Name Recognition

[You get the title 'The Helper']

[Title effect added, 3% Divine power increase]

After I finished defeating Fenrir, my whole body was sickly. I could barely even move my whole body from using too much divine power when choosing [Acting talent] to fight against fenrir.

'Ugh...damn, luckily I can act one of the characters in the wuxia novel I read first'

It was because [acting talent] had conditions and rules for using it.

—You have to get to know more about the character

—If you can feel the character while acting, then you can copy certain skills

—However, if you are too immersed in acting, then all the emotions of the characters you play will take over your body completely

These 3 conditions are too absurd, but otherwise the advantages cannot be ignored.

'In other words, I have to get to know the character I want to be cast as a target'

"The more you sink into acting the more you lose yourself, so I—"

"I asked once, are you all right?"

A female voice interrupted my thoughts and speech. Turning my head and narrowing my eyes to see her condition.

This young lady looked worried. In addition, her face is quite familiar. Is she an important game character too?

I had a feeling I knew this woman, but I don't think I designed it.

There's no point in sorting out my memories now anyway. So I answered the young lady's question.

"Hoo…I'm fine, moreover is the old lady with you alright?"

"She my mother, she's fine. It's just that she fainted from fright"

After she said that, I turned my gaze in the direction she was pointing at. There was seen the old woman in question, she was passed out near a tree in a reclining position.

'Serious? Her mother doesn't look all right, but thank goodness she—'


The instant my thoughts were cut off, pain swept through my entire body. It's possible this is an effect because I haven't mastered my divine power yet.

"What happened!?"

The young lady panicked as she was surprised to hear my painful moans. Without answering the young lady's question, I called her the woman standing in front of me in a firm tone.



"Could you take the bag of potions near my tent, over there"

"Huh? eh? Ah...well, wait a minute!"

At first she looked confused as to what I meant, but soon realized what I was saying. The young lady ran hastily in the direction I pointed. This pain was intolerable after all, it reminded me of the pain when I dueled my swordsmanship teacher in my previous life. But…

'...This hurts even more than the pain of that damn old man's punch'

After the pain subsided, I calmed down and closed my eyes to catch my breath. It's because my adrenaline spiked after stopping the overuse of skills. At first while using [Acting Talent] I didn't feel anything, whether it was the atmosphere of being in a killing situation, as well as the sensation after killing.

That's the benefit of acting as a swordsman in a wuxia novel. I didn't think long while using my talent skill. As a result the consequence of using talent has arrived as well.

'Seriously, this hurts!!'

Desperately enduring the pain by biting her own tongue, until the woman brought the item I asked for.


<15 minutes later…>

"Sorry to wait, this is what you asked for"

"T-thank you"

Finally the woman had returned. There was no need to waste time quickly grabbing the bag she held out towards me, took some of the potions I prepared before traveling and poured them into my mouth.


"Huh….thank you"

[Divine power+]

[Divine power+]

[Divine power+]

'Finally I can relax a bit'

In an instant my strength recovered a little. It's because I only bought low grade holy water. Certainly not effective, but quite worth the price.

In this world, holy water has several levels. Start with low level, medium level, high level and myth level.

Three levels other than the mythical level can be found and purchased in various mosques scattered in each place, of course that applies to all holy water from the gods who guard this world. As for the mythical level is the rarest, holy water is strictly guarded under the authority of the mosque and the ruler of the state. That's because the benefits and properties of the holy water are very effective.

But the holy water is only accessible to important people of the mosque and the royal family. There are rumors that myth-level holy water is almost extinct due to use for past wars, but only I know, it's because it has existed since 6,666 years ago.

How could I know that? because I was the one in charge of designing various items during my previous job.

It is a natural holy water that is made directly by the god himself, in contrast to the other 3 levels through the prayer ceremony. Then the holy water will appear by itself with your prayer. The longer your prayer the higher the level of the holy water and also the higher the use of divine power for the producer.

I don't want to wait too long for the mosque people to pray to get a moderate level, a moderate level is enough for me. There's another reason why I chose a low level, the reproduction process can take hours not to mention the cost to get a medium level, so I chose a lower level.

Don't be fooled by the effect, because dvito is just a bum who was kicked out of his family. I didn't expect the money he had in his pocket, it was likely that it was his own. Of course, I don't forget to save money.

'I need a few minutes to digest this holy water'


'Thankfully, because the nature of [greed] digests holy water quite quickly'

Finally I can open my eyes and my field of vision is clearer.

"Thanks for saving"


Sure enough, I almost forgot about this woman. Damn, it seems I look weird in this woman's eyes. How long did he wait? Honestly, I don't know what to say. There was truth in calling this situation my first interaction since I was thrown into this world. It's quite awkward on the inside even though on the outside it looks calm and expressionless, especially since the other person is a woman. So the next word to say is...

"Dvito. My name is Dvito"

"Okay, thank you Mr Dvito"

"There's no need to use the title 'master', I'm just a pilgrim and also we seem to be the same age"


This young lady just nodded seriously at my words. I estimate, in the eyes of this young lady, I am either a benefactor or a hero. It was clear his eyes stared at me starry.

'Shit, don't look at me like that. Let's change the topic'

"By the way, why are you guys in the middle of this forest let alone near the foot of the mountain. Aren't you afraid of death?"

Hearing the cold indifferent voice, the young woman became gloomy with her eyes looking down.

'Eh? I didn't say anything wrong?'

I unconsciously sweat profusely about the words I just said. I had to find a way to silence this bastard's nature so there wouldn't be any misunderstanding.

Waited a few minutes to give this woman time to finish her thoughts.

"Honestly I was told to go this way if I wanted to go to the mosque"

"The mosque? What about the mosque?"

"Yeah...urhm..actually I haven't done the ceremony of maturity and giving revelation from God"

'So I see, no wonder she didn't use divine power against that young fenrir earlier, there's only one answer I can give this woman'

"I see, but you're stupid"


This woman was confused by my sudden remark, so I repeated once more.

"I said you were stupid"

"What do you mean?"

The frown on this young lady's forehead after the swearing I uttered.

"Let me be clear, it's too suspicious that the route to the mosque is so dangerous. It's obvious the person who told you about this route has ulterior motives, it's just that you're too innocent and easy to trick."


"You could say you're just looking for death or being framed by people who have enmity towards you and your mother"


I can only see this young lady biting her own lip. A common thing in this world as well as in the real world, human nature is like that. In the future I will see the suffering of the people I meet in the future, because that is the way of the pilgrim and the most annoying job by this world's standards.

"Why...if not these eyes..."

It seems like she's muttering to herself that I can't even hear what she's muttering. I also have to think about my own destiny, not the time to think about other people's problems. So, there's only one thing I can do…


"There's no need to feel guilty, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure your weaknesses can become your strengths in the future."

Staring at me with wide open eyes after I told some words of motivation. I could see her shoulders shaking, she seemed moved.

In their teens usually they need a few words of motivation from people who are more mature than them, more precisely in the current state of depression. Even though my body is in its teens, my soul is still an adult.

"So be strong"

"Strong? Does being strong enough to kill your enemy?"

"It depends on yourself, you can become strong to protect people"

"To be a hero?"

"No one told you to be a hero, just protect the people you deserve to protect. Simple, just follow your heart"

"Inner voice"

"Right, I believe you can do it"

"Why do you trust me"

I wonder why? That's because I have a feeling that this young lady is not as simple as she seems, like seeing a potential light of hope for people in the future.

"I don't know, because you're a genius...maybe?"

"I'm a genius... hehe"

Seeing she laugh happily puts a pretty thin smile on my face. Seeing my faintly handsome smile made this young lady blush on her face and turn her head to the side.

"Cough...cough...Thanks again dvito"

"Save your thanks again, bring your mother if you have the energy. We're going to my camp to rest"


After that, we walked back to my camp with the position of this young woman carrying her mother and I walked with the sword as a support to walk, in my current state it was impossible to run.



Hearing she call out to me, I stopped walking and turned to look at the young woman. Tilts my head with a question mark above my head. Asked why she called me.

"Sorry I haven't introduced myself"


Raising my eyebrows, only now do I realize that I forgot to ask her name. It's like I don't care who she is nor do I want to know her name. This lady noticed that I forgot to ask her name, but she smiled.

"I am the daughter of a concubine of the Raffleta Family, the ruler of the southeast"

If it's the southeast lord, then they only have two daughters and the rest a boy.

"Hm? Are you the eldest daughter there?"

"I'm not You could say I'm the second child"

Suddenly my head was struck by lightning. I forgot that there was a character with details like this. Putting on a dumbfounded face as if remembering something her identity.

"Wait if it's the second child, don't tell me you–"

"Oh! You know my name, right. My name is—"

Stella Raffleta.

She is a fairly important character in this game world. A woman who has weak faith but has tremendous potential.

With the appearance of the long golden hair that is characteristic of the Raffleta lineage and the gray eyes that she has adding to the attractiveness of the future, there is only one person who has gray eyes in this world. And more importantly he is…

The person who would become the next second generation's first [Saint].