Wasted Effort

Song Peihan said angrily, "Dad, what kind of joke is this? I've never apologized to Song Ci and I never will! She doesn't deserve it!"

Song He was furious. He was trying his best to amend the situation, but Song Peihan kept sabotaging him! 

Song Peihan was about to leave, but Song He strode forward and forcefully dragged her back.

"Come here! Apologize to your sister! Otherwise, I'll teach you a lesson!"

Pang Xiaohui knew that today's matter could not be resolved easily. After all, Lu Gan went against his father and gave up his job for Song Ci. She could only try to persuade her daughter, "Peihan, come here and apologize to your sister."

Then, she whispered, "Don't make things difficult for your father. Be more sensible!"

She stared at Song Peihan, hoping that she would understand.