New Partner

Zodreg Mountains, Qeon Eastern Region.


Footsteps echoed through the forest, as if telling the locals that they too had to be acknowledged. With the sun shining their way through the gaps in the leaves from above.

The three of them walked in a straight line, with a combination of two women and one man leading the way. Stuck in the silence that didn't even come out of their mouths, especially the two people who were still conscious.

'Huh… how could I forget it'

Walking quietly towards the tent while maintaining my poker face. Either on the way we didn't talk much after introducing ourselves earlier.

It made Stella wonder if she had said the wrong thing. She wanted to ask why, but she chose to remain silent, afraid that she might say the wrong thing again.

Realized what she was thinking, so I decided to just let it go. Too lazy to make excuses, especially in a situation like this.

I'm not stupid to tell about the truth. That I'm from another world?, and I know little about the future?

To be honest I was confused about whether there was anything wrong with my memory. I used to have a pretty good memory, though, remembering every item and a few potential characters. Plus I've implemented the [memory palace] concept.

Not wanting to complicate things, I couldn't help but sort out other people's memories that weren't even mine.

'Haa….in other words, too much trouble'

In fact-

There is some assumption that teo's memories with dvito's mixed into one soul. It makes my head and brain become dizzy, because that incident happened to me a few days ago. Shake my head and focus on the road ahead.


After walking for a while, we finally arrived at my camp. I told Stella to lay her mother in the tent, then I told she to rest to recover her stamina because she was just tired. Thankfully she only got a small wound.

The next step I only have to prepare food for three people because of the additional 2 people. I should be grateful that my food supply is sufficient for the day ahead.

Light a fire for cooking. Took the dried meat to cook again. Put the iron pot on the fire, then fill the pan with enough water.

My goal is to cook soup, I don't have much experience of cooking common food in European culture, let alone in medieval times. So instead I cook Asian culture meat soup in my hometown.

During the cooking process, I need to remove some of the remaining impurities that float. Then after it is clean from dirt, mix it with the tied celery that I have prepared into the pan.

The main key in cooking beef soup is to boil the meat until the texture is soft and just right. In addition, the gravy from the broth must also be considered. Do not let the boiling process take too long to make the gravy dry and become too salty.

"It's good that my camping experience in the past can be useful at times like this"

The trick is to set the fire and be patient in the boiling process. When the beef stew boils, reduce the heat and let it sit for a while. After reaching the right meat texture, just add the ground spices that have been sauteed. Also sprinkle some salt to enrich the taste of the gravy.

Too bad I don't have vegetables such as carrots and potatoes which are hard to find with the majority of the continent's population growing wheat.

There were still a few minutes until it was cooked, I waited by sitting on a rock by the fire watching the cooking. While thinking about what happened to me just a moment ago.

Sighing, lamenting what had happened. It just happened, an important figure in the future great war. Stella's character was originally a genius and highest level archknight.

A warrior with potential can pass through the Soul Master Stage and move on to the next stage. I know what her character traits are like and what her past has been like.

'Of course I also have the potential to match him in the future, so I don't need to waste time'

"The most amazing thing is his swordsmanship"

It was a swordsmanship with a violent wave vibration, not to mention the speed of a sword technique. It has a rank that is almost on par with the swordsmanship I'm currently looking for, but….

'it's still in the future, she can't even use divine power yet'


My senses catch accordingly, something like the sound of footsteps right behind me, roughly getting closer. But I already know who it is.

"What do you think, dvito"

From the tone of her voice, I guessed Stella had recovered. She saw me cooking and came over to me as if to say something.

"It's okay, by the way it's noon so I'm cooking beef stew for our lunch. Sorry, this is all I have"

", we were the ones who troubled you"

"Right, you're a nuisance"

"Ugh…just wait, one day I will repay Budi, I promise!!!"

The first time I heard someone sincerely thank you other than, Senior Rena.

"By the way what did you do with the corpse of the monster earlier?"

"Oh~that? I turned it into a core"

"Ah…that's the power of pilgrims isn't it? Is it possible for me to see it?"

"Of course"

Agreeing to Stella's request, I took out a core from my bag to show her to.

Immediately a shiny green ball appeared in my hand. I can feel the energy from this soul orb.


"I agree with you"

Nodding in satisfaction to see Stella admiring the green core in my hand.

'This is the first time I've used a love verse, not a god's miracle if it's like that. I'd rather call it item drop after leveling'

And then–

A question crossed my mind. I stroked my chin while muttering.

"What weapon will be born?"

Thus, the question made Stella tap her lips. Guessing the weapon that came out, it made she moan softly.

"I bet it's a sword, how about you?"

"Ehm... I'm a sword too"

We both looked at each other and smiled, Stella blushed again at my smile. Ignoring that, without further ado, I stretched out towards the green core in front of me and chanted a holy verse.

"O dear soul~ be a rock for your owner~"


Hearing the chant, the soul in the core responded. Emitting white smoke enveloped the soul core. The shimmering light changed the core in front of me.

Stella and I couldn't help but admire the beautiful landscape before us.


Immediately form the body of the handle, from the bottom to the top. The hilt of the sword was black with several small kite rectangular decorations.

"The baby will be born soon!"

Stella's rambling was endless, so I couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It appears a single-edged shiny blade but with a straight shape, furthermore the underside has round or square hand guards and a long grip suitable for two hands to hold.

Seeing her appearance, made my eyes widen and then turned into astonishment, it was the same for Stella.

In terms of shape and appearance is quite unique. Only one name belongs to this sword.

"Sebuah shinobigatana [忍刀?]?"

'eh? No…, isn't this a Japanese sword'

Observing the sword in my hand, I immediately activated the system window.



Class – Nature

Type – Katana

Soul – From the soul of Fenrir who died in age

teenager with wind spirit blessing

in his soul.

Description – 8% wind control to increase attack speed. The user's resistance increases by 12% against cold temperatures.


'Jackpot!!, I finally got a useful sword'

Heart pounded with excitement. Unlike the ordinary metal sword I used against the monster earlier. This one sword has an effect, moreover the speed increases when launching an attack.

Seeing my happy face, made Stella smile in amusement.

She even congratulated me, so I thanked her in return. It's like winning the lottery in one try. I call it the luck of a lifetime.

Needless to say, I eagerly tried the sharpness of the sword.

Prepared the posture of the samurai-type stances that I had been honing all this time. Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands while taking in my breath to focus my senses.

And at that time...


Cut, parry, cut one side, turn to the other side and then back to the other side, slash from top to bottom, and again up.

The movement only lasted a few minutes. Realizing that was enough then I pulled back the sword to repair the stance again, then sheathed the sword into the cheap leather sheath that was on his waist.

All moves end at the same time.

"gasp, gasp, gasp, gasp"

I was flabbergasted after I finished performing the sword technique. Take a deep breath to calm my ragged breathing and close my eyes, then open them again.



Glancing to the side, I saw a pair of starry eyes staring at me intensely. It made my forehead sweat, making me awkward inside, so I decided to ask.

"What do you think? Do you have an opinion to share?"

"Cool!!! You're really cool, dvito"

Gave me a thumbs up as if it was a dance show.

"No, I mean the sword. What about the sword?"

"Oh! Hehe….sorry, but I think the blade gives an attack with added wind element, which can make the tree you cut earlier split easily"

Stella's opinion was quite accurate. Some natural class weapons generally didn't have a high enough durability especially when used against spirit rank swords.

But the natural-class farkas sword is quite unique with the wind element, besides that its shape takes the form of the katana or katana weapons used by ninjas, in other words practical.

'Right, just 8% is sharp enough to cut down a few goblins. Then what if it was Fenrir who was the parent? Is the wind control big enough?'

While I was contemplating whether I should decide whether to hunt down the mother or not, while Stella was just blabbering about the appearance of the sword in front of me with her hands clasped together.


Within 30 minutes, we were talking about the appearance of Sword Farkas.

Just realized that 30 minutes had passed, so we decided to stop talking. Seeing that the food was already cooked, I decided to pick it up and tell Stella that lunch is ready.

"I will wake my mother"

After saying that, she went to see her mother. So I just need to prepare the food while Stella wakes up her mother.


I don't know why I was so nervous to meet Stella's mother.

"Eh? wait a minute... Why do I feel like I'm about to meet my mother-in-law?"


Blume Castle, Qeon southeast central region.

A castle building with the outside extending from the width and length of kilometers. The castle which is the residence of the ruler of the southeast and his family.

Blume Castle.

Blume is surrounded by seven terraces decorated with marble statues and vases.

Decorations that use wood both exterior and interior make this castle look very classic. The color of the building which is dominated by white and red and the Swiss-style design add to the perfect beauty of Blume Castle.

In this castle there are also 168 rooms and only 35 rooms are open to the public. These rooms, are places like the rooms of servants and workers, plus rooms for libraries and armory.

The rest of the room, of course, is for the benefit of the noble family that occupies the castle.

In a private room, it shows an orange-haired woman sitting very quietly, holding a cup of tea.

In front of the orange-haired woman were two men kneeling with the appearance of black robes wrapped around their bodies like assassins, the other the appearance of a commoner's dress.

"How are they? Are they both dead?" asked the woman.

Hearing the orange woman's arrogant voice, the two men in front once again lowered their heads.

"Sorry for my rudeness, madam. But the situation of the Zodreg forest is not good enough, some demon beasts are wandering around, moreover there is no geographic map of the forest at all"

Hearing the robed man's answer made the woman frown.

"You mean you and your subordinates are incompetent?"

Sensing that the man in black robes angered his master, he once again made excuses.

"That's not it, madam! I mean no matter how strong a fighter is if he doesn't recognize their battlefield it's tantamount to suicide"

The woman finally gave up on scolding him and sighed.

"Do you think Medea and her daughter have any chance of surviving there?" asked the woman curiously.

As far as I'm concerned it's only 1000:1 in comparison, but that's if they have the Goddess of Fortune with them

you could say is a miracle. Even masters don't dare to enter the forest, only people who know the geographical location of the forest can survive."

Smiling faintly hearing her subordinate's answer.

"Good, continue your work. Make sure to track them down until you find them, I'm still not satisfied if I haven't heard of their corpses, and also if they're not dead make sure to kill them"

"As you wish, my lady."

After saying that the assassin robed man left. Immediately, the woman turned her gaze to the other man.

"As we promised, Joshua. Here's the fee"

Handing the pouch containing the gold coins inside to the commoner man.

"Hoho...thank you madam, my job is just to trick them about the route they are going to take"

"If your rambling is over, get out of my sight immediately, and also keep your mouth shut about this matter"

"Of course my lady"

As soon as the man left, the entire room fell silent. Then the woman looked at the window and muttered.

"Medea, I'll make sure you're miserable"

With a face full of evil smiles that had ensured her victory.