Memories and Attacks

It looks majestic and exudes a majestic and very holy atmosphere, with so many decorations and books written with holy verses inside with towering gold walls and pillars.

At first glance, this looks like a castle, but the conclusion is wrong because this grand building is called a mosque. More precisely the Mosque, the mosque belonging to God Callius and his followers.

Standing there looking like a high-ranking Priest. And faced with youth with black hair and emerald green eyes.

"In the name of God Callius, I appoint you as a pilgrim"

Right inside the mosque.

A voice containing a revelation from God was given to the young man.

"Dvito Mordven. I'll give you the stigma and this rosary necklace..."

The emergence of a stigma at the nape of the neck, making anyone that this is proof he is a child of God.

A necklace decorated with the token of the god Callius.

"From now on your Hajj task is to find your core. Because that core is the form of your destiny weapon."

A Rosary necklace hung above his neck

"I wish you happiness, son..." said the high priest.

"Thank You, Lord"

The reply from the young man.

He thought this event would go his way, but against his expectations...

There were voices of gossip from the congregation from behind the young man.

"Hey isn't that the Mordven family scum?"

"Hee….. he has now got a pilgrimage job, I hope he doesn't die in the middle of his pilgrimage"

"Shhhh….Shut up, he'll hear your swearing"


The young man clicked his tongue. The whole room was silent for a moment.

The young man gritted his teeth and started walking out with a red angry face.

'Dirt!!! '

The young man thought after leaving the mosque.



Dvito suddenly opened his eyes from his sleep. He felt like his head hurt.

'What is this body's memory?'

"Looks like this body memory fragment is flooding my soul memory"

I think it's a memory from Dvito's coming-of-age ceremony. The sound of insults, insults, and insults from the family to the people around him.

'It's natural for this bastard to be angry, knowing that he doesn't have any fighting arts talent'

dvito character.

As we know he is a character that appears in the prologue of the game and dies in the prologue of the game as well.

The prologue scene of this game shows a village called Yorna, which is being attacked by waves of goblin monsters. Bloody scene showing

One-sided massacre. Piles of scattered corpses and damaged buildings and walls.

Immediately, a young man with black hair and black robes was shown running in fear of being chased by goblins...

And that's Dvito Mordven. Die at the hands of the goblins.

This man is unfortunate. I still remember her frightened face while watching on the monitor screen.

Somehow I suddenly remembered the conversation I had with seniors at the work office before being thrown into this world. While remembering that conversation, I closed my eyes.

At that time, I sat on the work chair with the monitor screen in front of me and

holding my head as if I had a headache.

"Wow….I think you're pretty bad, teo"

The soft voice of a beautiful woman woke me up in a depressed state. This woman is my senior from the design department, holding two cups of coffee and handing one to me.

"What do you mean, senior rena?"

"Look, you set up mordven bastard's stats so badly! What the hell is this? Everything is in the 1 range, he's not even a human" – This woman named Rena exclaimed as if dumbfounded.

"Then what? Do you have an opinion?"

"That's it, my man, why don't you change the numbers to the lowest level fighter range? That way I can get inspiration when designing it. I will make him look like the most handsome man in the world"

"Hmmm….well accepted, but what about the talent?"

"Dvito is an asshole, isn't he?"

"Yes? Ah, that's right."

"What if….."

Seeing senior close her eyes with wrinkles in his eyes and hands crossed as if thinking about the life of her imaginary lover.

'Damn, she's so pretty when she thinks'

Those were the words that described my inner thoughts when I saw the goddess who was deep in thought.

'Somehow strangely I didn't fall for his charm and seduction. I'm not gay am I?'

A strange question popped up so I felt goosebumps all over my back.



Senior's shout made me ask reflexively in panic.

"Tell you what, dvito mordven is the eldest son of count mordven a family head renowned for swordsmanship. The lord of the southern region of the qeon kingdom who was famous since the age of 16 reached stage 3..."


"On the contrary, his son, who is famous as a rogue among ruffians, doesn't even have the talent for arts or swordsmanship. But he relies solely on the talent called hard work..."


"Even though he's weak, he keeps on trying without anyone else knowing, trying desperately to train at night. But his nature and character are twisted because his efforts don't yield any results."

Very good opinions from seniors about dvito's talents and characteristics, but….

"No matter what route dvito chooses, he will die in the end right?"

"Yeah, but he's still a noble, he doesn't want his death to be in vain. By serving as bait to distract the goblins, so that the villagers have time to escape the goblins"

"So he sacrificed himself in the end huh?"

"That's right, isn't that the nature of true nobility?"

"Yes yes"

I ended up following this goddess's opinion. And I think he's pretty reliable.

'Who cares about the fate of the characters who will die in the prologue'

That crazy boss always piled up my workload. I still remember when I first met the boss. When he saw me for the first time, the first thing he said was 'the wheel of fate the goddess Iris chose you'.

I didn't know what he meant and didn't care if I thought about it, didn't know the meaning of the sentence he was saying at that time.

Honestly, I thought he was hit by a master-level Chūnibyō. I feel sorry for his wife.


I secretly took a deep breath.


*chirp 4×


I heard the sound of birds chirping and immediately brought me to the real world.

'Looks like the sky is starting to turn blue'

Got up from my sleeping pose and walked out of the camp tent. Then I walked to the river to wash my sleepy face.

While looking at my face, I thought…

'Come to think of it this face is handsome, just as seniors would expect in terms of designing it. It's too perfect in form and arrangement'

Walking towards my camp and picking up my sword while stretching these weak muscles.

'Looks like I have to practice endurance, stamina and the basics of kendo swordsmanship back in middle school'

Unknowingly a bitter smile formed on my face, remembering the youth I had when I was in high school which was full of energy.


Pull in deeply and close my eyes.


Slowly I opened my eyes and said encouraging words to myself

"Come can do it"


After 3 days of traveling to find the first-generation saint swordsmanship book.

I have free time to train my swordsmanship and body.

At night I train hard to practice my dantian like in the new martial arts genre novel I've read before.

Similar to the chakra training system in the Japanese anime series. Just as the Taoist system uses three main energy reservoirs, which are called dantians.

There is the upper dantian, which is placed slightly above the eyes in the forehead area, the middle dantian, which is centered on the sternum (middle of the chest and in line with the heart) and finally, the lower dantian, which is located about three inches below the navel between the two halves. front of the torso and spine.

'In that case, how much power will one gain after learning the dantian concept?'

The lower and middle dantians vary in size but are roughly the size of a small bowling ball, while the size of the upper dantian depends on the level of attainment of an individual, usually being the size of a golf ball to a tennis ball in most people.

"Either genius or whatever has the advantage of learning this"

Muttering with a depressed face, as if the world wasn't fair.

Dvito slowly closed his eyes to practice his dantian after training his physique just a moment ago.

Practicing dantian has its advantages. Because then, we can use the lower dantian to increase the power, just as this power process is almost like activating a battery.

Furthermore, we can use the middle dantian to change what has been trapped in our shadows, which we will eventually have the strength and ability to deal with.

From here, new energy will be released and purified in the upper dantian where it will become a pure light of consciousness, the more self-aware I am, the easier this process will be.

Alchemy is actually quite fun once the "engine" starts up, there's always something to clean up, there's always energy to access and there's always stuff to unlock, once you get this, there's never a dull moment in life. As if this world is like entertainment.

In understanding the concept, dvito can only conclude verbally. That's dvito's point of view on the definition and advantages of studying it.




A woman screams in the middle of the forest. Concentration was suddenly cut off, accidentally jerking dvito. He hastily stood up and took the sword next to him.

Looking around the forest, only thick trees can be seen.

'Is that a woman's voice? In the middle of the forest?!?'

"It doesn't make sense that there's a woman in the middle of the mountains!!"

Sweat dripped down his back. Dvito slowly spread the qi energy through his breath and air.

'Let's focus!!'

The spread of energy starting from the surrounding air quickly propagated through the gaps of objects such as trees, soil, and surrounding leaves.

Suddenly the flow of energy caught three certain living objects in the vicinity.


No need to waste time, dvito quickly kicked the ground.



Running with all his might, quickly saw a life-threatening scene. There was an old woman who fell with her buttocks on the ground while being frightened by the young woman around the teenager in front of her holding a sword and a silver wolf-like monster.

'Is that a wolf? Wait, don't tell me that…'


Dvito reflexively shouted seeing the monster.

Fenrir is a giant wolf in Norse mythology. Moreover, in front of Dvito, it seems that he is too young here.

Fighting Fenrir even though he looks very young is a reckless act.



The young woman groaned. Suddenly the young Fenrir began to pounce on the two women.

'Damn, I have to help!! But how? Ah!'

Dvito consciously possessed one talent which was quite useful while checking the status a few days ago.


Strengthening his guts, dvito rushed to kick the ground and raised his sword.

[Talent 'Acting' activated]

[Actor Dugu Qiubai's acting target]

[The comprehension of 'Nine Dugu Swords' is about 10%]

[Skill 'Nine Dugu Swords' activated]

'General Index Attitude!!'

Shouting one of the nine dugu sword stances. A strange sensation ran through all of dvito's senses. Green light enveloped the sword in his right hand.

"Hey!!! Bow down!!!!"

The two women panicked when they suddenly heard a scream. Then hastily looked down.

Without further ado, dvito kicked the ground and leapt rushing against the young fenrir with his sword raised. A simple vertical movement filled with enough power to split in two.

'My aim is the forehead'

Fenrir turned his gaze to dvito who suddenly wanted to attack him.



As if to challenge him, he responded with a claw attack.


The distance between Dvito's two sword strikes and the young Fenrir's two sword strikes narrowed.


The clash of the two attacks featured a burst of sound. Dust swirled around him.

"Cough..cough...What happened?"

The young woman's voice was frantic. She couldn't understand what was going on here. Moments ago she was desperately trying to save her mother from being attacked by a young Fenrir, when she heard a young man scream telling her and her mother to bow their heads.

The scene shown is a young man with black hair and shiny green eyes rushing to attack the young Fenrir. Then after the two attacks met, there was a sudden explosive sound between the clashes.

Scattered dust, causing the young woman's sense of vision to be blocked.

A few minutes later, the dust that was blocking the young woman's vision slowly dissipated.

Gave a shocking sight in front of the young woman. She saw the black haired youth kneeling with blood running down his body, then the corpse of the young fenrir with his head split in two, then the sword stuck almost around his head, it almost pierced the young fenrir's neck.

The youth suddenly mumbled.

"Hah... haahh.. it worked.. ugh"

"Ah, are you okay?"

The youth groaned in pain. The young woman gasped and reflexively asked carefully.

"I'm fine, the most important thing is..."

Dvito answered then looked up into the air.

[Your level has increased]

[Divine power increased by +20]

[Strength increased by +10]

[You Saved a troubled person. Faith Stats will be added]

[Faith increased +15]



