Serious Apology

Song Peihan's eyes lit up. However, when she turned around, she saw that Lu Gan was looking at Song Ci tenderly. His words were not meant for her at all! Song Peihan became even more furious and dissatisfied! Her eyes were overflowing with jealousy!

"What's going on?"

Lu Gan asked again. He did not know what his wife was up to but based on her eyes' expression, she definitely had the leverage. Song Ci was like a sly fox. She was good at turning things around. Obviously, Lu Gan had seen through her. It was time for them to cooperate once more. 

Song He asked in a concerned tone, "Little Ci, what happened? Why are you leaving?"

"Aren't we supposed to have dinner together?"

Pang Xiaohui chimed in.

Song Ci complained in her heart, 'Says who?' 

Then, she looked at Pang Xiaohui and Song He with a sad face.