu Chen's laughter seemed to come from the other end of the phone. However, the laughter was not obvious. Lin Yun even thought that it was an illusion.

After a while, Lu Chen's voice sounded again. "I admire Miss Lin very much. I hope Miss Lin can spare me some time for a meal together."

Hearing that Lu Chen's voice was not as cold as before, Lin Yun felt that something was different.

"Just a meal?" Lin Yun asked subconsciously.